Monday, March 24, 2025

At Home: Making Merry in March

It's time to take another break from the England posts and do a little home catch-up. Overall, late February and March have  been a good months for the most part. We are beginning to see signs of spring, indoors and out. And while I'm not so naive to believe that winter is done rearing its ugly head for good, knowing that warmer days, bluer skies and beautiful blooms are on the way is a mood lift to be sure!

Things started out (in late February, actually) with a little less than good news. After my fall, I'd gone into Afib again. That meant I needed a cardio version, which is basically shocking my heart back into submission. (Think of a medical show when they put paddles on you and yell "Clear!" That's the procedure, though now they use sticky pads instead of paddles, but that's the gist of it.) Since then, all has been well, back in rhythm! Those days were brightened up by a surprise bouquet of flowers from a dear friend. They lasted almost three weeks and the two carnations are still going strong in a smaller vase!

One of the best parts of late February was attending a concert by Onur Alkavuklar, one of Rick's classical guitar-playing friends, with a local symphony orchestra. They played a Rodrigo concerto and I wish I had a video to share with you, it was that beautiful.

The whole evening was absolutely magnificent, apart from the fact that some woman in the front row had her toddlers there, who decided that was the perfect time to wander around in front of the stage. Onur didn't drop a note but the conductor -- after about five minutes of this -- stepped off the podium and had a word with the woman, who shortly left with her band of kids. (All, I'd guess, seven or under in age). After, Rick had a very impromptu gathering -- one of those "c'mon over!" things -- with Onur and his wife's family along with a couple other guitar fans. It was a total delight.

As for big fun, I headed east to London, Ontario to visit my friend Suzanne and do my best to support Canada, which is going through a world of political and economic hurt in their dealings with the US. I figured spreading a little international good will was not a bad idea (and besides, I wanted some supportive Canadian t-shirts and flags! And there is a great used bookstore there!). So, we did a bit of shopping. I loved going to Covent Garden, a covered market with loads of foodstuffs, gifts, veggies and blooms!

There was a fun mural there, so I thought I'd add it to the Mural Monday list!

On top of this, Suzanne and I were celebrating belated Christmas and doing our annual bookstore visits! And of course, lunch at Tim Horton's!

It was a grand visit with good dinners out and good ones in, including this lovely wine cake Suzanne made.

It's an old Trader Joe recipe. If you like wine and cake, you might like this one! I did!

Old friends. Can't beat 'em!

The Ditch is waking up and I'm seeing plenty of ducks and geese. No Harry the Heron yet, but he'll be back! (Late breaking news on the neighborhood FB page says he already is -- I just haven't seen him yet.)

The critters were having loads of fun on my visits. Most of the ice has gone out, except on the shadier of the ponds, the ones more blocked by the woods. The geese don't seem to mind!


There's plenty of water if they need it. I expect nest building soon

Harry, we're ready for you!


Despite snow on the first day of spring (nothing major) and chilled temps, it is officially spring! 

 And that means there is more fun to come!

Sharing with:   Mural Monday     /    Love Your Creativity   


Tom said...

...keep being merry and have a blast. Remember that Awesome April is right around the corner.

kathyinozarks said...

Good morning, Lovely post I enjoyed it. Glad to feeling better and good for the conductor to ask all those kids to leave-what a disruption.
I think spring is extra special this year do to the very rough winters most of us had.
Enjoy your new week

gigi-hawaii said...

I am so glad you have recovered from your fall and Afib. And now, here you are as good as new. Thanks to good western medical treatment.

maya said...

Yes, it was a bit ironic having it snow on the first official day of spring... but the thaw is here, and so are crocuses and all sorts of other shoots. This makes me so excited!

Glad your heart and other rhythms are working their way back to normal and loved your Canada adventure. Their Covent Garden looks more like the one in _My Fair Lady_ than the one in the U.K.!

Sami said...

