Friday, August 30, 2024

Postcards From the Lake -- Summer is Ending

Summer may not officially end until mid-September but for me, Labor Day has always felt like the end of the season. Like so many, I used to judge time on when school started or classes began at the university, along with the cooler nights and shorter days. Those school days are long past -- the cooler nights and shorter days are still here (and getting cooler and shorter!) You can tell when out walking too -- the goldenrod is now out in glorious abundance!

While we won't close the cottage till the end of September (early this year, because of the England trip) it is the time of year when we gradually start bringing things home -- the extra swimsuits; the summer clothes that won't be worn anymore up here (or to be re-packed if we get a heat wave), and some of the plants from the yard. I might have to make Rick pedal home or we won't be able to fit everything in the car with the bike in the trunk! Fortunately, we'll have another trip or two.

Yes, Rick rode his bike up and Lizzie and I hit the road, stopping at the farm stand for some sweet corn, tomatoes and cantaloupe. A few hours later I pulled in, unloaded the car and now, let the end of summer begin!

First up, was dinner with my cousin John and his wife Becky, who drove to Michigan from Colorado. So good to catch up with him. And the next day, after Rick arrived, John and Becky came down for dinner.

It was fun to see them and especially to spend more time with Becky. They've only been married a few years so it is getting to know a whole new -- and wonderful cousin. 

In addition to John and Becky, Rick and I welcomed cyclist Mick for lunch as he traveled from Ann Arbor to Michgan's upper peninsula.

And our friends, Mark and Martha Bashore, came for lunch and an afternoon of good conversation. (We will be staying at their house in Bath during our trip and Martha filled me in on lots of tips for the area!) I hated to see them leave!

I mentioned earlier how very much things in nature change as the season go. The jewel weed is out, too.

These seem to be in the aster family. We don't start to see them here until the brink of autumn.

And the ferns are beginning to curl up and brown. 

Berries that were green before have turned deep red. Christmas colors!

Even the trees on the lake are beginning to bring out their fall finery. These will be bright in another couple of weeks.


I've painted a bit -- here's another to add to the future collection of cat-themed notecards. 

And another, a Wine Garden!

We've had a mega-thunderstorm and very hot, humid days. On this 90-degree day, the gulls were taking a break from flight and fishing!

The little bird (a woodpecker relative, perhaps) is having fun with our pine trees.

And we're having a bit of fun, too!


There have been complications this trip, to be sure. But if things have to be complicated, it's better at the lake!

Meanwhile, I am continually reminded -- fall is coming.

Sharing with:   Friday Face-Off    /    Love Your Creativity   /   Talking About It Tuesday  


David M. Gascoigne, said...

Good food, good wine, good company, goldenrod - and you even threw in a few birds, Jeanie. It doesn’t get any better!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

It does appear the fall is coming ! Our heatwave has broken and we are having cooler evenings and mornings. I'm waiting for our daisy flowers to bloom ! Do you keep any clothes and things at the Lake. I keep things in our Florida home so I don't have to bring things back and forth. Love your paintings and photos.

My name is Erika. said...

It's tough when you live in the Northern part of the US (like me and you) and the end of August starts to show signs of fall. We have some trees starting to turn too. Not much, not a lot. And it's chilly this AM too. Looks like you are enjoying some late summer days at the lake, and you must be getting very excited about going to England too. Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend. hugs-Erika

Tom said...

...yes, Mother Nature is changing into a different wardrobe!

eileeninmd said...

Looks like fun times at the lake with family and friends. Love the flowers and pretty berries. The corn on the cob looks yummy. The fall colors are pretty, we are seeing little bits here and there. Take care, have a happy weekend!

Red Rose Alley said...

Jeanie, I'm always bummed to hear when you are ready to leave the lake, it's so peaceful and pretty. That corn on the cob from the farm stand looks really good. The golden rod is stunning, and I often see these bushes at the creek. The red berries do remind me of Christmas. Look at the leaves and trees turning color already! You have the most glorious Autumns. I'm looking forward to seeing a few more lake posts until you close the cottage for the season. : )


Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Wow, color is starting early for you in the trees. It is still so hot here that it will be weeks before it feels like fall. Safe travels!

Rita said...

Lots of company! The corn on the cob--looks delicious!
Fall is around the corner. My favorite time of year.
Your kitty cards are so cute!
Looking forward to pics of your trip. :)

Bill said...

A time of change for nature, people and all the things we love. Great kitty cards, I love them. Safe travels, Jeanie.

DUTA said...

Fall is a most beloved season! Hopefully, you go to UK during September, beginning of October , to avoid the cold temps there.
Bath is a great city!

Debbie said...

fall is "almost" here and i could not be happier!! fall has so many of its own treasures!! so nice to spend time with friends and share pictures here!! the corn and salad look so yummy, we have eaten a lot of corn on the cob this summer, we always get white corn!! the wine garden card is beautiful and my favorite!!

Joyful said...

