Last weekend I realized this and rapidly took down my last tree -- I call it a "winter tree," because it's all snowflakes and icicles and lovely white things -- not a Santa to be seen. And while the snowflake garlands come down this weekend (OK, I pooped out!), much of the Easter has started to appear.

The bunnies hold court with the felt flower and flamingo lamp!

These bunnies are on the china cabinet. An antique print from my friend in Paris is behind them.
I love the bunnies. They're all over the house. Terra cotta, china, wooden, paper mache, fabric, stuffed. Gotta love the bunnies! Many of these buddies are from my friend Lin in Ohio who always knows exactly what I like (partly because she and I love the same things!) So, there is a good deal of "source memory" and thinking of friends as I bring up the surrogates!

But perhaps my favorites are the two egg trees. These really draw into my past. As a teen, my mom and I would blow out eggs till we were blue in the face and decorate them. Dyes, paints, jewels, trims... we'd buy the satin eggs in the store sometimes, too. I wish I still had the one I made first -- it was a plastic egg with a decal of a collie -- my dog, Major. I'm not sure where that one hangs out anymore, but there are plenty from the mom era of 40 years ago.

When I set up the tree, I find myself carefully studying each egg, recalling its story. On each tree there is an egg made of small fabric flowers -- you know, the kind you might use for a trim on a sewing project? We cut them apart and stuck them to the egg -- all bright pink and green, with a few pearls to bling it up. We didn't call it that then, but we were talking the same thing! Now I don't know which of us made which egg -- they are almost identical. And I really don't care. I just love seeing it there. And the yellow one with the beads. And the satin ones with the pearls.

My mom died around Easter time 31 years ago. That year Easter was in April, an unseasonably warm one at that. So, regardless where it falls on the calendar, I still think of her at that time. Think of the things we did, enjoyed. There is so very much of my life that has changed in those decades, things I wish she'd been around to share.

But one thing hasn't changed at all. Those decorations remain constant -- well, no. They grow and grow! And my love for creating special things grows, too. A seed carefully planted, gently nourished, and then let to flower on its own.
Only a week until spring. The Gypsy holds court, waiting in fear for me to put on the pretty spring-colored silk bandana.
Those egg trees are wonderful! Oh my, you blew them out! YUK! I have a little accordion type deal that pushes the stuff out. Mine are out so long before I blow them, I'd probably die of saminila ifI touched them with my lips! Yours are so pretty. I'd love to be able to blow up your pics to see details. I love the picture of you and your mom. So precious. Happy Spring! xoxo
PS How do you keep Gypsy away from the eggs! Eeeeek! If it's not glued down, Bella is on it!
When those were blown out, it was before we knew salmonilla existed! And we lived! Really hate that camera -- I'll try to get some close-ups with my upcoming loaner! Oh, and Gypsy isn't much of a height-seeker. So, we're pretty safe!
I love you egg trees! How lovely, Jeanie. I must do one.
The eggs are wonderful! I have memories of blowing out eggs until I got red in the cheeks and dizzy. What a nice memory of your mom.
i really love your story of egg decorating with your mom jeanie! i have never done much of an easter celebration but your blog photos and story remind me of the christmas ornaments that we used to make as a family when i was a child. everyone got involved and i remember being blissfully happy to have my mom and day doing arts and crafts with us. that is just a wonderful photo of you and your mom :)
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