Taking kids to a classical music inconsiderate and disruptive. Some signs of spring, how nice. Love the squirrels :) Enjoy the rest of the month Jeanie and thanks for taking part in Monday Murals.

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Nice to catch up with you, Jeanie! Fun fact: I worked at Covent Garden Market one summer when I was starting university. I worked at a deli, slicing meat and making lunch food. It is redone and a lot fancier now than it was then. -Jenn

My name is Erika. said...

Early spring is very exciting after this past winter, isn't it? That concert looks great, but who allows their children to wander around during it? That's just rude and irresponsible. And I'm glad you were able to go visit your friend. It looks like a super trip, and yes, Canada needs all the love from Americans it can get now. Thanks for sharing that cake recipe because it sounds good. I haven't heard of wine cake before. I'm going to get a cake mix and give it a try. Sorry to read about the a-fib too. I hope it doesn't happen again. Have a super start to this new week. hugs-Erika

Boud said...

That sounds like a wonderful concert, minus the disruptive kids. When I took my son to events like this, it was briefly and in seats near the aisle at the back. That way he got some exposure, without disrupting the players' focus.

Boud said...

And I forgot to say I'm glad the afib has been dealt with. You refer to it lightly but it's no joke to have to cope with it.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Jeanie,
I am sorry to hear about the issue with the afib, sounds scary. If I lived closer I would support Canada too. Looks like you had some fun times with your friend, shopping and yummy food. Great shots of the Ditch and the birds. Great photo of you and your friend. Have a great day and happy week ahead.

Sandi Magle said...

Golly, don't mess with that AFIB...that's what did me in last year. I had the Ablation..and still have flutters, but no extended blood pressure is stable now and also my pulse. Take care, definitely nothing to mess with. Hugs, Sandi

Granny Sue said...

Not the best start, but I am glad your heart os behaving nicely now!
I cannot even imagine bringing children to such a concert. I wonder if it was a homeschooling group, doing one of the required cultural activities. Very poor choice, whatever the reason. But it sounds like it was a wonderful concert.
Cheers to good friends!

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

I can't believe how fast March is going! It looks like it's been a busy month so far for you!!That wine cake sounds interesting!

Bill said...

Everything is coming back and it's a great time of year. Hope to see Harry soon. Harry where are you, you need an update on the blog so the world can celebrate your presence once again. :)

Anvilcloud said...

Covent Garden takes my back to 70-71 when I was doing my College of Ed year at the uni. We would also return for periodic visits from Sarnia for the next few years.

Could you tell us more about your Afib? Where does it happen and what is it like? Do paramedics come and help you at the scene, or do you get to the hospital somehow?

acorn hollow said...

You are ahead of us we still have snow on the ground and more falling today. The trip to Canada sounds like fun. You have the most fun all the time.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Your bouquet is lovely. I think a gift of fresh flowers is unbeatable with many people.

Anonymous said...

Fun times with old friends and new ones and great food, great shopping and AWESOME music always big winner !!! I love me some Tim Horton coffee, now. I still have alot family on my mother's side (French Canadian), though now its getting down to 3rd and 4th cousins, as most of the 2nd cousins are in their late 70s up to several in early 90s !!! I am part of the 'spring chicken' cousins and that makes me feel young...well a little bit anyways. Shocks me how old I am now !!! (gonna be...wait for it...68 in October. OH MY GOODNESS. How did that happen ???? LOL). Anyways, I know what you mean about trying to support our Canadian friends, and in my case, my own family !!! LOTS OF LOVE Dawn P. Albany, GA USA

Red Rose Alley said...

Aren't Carnations the best? They are my second favorite flower. They last for so long, and the scent! The market sounds fun filled with lots of interesting things to see and buy. The wine cake your friend made looks scrumptious. Wish I had a piece to go with my coffee right now. So good that you got to visit the Ditch. Love that picture of the geese's shadow. Jeanie, I'm sorry to hear about your fall and the shocking of your heart back into submission. That sounds scary. I'm glad to hear things are back to normal for you. A bouquet of flowers was just the right thing for some cheer. I do love your home posts, Jeanie.