For sure the Fall is fast approaching. It's great that you're at the lake until the end of summer and that's you've had so many guests to make it more special. It's exciting too to look ahead to the trip to England which appears to be around the corner. Enjoy the planning.

roentare said...

You have a great family life. The lakeside views are just gorgeous

acorn hollow said...

Everyone always look so happy at the lake. Great company you have had. You trees have more color than we do but all the plants you showed are the same here.
Enjoy the last of summer

Mae Travels said...

I like the kitties flying kites!

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Your time at the cottage is the prefect blend of enjoying good friends and nature's best. But please try to keep the signs of fall up there for as long as you can. I'm not ready to give up summer.

Pam Richardson said...

Jeanie, it is so hot here! We won’t see color until the end of October. You always have lots of fun at the lake with visitors. I know you are getting excited about your upcoming trip!

Veronica Lee said...

What a lovely reflection on the changing seasons, Jeanie!
Your descriptions of the goldenrod, cooler nights, and the changes in nature paint such a vivid picture of autumn's approach.
It sounds like you’ve had a wonderful time with family and friends, and those bike trips and farm stand visits must have been a real treat.
Your paintings are charming as ever—I’m sure the cat-themed notecards and Wine Garden will be a hit!
Enjoy these final days of summer at the lake and the upcoming fall adventures.

Linda P said...

Autumn days are on their way Jeanie. I've enjoyed seeing your Summer times by the lake. It was a great place to be among the turning leaves and the golden rod. All the best to you and Rick as you pack up and leave that wonderful spot.

Lisbeth said...

It seems you more or less the same climate as we have. Autumn is nearing in Sweden, but I am now in Austria so I have a prolongation of the summer for a while. How nice to meet friends and family. Have a nice time on you trip to England. Looking forward to reading about it.

Anvilcloud said...

It's always a bit confusing talking about when fall begins, but in practical terms, I agree that it is Labour Day.

La Table De Nana said...

Good times and more to come.How fun your upcoming trip..And the wine garden!!

Divers and Sundry said...

I follow the meteorological seasons, and for those August is the last month of Summer. Meteorological Fall begins September 1st. We finally got some rain last night, which we sorely needed.

Your upcoming trip sounds like a real treat!

shoreacres said...

I still haven't seen a single stem of goldenrod blooming, and we have three tropical systems now with various chances of developing -- no end to summer yet! On the other hand, I've heard from northern bloggers that their hummingbirds are gone, so it's time to clean and hang the feeders. The migrating birds may get here before the goldenrod!

Pam said...

I am with you ...Labor Day. Only I might have rushed it a bit last night when I pulled together a fall center of the table piece!! Two summers of being sick and having no energy I am ready for fall to come on in and fast! Looks like, as usual woman, you have been staying busy. I love it. That corn looks great.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You really have a beautiful place to enjoy there at the lake. I love that you welcome so many to your home. Enjoy the holiday weekend!

DVArtist said...

Wouldn't it be nice to have the lake year round with nice weather. It is so pretty there and it seems there is always happiness. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a lovely weekend.

This N That said...

Fall can’t come soon enough.. This summer has been hot and dry. Too many 90s for me.
It looks as though you’ve had a lot of company. That’s always fun.
I love your paintings. Especially the cats with the kites.
Your trees are ahead of us. We have some yellowing leaves here and there, but that’s About it. Enjoy your weekend

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Look at those beautiful trees! We don't have any native trees that have leaves like that here, and I'm a little envious of you because you do. lol

I bet you are starting to get excited about your upcoming trip!

Lowcarb team member said...

Yes, Autumn/Fall is on its way and your trip to England is getting nearer!
I did enjoy your photographs and it's always lovely to see the trees on the lake beginning to bring out their fall finery.

Enjoy this last day of August and happy September wishes.

All the best Jan

Christine said...

Lovely almost end of summer post

Prims By The Water said...

We had some sever weather last night. The Autumn flowers are pooping with color now. Cannot believe Summer is almost over. Janice

Iris Flavia said...

An England-trip sure makes the lake-good-bye bearable!
The corn looks very yummy! And great company.
Luckily all still green here.
Great, cute paintings -. oh, and the gulls, I love them. And I love that wine-glass,too. And the pillow. And the happy smile, of course.
Nah. Fall can wait a while...

kathyinozarks said...

Good morning, beautiful post-Here at the lake-Labor Day weekend is welcomed for us-as most will close up their summer homes and not return til Memorial Day weekend-we will have a peaceful lake again-smiles.
It has been soooo hot and humid here all summer, so I hope this September will be cooler-some years it is still hot though. I haven't been any where so I enjoyed your photos.
I love goldenrod (and this one does Not cause allergies like many think) when I was doing a lot of natural dyeing I finally mastered a lovely yellow from goldenrod. It also makes a nice tea too
Happy September!

gigi-hawaii said...

How nice! Just enjoy the fleeting days of summer.
Here in Hawaii, school starts the first week day of August and ends the last week day of May.

