The Cork Poppers, our wine tasting group, celebrated the holidays by making plans to survive the political chaos of 2025 and beyond with the theme of "Wines to Get Us Through." Judging by the tastings, we will at least be somewhat festive, if numb.
The Gypsy Caravan 2023
Monday, December 30, 2024
Thursday, December 26, 2024
Holidays at Home: A Tale of Two Christmases!
Like so many of you, our family enjoyed more than one Christmas this year -- one at home, one at the kids' house.
That was our first one and it actually began a bit earlier in the week when Rick when down to kid-sit and I followed a couple of days later. They boys are six and seven (nearly eight) so it's a fun age to be with them. They're still young enough to have some magic in them, so when we went to the bookstore we came home with the elf on the shelf. It certainly kept them occupied.
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Happy Everything This Month!
Happily wishing all my blog friends a very Fun Festivus, Lovely Solstice, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Jolly Boxing Day, and good wishes for whatever else, if anything, you are celebrating at the end of this month.
May your days be merry and bright. . .
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Holidays at Home: Holiday Fun
In the countdown till Christmas one must make time for a little fun, a little friendship.
My friend Suzanne (from Canada) came for a short visit -- partly to come to Cork Poppers, partly for Christmas shopping, partly for VERY belated birthday celebrating (my birthday is in August; we tend to do each other's about four months off. We'll do Christmas in January.)
Sunday, December 15, 2024
Holidays at Home: Christmas in the House!
It's time to deck the halls. Many of you blog friends have done that long ago. I'm behind the game but can happily say I've "hauled out the holly" and "decked the halls." It's a bit more low key than usual but it's been a very rough month and I'm just glad to get the cheer back into the house. (Where it will probably stay until Valentine's Day!)
I suppose I should start with my narrow entry hall. The greeting angel stays there year round, but I have a tall, skinny tree with mostly silver, red and white ornaments to light the way.
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Holidays at Home! Greens and Tea!
I said I'd be breaking up some of our London posts for Holidays at Home -- 'Tis the season, after all! And spending time with friends is what it's all about. So when fellow Corkie Barb texted Kate and me to see if we'd love to come cut pine greens and have tea and cookies, we said, "Well, yeah!"
It was a gorgeous day -- cold but not windy and sunny so it was pleasant. Most of our snow had melted and it was an easy walk to the back forty where six white pines were waiting for us!
Saturday, December 7, 2024
This England: Christmas at Selfridges
Selfridges is one of London's oldest department stores and it is a beauty. It's not always for the fiscally faint of heart but no one can deny there are some beautiful things there. This is no more obvious than at Christmas time. Even in October, they had their "Christmas Shop" open -- and it was enchanting.
I think you can imagine that when I saw these two trees flanking the entry as I was walking down the aisle, my pace quickened a bit because I knew I had to see what was inside!
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
This England: This Library Is More than Books!
So, what did we do on our first full day out in London? We went to the library!
And believe me, the British Library is no ordinary library. Yes, there are books (although you have to get a special pass to the reading room to actually touch one, except in one of the two gift shops). But there is so much more!
Monday, December 2, 2024
This England: Welcome to London!
Welcome to London! And welcome back to the travel posts! (I will probably be breaking here and there to fill you in on things like holiday fun). And yes, London was beginning to be decked for the season, too!
Sunday, December 1, 2024
Cork Poppers Taste Wines to Die For!
I thought that now I was back with posts about our Life Back Home for a bit, I'd share another spirited outing. Our Cork Poppers wine tasting group met in early November with a post Day of the Dead theme, "Wines to Die For" at member Bob's house, assisted by his daughter, Heather, and her son, Andrew. (Note to self: I really need to write these posts up immediately, even if I don't post them, as my notes are a tad sketchy!)
But we were all happy to get our take-away gift early -- these very fun black skull wine glasses that Heather found at Home Goods! Now it was time to start filling them up!
Thursday, November 28, 2024
A Travel Break!
Before we move on to our visit to London, the Cotswolds and more, I thought I might give you a break from travel posts and fill you in on life at home since we've been back. It has been a bit of a whirlwind. We're talking art sale, ditch walks, bugs, and odd autumn happenings!
Monday, November 25, 2024
This England: Farewell, Bath
After a week in the country, we packed our bags, ready to leave for London. In some ways, neither of us wanted to go. Yes, we were excited for London and all that awaited, but we were so very happy here, we knew it would be hard to say goodbye.