Happy Spring!


Prims By The Water said...

Oh no on the Afib. Hopefully the procedure will work for a very long time. Hubby had to put in a thingy majig that monitors if he goes into Afib...which he never has thankfully since having his stokes. Those flowers are just beautiful. Love the colors. Janice

Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling better, your photos are lovely, especially the two with the cute, smiley girls. Take extra good care, happy new week, Virginia

KarenW said...

A bit of snow overnight on our patch. Winter isn't done with us yet.

roentare said...

Spring energy is out and about. Love all the critters lurking around

Rita said...

So glad you and your heart are doing better. Those flowers were gorgeous. The carnations really last a long time--goodness!
Too many kids wander about when they should be taught to sit still in public places. I'm glad he asked her to leave with her wandering brood.
Love the pictures of you and your dear friend. Flowers are coming up already. Spring is coming! :)

Pamela said...

What a scary medical event! You have kind friends. I’m happy to read the conductor had a word with woman with the children. I am not tolerant of children in adult spaces. Kind of feel like I know Suzanne, after reading about her on your blog for years. I know you are a good friend to others because you have such good friends. Great picture of you, and that squirrel at the end is so cute!

Sherry's Pickings said...

Sounds like a lovely visit with your friend. Can't believe these people who think bringing small children to an adult event is okay. Hope you are feeling well after your medical incident.

Iris Flavia said...

Scary times, glad you out well! And why, the heck, take young kids to a concert, of course they get bored!
It is so sad your country gets torn like this. I hope your Canada-actions help! All of you. To friends and warm temps soon!

Kokopelli said...

Lovely flowers! Especially the blue irises, as blue is my favorite color. How scary with shocking your heart back into rhythm! Geez! Happy T Day!

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Wonderful to see the birds coming back for the warm season. Glad the conductor had a word with that woman! I hope she was embarrassed by her lack of respect for the musicians and other people in the audience. I cannot tolerate people who let children act like hooligans without any discipline.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Good to know that you were here in Canada showing a little actual support, rather than symbolic or emotional support. They are both important to be sure but your physical presence even more so. Thank you.

La Table De Nana said...

Thanks for coming to Canada a sovereign country:) You had fun..apart from your medical issue:( You are a real trooper!

Sally Wessely said...

I loved reading you newsy letter of your latest happenings. I’m sorry about the aFib events, but happy to know you were able to get back into rhythm. It is good to keep all that Canadian love going.

Lisa's Yarns said...

Nothing is blooming here yet but it should be soon if the temps stay mild. It will be 50 here today so things are looking up! I am glad you got to see Suzanne on Canadian soil. I feel so bad for our friends to the north. :(

I'm glad the version did the trick. That is stressful to have issues with A-Fib!

This N That said...

Glad you are feeling better and that all is well.. Lovely Post...

Sandra Cox said...

Sounds like you and Suzanne had a wondrous time. I'm so glad.
I had no idea you had such serious heart issues. I'm so very sorry to hear this. Take special care of yourself.

Debbie said...

spring has sprung here also and i could not be happier. i enjoy these temperatures, right around 60. the flowers from your friend are gorgeous, how nice that they lasted so long. my knitting teacher play in a band and i really love her concerts...they make me so happy inside. awesome captures of the wildlife!!

Debbie said...

i forgot to comment on the afib...i hope that continues to go well for you!!

jeanie said...

I am sorry to hear about the health issues - but oh my, those flowers in the first picture are amazing - the colour is so intense!

Jenny Woolf said...

The trip to Canada looked so much fun! And the picture of you and Suzanne is charming - you seem so happy. That is a very professional looking cake, mine would never come out that way.
Enjoy your Canadian goods, and thumbs up for buying them. Canada's a great country that deserves all our support and is nice to be reminded of.

