Friday, August 22, 2008



Summer is winding down, and we’re looking at the last hurrah!

I’m looking forward to dealing with some UFOs (unfinished objects!) at the lake – I just pulled up the extended weather forecast and its mostly sunny and 70s!

I had to share some beautiful packaging with you! I was the lucky winner of Sandra Everston’s drawing and the other day this precious bisque (I think) doll head arrived!

She was packed carefully in deckle-edged paper bits from a French dictionary.

The box had lovely papers – stripes, dictionary, collaged – on all sides! I told Sandra the packaging was as lovely as the prize! Thank you!

Also thanks for the many kind comments about my aunt, Iris, both on-blog and off. They are so very much appreciated!

I just noticed my August calendar page, which includes quotes by Thich Nhat Hanh with some lovely illustrations featured an illustration of an iris.

I leave you with the quote for the month:

Breathing in
I dwell in the present moment.
Breathing out,
I feel it is a wonderful moment

Wishing you many wonderful moments this weekend.


beth said...

You are a blog posting maniac...I always feel that I'm posts behind when I'm reading through yours and I need to catch up....

ok...breathing breathing....I think I'm there !!!

Have a great weekend!!!!

Joanne Huffman said...

Enjoy your week-end!


Anonymous said...

This post was a deep breath. Relaxing.
Lovely photos throughout your blog - Thanks for having something so pleasant for me to look at!!

Cami said...

Beautiful post. Love the poem.

Tina Leavy said...

hope you have a lovely week. the surprise package you received is very nice..I know you'll create something lovely with that doll face.

Unknown said...

What a lovely quote of the month... and the pics as ever are amazing x

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