There's something about fall that calls for a road trip. And even though it wasn't what I call "full fall" (in fact, it had only just begun), our road trip to Toledo was still filled with loads of fun and yes, a little bit of color!
The Gypsy Caravan 2023
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Friday, September 22, 2023
Something Old, Something Tasty!
Sometimes there isn't a lot of new to share, especially since I'm trying to lay a little low these days. So I figured I'd look back on the old! Old photos, that is! I thought maybe I'd find a bit of inspiration in some images from years past. And, I thought I'd throw out a recipe or two!
Monday, September 18, 2023
Time Is Flying. I'm Not.
Well, we can't say we aren't well into September, only a few days from "official" fall. Time is flying and I'm -- not!
I did get a very few fall things in the house. Here's a peek. I'll start to bring up Halloween the first week of October unless we are able to go to the lake that week, in which case I'll probably bring a few things up before I go.
Thursday, September 14, 2023
Bits and Pieces from Here and There
I feel half-in, half-out these days. Home most of the time but still anticipating weekends or even a few extra days at the lake. I find it odd to be home, to be honest. When I turned on the local news, I realized how out of touch I've been for two months. Not that I've missed much, but more of a feeling like, "So, this is where I really live."
To top it off, I haven't had the energy to dig into "projects" and the fact that nothing much is getting done frustrates me. Now, whose fault is that?
Saturday, September 9, 2023
Postcards From the Lake: The August Books
For weeks I thought August was a slow reading month. Too much computer time? But somehow I finished seven books and they were all good ones. In this month's reviews, series mysteries by Donna Leon, Martin Walker, Mark Pryor and Ann Cleeves; as novel by Jodi Picoult; a delightful memoir of actor Martin Short, and a remarkable, wee book that is timely and important. (And yes, there is a drawing in this post. Read on!)
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Postcards From the Lake: September Song
But the days grow short when you reach September
When the autumn weather turns the leaves to flame
One hasn't got time for the waiting game
September, November
And these few precious days I'll spend with you
These precious days I'll spend with you.
September tends to be a favorite month for many reasons, but it also has its moments when I want to clutch the best days and bottle them for the days that are far from the best. Yes, "the days grow short when you reach September."
Friday, September 1, 2023
Postcards From the Lake: The Down Elevator
Recently, in the New York Times, Melissa Kirsch shared some thoughts on the end of summer saying "We're in the down elevator." She referred to how summer was "visibly diminishing with each earlier sunset." And, she spoke about how it is good to be home -- or is it?
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