Oh my- snow- yes, I think its too early for snow. Today we had one of those gray, use your headlights all day type days- but the temp was in the 50s- but I dread the snow coming.
The picture of TMG is just right. I love it, along with your line about "frequenting the birdbath and bar" - you have a wonderful book in the works there, Jeanie. Your photos and writing themed around TMG. Hilarious, touching, observant ...
Oh my- snow- yes, I think its too early for snow. Today we had one of those gray, use your headlights all day type days- but the temp was in the 50s- but I dread the snow coming.
The picture of TMG is just right. I love it, along with your line about "frequenting the birdbath and bar" - you have a wonderful book in the works there, Jeanie. Your photos and writing themed around TMG. Hilarious, touching, observant ...
I just love fresh snow.
Great pictures the cat looks ready to tell those birds off!
Definitely too early! At least it was only a dusting.
*sigh* it's all coming soon.
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