Friday brought the visit of our friend Rick B. who moved to California several years ago – and that meant dinner on the roof at El Azteco, where we shared our favorite topopo salad and cheese dip.

Saturday was serious junking and marketing day! (A bit done Friday, too!) You can’t beat this curtain valance for a dime (and in the package!). Before…
And after! Perfect colors!
I’m dying to take apart this necklace that was thrown in free and use in collage. Not a great photo, but you get the gist.
I loved this little manecki neko, the Japanese good luck cat you often see in businesses. It was a teapot with a missing lid. Now it’s a pen holder, but may be converted into a yarn/string dispenser!
Ball jars were fifty cents to a dollar!
And I loved the lace curtains – two long panels and a valance. I doubt they’ll be curtains – maybe a table cover or I could use them to wrap oddly shaped packages.
I found these dear cloths/liners at an estate sale and these cute booties. I want to interpret the pattern. Then I’ll stuff them with catnip for the Gypsy!
That estate sale also bought some fun recipe booklets and golden books – most were not in good shape, but I’m cutting them up for collage, so no big deal. Also found a great atlas (not pictured) – again, bad shape but glorious maps and good typography.
And the video “Hello, Dolly!” for fifty cents, which we enjoyed Saturday night!
Total junking expenditures: $10.00. Fun shopping and fun to come? Priceless!
Tomorrow…time with another old friend, and strawberry shortcake!
Oh my gosh - you got some great finds! The valance is perfect - bright and cheery. For the sinus head - have you ever tried a neti pot? I swear by mine!
Hi Jeanie-
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, and leaving such a sweet comment. Yep-my two favorite pass times are thriftin and craftin, hence the name of my blog. You got some great finds on your last outing, and that Mexican food looks SO GOOD.
As far as the challenges go, I post an inspiration piece once a month, and you can use anything about it that inspires you. This month I posted a collage of quilts. I'll link this comment to the latest challenge post so you can see it. You DON'T have to make a quilt. Just use the colors, the shapes, whatever and make something with whatever you like to do. Scrapbook a page, or sew, or draw, etc. Post your project with a photo of it on your blog then link that SPECIFIC post on my blog in the Mr. Linky box. That's it-the rest of us get to see everyone else's projects. It's really fun to see the different directions everyone goes. If you have any questions, drop me a note, and I'll be happy to answer them.
Very cool finds and great bargains, too! I found breaking down the junk jewelry to be very therapeutic and addicting. Something about sorting the beads and findings, I guess. I made a pretty good dent in mine. Now to get to making something out of it all!
Ah, El Azteco. Junking? I'm jealous. tee-hee. I didn't get out to some estate and garage sales I wanted to last weekend. Maybe this next one.
Wow..some really great stuff, Jeanie. Your kitchen looks so cute!! Just love those estate sales!
You got great stuff! WOW! Makes me want to get shopping!
ohhh....what goodies...what fun !!!
it's always amazing to me how I love what somebody else decided they could let go of.....
and how 10.00 of goodies can make a heart feel like a million bucks !!
Wow look at those great deals! Love the valance and who can beat it for 10 cents? :)
Sounds like an awesome weekend- a look at the topopo salad has me craving Mexican food!
Isn't it amazing how much fun you can have with $10?
Gorgeous stuff.
Thanks for your visits and kind words.
Love you
People you love, dessert, junking---you about summed up my life! Just add pets and a lake and ya hit it out of the park!!!
PS I was @ Theatre Major for a long time @ University of Northern Colorado in Greeley. Good times! Many of my best friends managed to make it in the industry too. I chickened out and became a psychologist!
Came across your post while searching for lace curtains. Wow - what a lot of neat things you found. And I like your idea of using the lace curtains as a possible package wrap. Neat!
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