Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Holidays at Home! Greens and Tea!

 I said I'd be breaking up some of our London posts for Holidays at Home -- 'Tis the season, after all! And spending time with friends is what it's all about. So when fellow Corkie Barb texted Kate and me to see if we'd love to come cut pine greens and have tea and cookies, we said, "Well, yeah!"

It was a gorgeous day -- cold but not windy and sunny so it was pleasant. Most of our snow had melted and it was an easy walk to the back forty where six white pines were waiting for us!


We cut, we laughed, we played around a bit.


Our guide knew right where to go -- and reminded of of where not to, as there are deer and a sweet dog who use the area as well. (We looked down when we walked!)

The trees were lovely and we cut away, getting greens for decorating at home and making lovely arrangements. 

We headed back to the house with a wagon full of boughs, big smiles, and plenty of ideas.

And of course, when we arrived back at home, what could be a more pleasant greeting sight than a gorgeous table set for tea! Nobody puts a tea together like Barb! Everything -- tablescape, food, flowers -- is perfect!

The cookie plate had home made (and a couple really tasty store) cookies, pumpkin bread, nuts, and candied orange peel.

These tasty things were dried prunes with feta on top and an almond. They were delicious. A far cry from that nasty prune juice we used to have to drink at certain inopportune times. (And if you never had to, hooray!)

And Barb, being the amazing hostess that she is, also sent each of us home with one of the table decorations (and inspiration for our own!)

You can't beat friendship, joy and fun, especially at the holidays. And we had a really "sweet" time!


 And that's what it's all about! 

Sharing with:   Talking About It Tuesdays    /   Rain's Art and Dinner Date   /   Share Your Style    /   Friday Face Off   /   Love Your Creativity  


eileeninmd said...

What a fun outing. The tea looks great too.
Love the selfie with the three of you girls.
I have not noticed the blogger problem.
Take care, have a great day!

Marilyn Miller said...

This is my kind of day. How special to spend time with dear friends playing outdoors, then coming inside to have tea and cookies at a beautiful tea table. The very best!

Nancy said...

What a fun day! How wonderful to have spent this beautiful day with friends. Then to come in and enjoy all the treats with tea. I loved this!
This is what it’s all about! Wonderful Christmas Spirit!
Merry December!

Iris Flavia said...

What a wonderful post, wonderful fun and yum day!!!!
Thank you for the "fat smiles".
Oh, blogger, I have no idea.... It seems to get worse and worse...

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Looks like a great feast. I am sure the calories you consumed cutting the boughs balanced out the ones you absorbed at the table. I love prunes, feta cheese and almonds so that snack looks exceptionally appealing.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I too am having this issue with blogger. The oldest resurrection I have is twelve years, and some of the posts are from a blogger who is dead. Not only annoying and senseless, but insensitive too. Remember when everything worked perfectly? That seems so long ago!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

It looks like so much fun but cold- Not sure how long I would have been able to stay out in the cold. The table setting and tea and cookies looks so welcoming and creative. I've never seen prunes with feta- interesting idea. As far as the Reading List- I too am overwhelmed with blog posts showing up from 5-10 years ago... Glad it was not just me- it was be an issue they need to fix. so crazy.I love the picture of the 3 of you- so joyous.

Anvilcloud said...

Since I track blogs through Feedly, I don't know what Blogger is up to, but it seems to be affecting many.

Granny Sue said...

What a perfect day! I would have been in heaven. You reminded me that I need to get my greens, and mistletoe! This weekend, I hope, if I can motivate my hubby. He does not share my love of the season, sadly. To him it's all just extra work and fuss.
The tea looks delightful, and so much care and thought in putting it together. That's one sweet friend.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

I use Feedly as well. Looks like you had a great time. What a lovely table! Makes me want to bake cookies.

Tom said...

...yep, Blogger is have a hissy fit again! Jeanie, you sure know how to set a table.

gigi-hawaii said...

How beautiful! I just love it all. I would have found this super enjoyable. Lucky you.

La Table De Nana said...

How gracious she was to do all that..Beautiful.Fun times with grand friends..I gosh all the old bogs..One person has passed:( At least I am guessing..

shoreacres said...

My goodness. I can't imagine the time and expense involved in putting together a tea like that. My friends and I count ourselves lucky to pull together a cup of coffee and the occasional cookie! Of course, I know the missing ingredient in our get-togethers -- retirement! LOL! The thought of cutting greens is so appealing. On the other hand, I've turned into such a pantywaist that this morning's 40 degrees has me lingering inside for a while. You and your fellow branch cutters clearly were dressed for the occasion, though. That makes a difference. I'm going to have to find my gloves and hat soon...

Anca said...

