Sunday, September 29, 2024

Lizzie Is Missing

A quick post to alert you to something very sad that has happened -- and right before we leave on Wednesday for England.

My sweet Lizzie has disappeared. Vanished. Put on the cloak of invisibility. And I am frantic and bereft.

We had a work day at the lake Saturday -- lots of cleaning, scrubbing, vacuuming. It's a rough day for her and she hid under the biggest and heaviest bed in the cottage. I finally got her out and into her cage for about an hour or so before we left. 

The trip home -- with some necessary stops -- took longer than usual. When we got home I fed her right away, which she gobbled, and used her litterbox. I settled down to check email and watch a little TV for about 45 minutes before bed.

She always looks forward to bed, often getting there before me, because she gets treats. This time she didn't come, which is unusual but since her eating schedule was off (she was fed about 9:30) I only worried a bit when I couldn't find her. 

But after a sleepless night with multiple searches and no morning action on food or litter or puppy pads, I became very worried. I searched everything. Rick searched everything. Friend Kate and her husband came and searched every embarrassing nook and cranny, along with the exterior of the house. 

I drove around the neighborhood looking for accidents and asked walkers and neighbors to keep and eye out, and have posted on pet finding and neighborhood sites.

Now all I can do is hope and pray that she is all right. I don't know what else I can do.

We don't know if she had a stroke or aneurysm and found a place to die (and if she did and it's inside, she's better than us because we've been everywhere). Or, if she got out when I got the mail (highly unlikely but possible. She's never shown much interest in getting out.) 

We do have a bit of a plan if she isn't back, but I don't even want to think about that. So please send up prayers, good juju or all the best thoughts you can before Wednesday (and after, if she isn't back by then. We need all the help we can get. She's my sweet, funny, sassy little girl and I need to know what has happened to her.

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