There are hundreds of thousands of stems
LINKING us to everything in the cosmos.
SUPPORTING us and making it possible
For us to be.
Do you SEE
The link between
You and me?
If you
Are not THERE.
I am not HERE.
Thich Nhat Hanh
SUPPORTING us and making it possible
For us to be.
Do you SEE
The link between
You and me?
If you
Are not THERE.
I am not HERE.
Thich Nhat Hanh

This, however, resonated in multiple ways.
I see the hundreds of thousands of stems linking us and supporting us as those wonderful links we make as bloggers. The support we share is inspiring. The things we learn are exciting and expansive. The friendships we make are warm and delightful.
We are there for one another's sorrows -- and we've never met face to face.

We enter swaps, contests and online parties.

Thank you all!
What a beautiful post! Thank you for your inspiring thoughts!!!
I am really glad we are linked through our blogs :))
Take care,
Jeanie, how true are the words you write, I would not have linked with you without blogging and for that I am grateful - Love ya xxx
As you know, I've been sick and haven't been visiting blogs recently. This post was just so beautiful and such a welcoming one to read on my first day back. And it's so true. I value all the friendships I've made through blogging....and yours is one of them.
what a warm post! you know i feel so much the same. i cherish your friendship and your humor jeanie. you have been such a welcoming and generous person in my blogging adventure. thanks friend.
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