Aww, this is so wonderful. I love everything about this, including the snow. I'm happy for you. xx

crackercrumblife said...

What a fun day!!! And that tea setup looks fantastic!

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Looks like a beautiful day to spend time with girlfriends. Fresh greens have a lovely aroma. The table Barb set is lovely with lots of goodies. The Reading list is so out of date and not reliable. Mine have all disappeared. If you want to create a list of blogs to read regularly, "Feedly" is the better option compared to a "Blogger reading list" as Feedly acts as a dedicated RSS reader, allowing you to aggregate content from various blogs in one place, while a Blogger reading list would only let you follow blogs specifically hosted on the Blogger platform. Feedly is free.

Joanne said...

That sounds like so much fun! I noticed that this morning with Blogger too and hoped it's just a temporary glitch while they update something since it was working just fine yesterday!

KarenW said...

What a beautiful table. We have Christmas dinner with Michael's family this weekend as we all gather from near and far.

Rita C at Panoply said...

THIS! Jeanie, to me, this is what the holiday season is all about. What a wo derful time together with friends. Barb certainly thought of everything in her gift of friendship.

My name is Erika. said...

I'm getting thee same thing with these ancient blogger posts. Who knows what that's about? And wow, what a festive day. It looks fun to go out collect green with friends, but even more fun to have high tea like that. That table is magazine page worthy. Thanks for sharing this festivity, and getting me excited to bake some cookies since your friend Barb looks like she made some delicious ones. hugs-Erika

DeniseinVA said...

These are all delightful photos Jeanie, what a fun day you all had :) The table setting is so festive, beautiful!

Carola Bartz said...

You and your friends had such a perfect day - it looks so lovely. And that spread for tea is just amazing. I also like your scarf, it's beautiful.
I just looked at my Blogger reading list, yes, same thing. I usually don't look, since I always (try to) go back to the blogs of people who commented. This way I hope not to miss anyone who came by my space. That said, it doesn't always work out that way, simply because I'm crazy busy - like right now. I'm swamped with work right now - the shop, private tutoring and am also currently subbing at the German School (so much for retirement). That's why I'm mostly MIA at the moment, but I hope that the Christmas rush will be over soon.

Lowcarb team member said...

Yes, blogger is causing problems at the moment!
Another glitch ... I'm sure (hope) it will be sorted soon!

This was such a lovely post great photographs and clearly a day of "friendship, joy and fun"

All the best Jan

This N That said...

What a fun day. And free greens to go with it! It's nice to have good friends and good times. I have not noticed the blogger problem. I will have to check.

Bill said...

Looks like you all had lots of fun. Super spread after being out in the elements, how very nice that was. It's always fun to have fun with friends.

The French Hutch said...

What a perfect holiday outing spent with good friends. I can't think of anything more fun and I enjoyed your smiling faces that prove it! Lovely table and I'm sure delicious treats. Honestly, I have blog problems coming and going but I haven't noticed anything new. Happy December Jeanie........

Debra@CommonGround said...

Looks like so much fun. How wonderful to have fresh greens for the holiday, I need to get out and cut some boxwood and holly to enjoy. It's been so cold the last few days being outside it's been a no except to the bird feeder. Have fun and enjoy this month!!

Pam Richardson said...

Jeanie, this is the perfect day spent cutting fresh greenery with friends and then sharing a lovely tea presented so beautifully. Friendships are so special and you three ladies seem to be enjoying the treasured time together! Merry Thursday!

Jenny Woolf said...

What a great tea! And Barb sounds like a phenomenal hostess. I'm going to remember the prunes with feta and almond next time we have guests!

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

"You can't beat friendship, joy and fun..." Agree, agree, agree! I think this is what life is all about.

Linda Stoll said...

oh this is so lovely! beautiful pine greens, dear friends, the glory of the outdoors, and an absolutely splendid tea party! awesome, friend!

Rita said...

YES! I had the same issue with hundreds of very old posts from 5-12 years ago. I had to go in the "manage" my reading list by deleting all the old ones. Yes, several of which had died and many that quit blogging years ago. Then I still got a bunch of posts from Blogger from 5-6 years ago and I can't delete them because they're not even listed in my reading list--lol! But I only got those once--so far. Took some housecleaning of my reading list, but it looks like the problem was solved by doing that. I just hope I haven't deleted somebody who rarely ever posts.

Anyways, what a fun time and that tea table looks so sweet! Friends and laughter are good for the soul!! :) Have a great day.

Red Rose Alley said...

Jeanie, I'm so glad to see a home post from you. I love them, especially around Christmastime. Cutting some pine greens in the woods and using them as crafts is my idea of a fun time. A wonderful time in nature for sure. Then, afterwards, the tea time sounds charming. What a nice table she set with yummy food. I really like the polka dot plates with a single candy cane, so delightful. And those dried prunes with feta and an almond sound really good. You will have to show us what you made with the tree branches. What a special day this was.