Miss Merry said...

Lovely photos. Spring is coming! I will have to check back on your England posts. My daughter is visiting London right now!

Lowcarb team member said...

I was pleased to read that you have now recovered from your fall and Afib ... but do take care.

Lovely pictures of you and Suzanne, the cake she made looks very tasty.

Nice to see 'The Ditch' is waking up, I do like this time of year.

Enjoy the rest of your week.

All the best Jan

Gretchen Joanna said...

I love your squirrel photo! And the blue flags are great heralds of spring <3 Harry, where are you??

The one time I was in Canada I was very glad to visit Tim Horton's :-) I'm glad they are still there.

DeniseinVA said...

Good news about recovering from your fall and afib issue. Falls themselves are scary things let alone having to deal with anything else. I am glad to see that the conductor asked the mother and young children to leave. It certainly wasn’t fair to them and to the rest of the audience. Lovely to visit your friend and applauding your support. I know I haven’t mentioned everything in your post, but I thoroughly enjoyed all of it. Thank you Jeanie and continued healing.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I can think of four people I know around here who have had troubles with Afib. Glad your procedure was effective.

And isn't it lovely that the world chose to emerge from the gray days of winter into the brilliance and new life of spring! I'm focusing on those glorious things. Today I'm off on a birding morning in Galveston.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Seeing those first flowers pop up is a sure sign of spring!! The deep blue/purple is beautiful. How rude of that woman at the concert. I don't know what's wrong with people nowadays.. They just have no sense or no respect for others. Glad your Afib situation is under control and you are feeling better.

The French Hutch said...

Oh Jeanie, I'm sorry to hear you had to go through the Afib again and I'm thankful you are fine now. That has to be really scary. Looks like spring is heading your way with all the little creatures making appearances. Your trip to see Suzanne sounds delightful, nothing like seeing our long time friends. The cake looks delicious! I would have enjoyed all you two had fun doing. Love the mural and bookstores. Spring has turned hot here and we've had storms with more coming the weekend. All part of spring's arrival in the south! Take care and happy spring sweet friend........

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Thanks once again for all your visits!! We keep going back and forth from winter to Spring and may even be in the mid 70's on the weekend after going as low as in the 20's tomorrow morning!! Typical NEPA weather...I have not even thought about doing any outside work yet...Hopefully, next week after I finish my Easter decorating....
Debbie-Dabble Blog

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

March can be a hard month to make merry, but you certainly did the job!

Steve Reed said...

Sorry about the heart episode, but at least it's doing what it's supposed to do now. It just needs a little discipline. :)

I had no idea London, Ontario, also has a Covent Garden! Funny.

Marilyn Miller said...

Love your springtime visit to the ditch. Hoping you see Harry soon. The concert sounds lovely. So glad the conductor spoke to the woman with the young children. Also happy you could enjoy some time in Canada with your friend.

Carola Bartz said...

Gosh Jeanie, I'm glad that you recovered from that fall and the Afib. It does sound scary, to say the least. Take really good care of yourself!
While I think it's great that the mom wants to expose her kids to classical music, it is not okay that she let them wander around - that is rude. When out daughter was little, we exposed her to many different things, but we also made sure that she behaved well. Thankfully we were very lucky and never had a problem, she was a very easy kid (both my husband and I are so thakful for that, especially when we hear other people's "horror" stories).
I'm glad that you were able to visit your friend in Canada. They need all the love from us. I wish we lived closer to Canada, we would make sure to go there as often as possible.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I;m so glad your cardioversion was successful! O have freinds who went through that procedure--not fun but it is usually very long term effective.
It's so nice you were able to visit with your friend in Ontario. I feel so frustrated by this admisitrations terrible discord with Canada! I lnown and follwed many Canadian bloggers for many years and feel close to them and I feel their hurt and comfusion. thanks for the wine cake recipe--it looks delicious!

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