Once our things were together, we decided on a last walk, about two miles. We headed toward Monkton Combe, walking well-trod paths. It was a lovely day and we took our time.
Friday, November 22, 2024
This England: Rick Takes a Hike -- A Guest Post
While I was admiring the magnificent architecture and glorious peace of Wells Cathedral, Rick took advantage of a beautiful day to do a hike.
Here's another guest post by Rick (actually, his Facebook post of that day) to give you an idea of the beautiful countryside as seen on foot.
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
This England: All's Well in Wells
Before we left home, as I was checking maps and guidebooks, I saw that the town of Wells wasn't far from Bath. And indeed, when I spoke with friend Martha, she said it was an easy bus ride away. I'd been curious about Wells and its cathedral for years, ever since I saw a photo by my friend, the late travel photographer Wally Parshall. I knew this was a spot I'd like to visit.
Rick, on the other hand, wanted to take advantage of the lovely day to take a hike, so I went into the city and hopped the double decker bus, sitting happily in the first row of the upper level, and off I went to Wells!
Sunday, November 17, 2024
This England: Time for Tea in Bath
One always hears about rain in England and we got the Bath version on this day. And it was odd -- it would pour relentlessly and hard; then stop; then drizzle; then pour again. It was a good morning to stay in for a bit, especially after our walking day in Cardiff. Rick worked on his family tree, I read. But around noon we decided it wasn't going to clear up and we certainly weren't going to stay in the house all day, so off we went! After all, it was a good day for an afternoon tea!
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
More From Cardiff, Wales
If you saw my post on Cardiff Castle, you'll know we spent a good deal of time there. We were definitely ready for lunch and it didn't take long to find a lively pub with a good menu!
Rick and I decided to split a pint and we ordered hearty lunches -- sausage and mash for him, another steak and mushroom pie for me (not quite as good as Hope and Anchor, but nothing to complain about!).
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
A Short Visit to Wales
My second great grandmother was from Wales. I know little about her but I've always been a bit curious about England's neighboring country to the west. So, when we decided to base for a week in Bath, it was an added bonus that a trip to Wales would make for a fun and interesting day.
So, Rick and I took off on the train from Bath. It was a fairly short ride, about 90 minutes, and soon we were in Cardiff. And, I have to say it was the smoothest, most quiet train ride I've ever had -- quite different from our American AMTRAK (at least in Michigan!)
Sunday, November 10, 2024
This England: Remembering the Veterans
Those of us in America may well have had parents or grandparents who served overseas in World War I or World War II, and many did not return home. But our country was not physically attacked. We may have had blackouts or rations, our men and women and working to support the war effort. But we were not bombed, with entire cities and towns being destroyed. Many in my own generation may or may not have served in the military. In Europe, it was a different story.
On November 11, 1918, World War I ended. One year later in the U.S., president Woodrow Wilson introduced Armistice Day, which honored the end of that way. In the UK, Remembrance Day (or Poppy Day, because people wear red poppies that day) evolved from Armistice Day. It was during World War II that the name of the holiday was changed to Veterans Day in the U.S. Now we honor all veterans on this holiday. But many are remembered every day through memorials, and we saw many during our recent trip to England.
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
This England: A Fabulous Market in Frome
Before our trip, we had lunch with our friends Mark and Martha, whose cottage we were renting. They gave us some tips on things we might want to explore while in Bath and one was going to the Independent, a market in the nearby town of Frome (pronounced Froom like broom).
Well, one look at the website and we were all in! So the day after rugby, off we went, boarding the bus (which actually arrived on time right down the hill from us!).
Monday, November 4, 2024
This England -- Let's Go to a Rugby Game!
I confess, when Rick said he wanted to go to a rugby game while we were in Bath, I wasn't exactly keen. I mean, what do we know about rugby? I'm not even fond of football and at least I know the rules.
But it is a very English sport and when in Rome (or Bath), get into the swing of it! So, while Rick was out riding his bike from Bath to Bristol and wherever all it took him, I was charged with getting rugby tickets! They weren't terribly expensive and we felt lucky to get them late the day before.
Saturday, November 2, 2024
This England -- Let Rick Ride! A Guest Post
For the most part, Rick and I did pretty much everything together during our trip. But there were a couple of times when we split up because a cyclist has to ride and when it's beautiful, new territory, nothing could have kept Rick from the bike.