R's Rue said...

Your posts always make me smile. I love your notecards.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Good times at the lake as always! Good friends visiting, good food and good weather--just perfection. Love the cat flying kites card--so cute. The trees are turning so prettily at the lake. We had one of those super duper storms the other evening. Glad you didn't have any damage. Have a happy week!

DeniseinVA said...

Super post Jeanie, and it’s so nice to see the faces, the yummy plate of food, flowers, scenery and birds. And then there is your artwork. Always love seeing what you do with your paintbrushes. Happy September my friend :)

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Happy fall travels to you both, Jeanie, and we will be doing the same with an early Oct trip to Tuscany. I do envy your return to England and hope to do the same perhaps next spring. Fall is my favorite season even if the leaves have not yet turned the beautiful reds, oranges and yellows which they will do in the next few weeks.

Sami said...

Lovely photos of your last days of Summer. Here we started Spring, which for some unknown reason starts on the 1st of September, and for the first time in weeks, it didn't rain at all today, it was a glorious sunny and warm day. You must be excited with the upcoming trip to England. Keep well Jeanie and enjoy the rest of your time at the cottage.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Lovely pictures! Everyone looks so happy.

Susan Kane said...

School always started day after Labor Day, back in my childhood. Now, the first school day is never the same. What a great group of friends you have. Our vegetable and fruit stands are a little bit thinner. It has been soooohot that plants are less productive.

Rustic Pumpkin said...

I am always sad at the end of a season. I don't know why, because the end of one season heralds the start of another And each one is beautiful in its own turn. I don't know if it's the same there, but here the first of September heralded what we call the start of meteorological autumn. The meteorological seasons work on a slightly different schedule to the ones we recognise that are based around the equinox and solstice. Meteorological seasons run from the first day of the month to the last day of the season or quarter. You must be getting excited with your forthcoming trip across the big. across the Big Water.

Lisa from Lisa's Yarns said...

School started today so I'm shifting into a fall frame of mind while also reminding myself that we probably have several weeks of summer-like weather to look forward to! I love fall but I don't want to say goodbye to summer just yet.

My dad commented on how Labor Day weekend used to be pretty depressing because we were putting things away and sometimes wouldn't be back at the lake or they would go there much less frequently. Now that they live there it's not a sad weekend and is kind of just another weekend since they'll enjoy more pontoon rides and such for the next several weeks.

We haven't seen changing leaves yet but we've had cooler weather recently so I know that is coming! said...

It's hard to say goodbye to summer, but it's been so hot I am welcoming fall with open arms! No signs of fall yet here except for shorter days. It's always so good to see friends, and I know you're excited about your upcoming trip so it won't be so hard to close up the lake house!

Sandra Cox said...

Glad you had good visits. And that foodie picture. Oh my. I'm surprised my stomach isn't growling. Lots of fall beauty in your area.

Joanne said...

Your farmer's market dinner looks so yummy! It's so hard to say goodbye to summer but I think slowly is the perfect way to do it.

Carola Bartz said...

Fall is definitely in the air, even here where summer lasts at least until the end of September, if not longer. But some trees already start to turn which is early for this area. I really love all the autumn plants and you showed quite a bit of them. That jewel weed is lovely. When are you leaving for England and how long will you stay? Will you be staying in Bath the entire time? That sure is a lovely area, and not far at all from the Cotswolds. But before that, enjoy the remaining days at the lake. Hugs - Carola

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

My sinus complained when the golden rod was seen. The fall blooms are beautiful but cause me great problems. Oh well, it's still hot here and I am staying inside most of the time. Just you wait, my friend. When the sun disappears in Michigan, it will be cooler here and I will go for a walk!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Thanks SO MUCH for all your visits and comments...I am playing catch up once again....I guess it is good for me to be so busy...Occupies my mind...The golden rod is blooming here and I am hoping that my asters will bloom in the back yard as some sort of insect almost gnawed all the leaves off of them...Never ever happened before...I decorated the front porch for Fall yesterday and we are having beautiful Fall like temps here for the week...I hope it continues now for the rest of the Season..Looks like you had some wonderful visits with good friends and family...Good for you!! I hope you are enjoying your week!!
Debbie-Dabble blog

mireille said...

I really enjoyed your pictures! I love fall and winter as our summers are really hot and humid in Georgia so I am truly enjoying these September mornings.

carol@The Red Painted Cottage said...

Sorry for replying late, but we’ve had a couple of crazy weeks. I love both your pairings of the cats and your wine garden. Delightful! It’s hard to believe that Labor Day has come around so soon again. Love all your wonderful photos!

Jenn Jilks said...

You have such fun! What a lovely time, I enjoyed it all!

crackercrumblife said...

That bird I believe is a yellow breasted Nuthatch. They are so cute!

What lovely moments you have shared at your cottage - so many guests and stories, meals, nature.

And yay for your England trip!! How exciting!

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