Always love your "home posts," Jeanie.


Gillena Cox said...

Tea and cookies with friends, awesome


Christine said...

Oh you have put me in the Christmas spirit!

peppylady (Dora) said...

Lovely cookie plate.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

What a fun day with friends celebrating the season and then having tea together! I love seeing all the sweet smiles. I too have had blogger issues. Going in and managing (deleting old blogs) seemed to help though a few old posts are still appearing.

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Your friend sets a beautiful tea table. When I come back around again---assuming we get another life after this one---I want to be in your circle of close friends.

I don't think I'm having issues with bloggers. At least I don't understand exactly what those of you who are are experiencing with old posts.

Sandra Cox said...

Oh, Jeanie, how special. And that table setting looked both beautiful and yummy.

Joyful said...

You ladies had a fun outing. I love getting fresh cut boughs but I don't have a ready place to get them here unless I buy them ;-). The Christmas tea looks wonderful.

Gene Black said...

It is clear from your three smiling faces that you had a great time cutting pine boughs.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I love the photo of you and your friends' smiling faces! And what a fabulous spread for a delicious tea afterwards! I must say, I don't share your prejudice against prune juice -- it is delicious but must be consumed carefully.

Lisa’s Yarns said...

What a fun outing for you 3! And that tea looked divine! Imagine what those greens would have cost at a nursery! My mom is also able to trim pine from trees where they live. I usually buy some from the nursery by our house but haven’t the last 2 years as I run out of time!

ashok said...

Enjoy 😉 !!

DVArtist said...

This is a lovely post. I do like you wagon. The kind of day everyone wishes for. Thank you for sharing it all with FFO and have a nice weekend.

carol l mckenna said...

wow! indeed a fun time and a delightful tea with friends ~ great series of photos ~ thanks,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)


Such a cozy and heartwarming holiday experience! Cutting pine greens and enjoying tea and cookies with friends sounds like the perfect way to embrace the season. The mix of laughter, nature, and good company really captures the essence of the holidays.

Veronica Lee said...

What a lovely day! Cutting greens, enjoying the sunshine, and then that amazing tea—Barb really knows how to host! Those prune and feta bites sound interesting and delicious! What a perfect way to celebrate the holidays with friends. Thanks for sharing this sweet moment!

roughterrain crane said...

What wonderful table decorations they are!

Pam said...

You always seem to have so much fun when you do things! I love it. Looks like your harvest of branches worked so well with some great decor

Debbie said...

your smiles tell the entire story, what a super fun day to spend with friends!! the spread of food looks delicious, what a wonderful idea for a pre-holiday celebration!! said...

What a fun and special day! Good friends are the best!!

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

What a fun week and adventure! We had white pines on our property in Wisconsin, here we only have ponderosa. Your post made me wish we had more of a variety here.

Lisa R Howeler of Boondock Ramblings said...

Oh my gosh! This looks like so much fun! You ladies are beautiful and such an inspiration to get out and do things together. I love it. My dad sometimes took me to the woods to pick out princess pine to decorate the family Bible with. I didn't think it was a lot of fun back then but now it is a very fond memory.

Carol said...

How wonderful to have special friends like this. And the tea and goodies afterwards. Unfortunately, my closest friends live within miles of each other, north of Detroit. I saw them more wintering in Florida than I do now.

Anonymous said...

What a fun day. Not only did you get greenery for the season but a delightful tea party as well. Karen (Back Road Journal)

Lorrie said...

Such a great time with friends! Fresh air followed by a scrumptious tea - just lovely!

Sandi Magle said...

This was so much the table and all the nummies, but I love the friendship you shared here. Happy Holidays to you ALL!

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Jeanie, what a lovely time you must have had. If I know nothing about you, I know you love your friends and spending time with them. Great idea too. Gathering greens and that lovely tea table seems like just the right idea for the season. Merry Christmas to you, my friend..xxoJudy

Soma @ said...

The smiling faces!! Spending the time outside and then warm up around a lovely tea. A perfect day with friends.


Pamela said...

Fun and sweets with friends - can’t beat that!

Lisbeth said...

How wonderful to meet up with friends. Christmas is a good time to meet, eat and talk and enjoy memories.

Anonymous said...

Jeanie, what a fun day!!! What a lovely time just out gathering beautiful greens and coming back for tea and nibbles... I loved the pic of the three of you together!!! That's the one I picked to share at Share Your Style #447 today. Good friends and family are the best! I just chatted away with my best friend from high school on my birthday this Tuesday.

Happy for you!
Barb :)

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