So, I'm turning this post over to him, sharing his Facebook post about his cycle ride on our first day. As I was exploring Bath and getting rugby tickets, this was his day!
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
This England: Exploring Bath
All things considered, we woke relatively rested for our first full day in Bath -- and a beautiful one it was. Rick decided it was a perfect day to rent a bike and go on a long ride. I decided to go into the city. Erika asked in the last post if we had a car available or used the bus. For us, it was the bus -- usually (with a couple of exceptions) a very reliable way to get around the area.
So on this morning, I hustled down to the bus, only to stand waiting and waiting. Finally, I wondered if I might be in the wrong place (or had just missed the one before, which is what I realized had happened). Hope and Anchor had turned their closed sign to open so I crossed back over and asked if I might get a cup of tea and a little advice.
Monday, October 28, 2024
This England -- Welcome to Bath!
One thing we knew for certain when planning our trip. If the cottage we stayed in during our last trip to Bath was still available, we wanted to rent it again and have a longer visit. It was, and we did! (This photo is from my walk in the area.)
At first we thought we might visit Dublin or Edinburgh first. But we decided to spend the whole first week of our holiday in Bath (Midford, actually, about three miles outside the city) and branch off from there. It was a smart idea. (See the travel tips at the end of this post.)
Saturday, October 26, 2024
Re-Entry Is Hard!
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
All You Have To Do I Vote -- And Know Who or What You are Voting For
All you have to do is vote. For many of us, absentee ballots have arrived and in many states, early voting has begun or will shortly. Vote for whomever you choose, but remember this.
Saturday, October 5, 2024
September Books
September was another "quiet" reading month. But it included two wonderful mysteries and a peek behind the royal curtain.
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Hopping the Pond!
Rick and I are off for a bit. After my most stressful summer in years (ever?) we hope to get some real R&R in Bath, London and elsewhere in England! Hopefully, I haven't overpacked!
Sunday, September 29, 2024
She's Back!
She came mewing at the front door about an hour ago. Rick heard her. Hungry and home. Thanks for all the comments on THIS POST. I'm graateful for your ideas, good thoughts, and prayers. Thank you, thank you.
Lizzie Is Missing
A quick post to alert you to something very sad that has happened -- and right before we leave on Wednesday for England.
My sweet Lizzie has disappeared. Vanished. Put on the cloak of invisibility. And I am frantic and bereft.
Friday, September 27, 2024
You Asked, I Answer!
Sometimes blog friends ask questions -- and I try to respond personally if I have an email for them, but otherwise, they sometimes end up in the ether! And lately, I've been negligent in responding to anyone (that will only get worse in October when I'll be on blog break!)
So, I thought I'd answer a few of them!
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Here and There
The time leading up to our departure has been hectic. Loads of doc appointments, trips to the lake, time with family and friends. Here's a brief update.
Monday, September 16, 2024
Oops. Deleted Comments!
I accidentally deleted all my comments from September 1 on when I was deleting a bunch of spam messages (I'm hurrying too fast.) Sorry about that! They won't be reinstated (I have no idea how to find deleted comments) but they are appreciated and each was read!
UGH. I've got to slow down. (My post on "Surprises at the Ditch" is below -- or next! Deer and egrets and herons -- oh my!)
Saturday, September 14, 2024
Back Home -- Surprises at the Ditch
A gorgeous September day. Not too hot, not too cold. Goldilocks would love it. And, it was a perfect day to visit the ditch.
I didn't know what to expect but I was certainly surprised at seeing a pair of deer -- I think mother and young'un, in the distance. I never see deer during the day there, or very rarely.
Thursday, September 12, 2024
The Books of August
I was hoping to read a bit more in August but it just wasn't happening! Add to it that one book was close to 600 pages and I've come to the conclusion I shouldn't beat myself up about that! This month's books included a two historic fiction books (one based in biography, the other loosely on a factual incident) and a mystery by an author who surprised me.
Saturday, September 7, 2024
Postcards from the Lake: Road Trip to Petoskey
Labor Day -- our last full day up north before we returned home for a bit. We started the day with a walk down to the public beach.
On the way back, Rick joined up with the fellows who own Bennethum's, the restaurant where we had enjoyed our birthday happy hour the night before. Of course, they talked wine!
