Saturday, September 21, 2024

Here and There

The time leading up to our departure has been hectic. Loads of doc appointments, trips to the lake, time with family and friends. Here's a brief update.

My friend Lin came to visit from Columbus. She was my teacher in high school (theatre) and very influential in guiding me in terms of university and major. She's not that much older than I, so she is more like a big sister! 

We visited some of her old haunts -- places she'd lived and also the high school where she taught and where we met. (We tried to get in but with no appointment, security was having none of it!) Still, a good visit. Then a bit of shopping in Old Town and a lovely dinner with Rick and another friend. All good.

Then it was up to the lake to bring things back home. It was just Lizzie and me this time, as Rick was tied up with his landlord activities. The best part was spending time with my cousin Mutty and her husband Howard. I hadn't seen Mutty in more than a year, since we were at a wedding together, so it was a very good time with lots of laughs and good food!

I also took some walks -- the weather was unseasonably warm and just gorgeous. Even got in a dip in the lake!  I don't have a photo of Harry North, but we had a remarkable sighting. He has a lady friend! More than once we saw the two streak across the sky together and it was a magnificent sight. Photograph of the Heart and Memory. But yes, colors are coming in -- slow, but sure.

I hit the farm market and bought a half-bushel of tomatoes, so in the time between the minute I stuck them in the car and when we leave I have to make pasta sauce. I realized my freezer at home is too big to store them all till I return. It might be a good time to clean the freezer. 

The little market was humming and boy, did that produce look good. I got some apples and peppers, too. And contemplated squash, but I'll never get it used before we go.

Rick and I went to a volleyball tournament in which his cousin's daughter was playing. I'd never been to a volleyball game before and it was fun. Here was Kate's Fan Club!

And, I took a brief trip to London, Ontario, to see my friend Suzanne and go to Stratford, where we saw the musical "Something's Rotten."

The productions are always terrific and this did not disappoint. Equally fun was walking around the town of Stratford.

It used to have loads of swans but it seems the Canada geese have taken over. There are tons of them, everywhere, by the river, and they cause their own traffic jams.

A walk by the river, nice dinner out and some shopping (we scored big at the used book store) -- it all makes for a great two days.

Best of all is hanging with a friend you've known for more than 50 years! 

In between other things (like figuring out how to live from a carry-on bag for three weeks and hitting more doc appointments than a woman should have), I've been trying to get a handle on the mess called the front yard. As I was clipping and raking I discovered this fellow.

Great eyes! I don't have an ID but I'm wondering if it's in the Praying Mantis family. Here's a longer view of his body.

Any ideas?

A bit of a crazy week coming up. More appointments and Rick and I will head to the lake for a final closing. Always hard.

Boy, time moves fast!


Misadventures of Widowhood said...

What a busy life you've had lately. Glad you had fun.

Jenn Jilks said...

It is always hard! I was terribly sad every end of year.
You made it to Canada! My son and daughter-in-law met at Stratford. She was in a show, and he was in a show at Shaw Festival. They play cricket in an annual tournament. Much fun!
Oh, this is a poignant post for me.
Right now, we are happy to see things quiet down.

Rita said...

Wow! Lots of visiting and shopping and wandering...obviously so much to do before you leave. I LOVE the leaf you took a picture of and hope you don't mind that I snagged a copy to add to my drawing pics. One day soon I'll be feeling well enough to get back to some creative things again. I just don't recover as fast as I used to from illnesses, but I'm getting there. (And I did go to the clinic on Friday--just slow to recover.) Love all your pics and hearing that Harry North has a girlfriend. Oh, and that sure looks like a Praying Mantis to me. *love and hugs from Fargo*

gigi-hawaii said...

Always nice to catch up with friends. That pray mantis is huge. The ones I see in Ha w aii are smaller.

Linda Sue said...

My goodness you have been busy! I could never keep up with you! You have some amazing photos in this post, I love them. Ok, you need to sit down and space out for a are making me tired.

My name is Erika. said...

That is some type of preying mantis. Maybe even a she? I love those green eyes. And boy you've had lots of fun. You've had a great September for certain. And good for you only going carry on. For 3 weeks. I hope you'll have a chance to do some washing. I don't think I could do that. Good luck. When do you leave? October isn't too far off. Enjoy. hugs-Erika

roentare said...

What a packed life you have. The praying mantis is so gorgeous to discover!

Sandi said...

Beautiful Michigan-- and Canada! 🪿

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