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Postcards From the Lake -- Hello, September
So, here we are. Early September. Time to start packing up. Summer is over, and though we will return to the cottage two or three more times, we have to admit, summer is over.
Friday, August 30, 2024
Postcards From the Lake -- Summer is Ending
Summer may not officially end until mid-September but for me, Labor Day has always felt like the end of the season. Like so many, I used to judge time on when school started or classes began at the university, along with the cooler nights and shorter days. Those school days are long past -- the cooler nights and shorter days are still here (and getting cooler and shorter!) You can tell when out walking too -- the goldenrod is now out in glorious abundance!
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Postcards from the Lake: Vintage Views
I've been writing Postcards from the Lake for a number of years, but long before I started, others were writing postcards, too.
I've been collecting postcards of the area around our cottage for years. While many of the spots wouldn't be recognizable now, some are very close! It's fun to try to figure out whose cottage was which!
Friday, August 23, 2024
Lake Break -- Some Family Time but Someone was Missing
We had a wonderful time during our trip to Minneapolis, but someone was missing from our family gathering. Rick's aunt Beth, the woman we were going to honor and remember, died earlier this summer. It was our time to remember her, to celebrate the joys of being with family and to cherish every moment spent together. Beth would have loved it.
Monday, August 19, 2024
Lake Break -- Home and Away
We left the lake knowing we had a quick, two-day turnaround at home before leaving for a memorial celebration of life in Minneapolis. Rick was playing guitar for a garden club luncheon and I had another set of birthday plans. My Cork Popper friend Barb invited friend Kate and me to lunch at her home. Barb is probably one of the best cooks I know, if not THE best. And she always does things so beautifully. It was no exception this day when she met us with a lovely wine served, as she said, in "Nick and Nora" glasses. (You probably recognize those names from "The Thin Man" movies.
Thursday, August 15, 2024
Postcards From the Lake -- Calm, Quiet, Lovely
Before we took a lake break and after the kids left, we still had time for some fun at the lake. C'mon in!
The day the kids left, we rapidly picked up the house and that evening welcomed friends Dick and Judy Winter for dinner as they journeyed home from a getaway.
Saturday, August 10, 2024
Postcards From the Lake: Indoors and Out!
So, what do you plan when a six and a seven-year-old (along with their beautiful mom) descend on you? Well, when you're at the lake, there are no shortage of options! And no double-trouble!
Molly brought the boys up for a couple of days and fortunately, the sun was shining and the weather was warm! On the first afternoon, Rick took each of them out in the kayaks. It was their second time and the journeys weren't far!
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Lake Break: Happy Belated Birthday to Rick!
I returned from art camp, excited to see Rick and hear how is bike hike went. (It was good!) Finally we would be able to celebrate his belated birthday! (Thanks to those who wished me one -- it's actually in mid-August but Kate and I celebrated early!)
Saturday, August 3, 2024
The Books of July
July's book reading was pretty much non-existent but those I read were diverse and for the most part, worth the time.
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Postcards From the Lake: Art Camp -- It All Comes to an End
Our two-person art camp wrapped up on a lovely day -- the kind that makes it hard to leave the lake. It was a productive thirteen days -- and a fun one!
Thursday, July 25, 2024
Postcards from the Lake -- More Visitors, More Art!
We had our first no-art day (or at least, as I write this, the one day when neither of us did art). But there was a good reason. Absolutely grim porch weather (and that's where we work) kept us inside. That's changing as our temps return to normal and the rain and gloom is a thing of the past.
That doesn't mean we haven't been productive or having fun at our two-person art camp! The past few days have been very productive -- and also fun!
Sunday, July 21, 2024
Postcards from the Lake: Art Camp's Special Visitor!
My friend Kate and I began our annual "art camp" holiday at the lake this week. For those who aren't familiar, there is no scheduled program. It's just the two of us, creating our own art, sometimes sharing a technique or video, and spending the rest of the time walking, reading, watching a video, maybe (if the weather is right) swimming.
We kicked it off by getting some provisions at the farmer's market -- cherries, peaches and blueberries are hitting their stride and fabulous!
Monday, July 15, 2024
Postcards from the Lake: Walking Sights
Join me on a little walk around the cottage! It's a mix of things in the wild and those carefully cultivated by happy cottage owners.
One of the first things I see when I leave the house is a patch of tiger lilies in the woods. I don't know if anyone planted them there long ago or if they somehow migrated from someone's lawn. But they are lovely.
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