Monday, June 30, 2008

These are a Few of My Favorite Finds -- and, Good Salsa, too!

Here are a few of my favorite finds from this weekend's junking.

I realized that for as much as I read, I'd never read Dorothy Parker! For fifty cents, who could resist! The small book atop it is one of two I got -- they come in a book box and are about three inches high. Lovely illustrations as well. And at the price, I'll not feel bad about cutting them up!

I liked the pattern on this compote. It may go in the Art Space to hold materials. Or fruit on the counter. For fifty cents, why say no?

I was very fond of this hat with about a dozen millinery flowers.

And this collection -- again, at fifty cents -- captivated me. OK, I'm embarrassed to say why. But the glass holder will be a grand crown for the Gypsy (or something) and the other oblong one is amazingly bendable! I can't wait to decorate these! (I know -- too small for my big hairy head, but oh, sometimes I need a crown that isn't in my mouth!)

These little white dishes have already been put into service holding buttons and embellishments. They were a quarter for both.

So, last night I was making salmon the way my friend Kate does, which is the Alice Waters way. Easy -- put a jelly-roll pan of water on the lowest baking rack and on the one above your salmon. Alice uses olive oil, salt and pepper. I, of course, change everything and added dill, chipotle and chimayo. Bake at 200 for an hour.

I wanted something zesty to go with it and didn't want to go to the store, so this is my original potpourri salsa!

Potpourri Salsa

(Please note -- I was winging it on the proportions -- and the ingredients, for that matter!)

1/2 big red pepper, diced as small as I could
1 peach, again finely diced.
1 smallish Vidalia onion, finely diced. (Actually, most of a medium onion)
Probably about 3/4 c. frozen corn, nuked about 3-4 minutes and put in cold water bath

Mix together. If I had cilantro or a jalapeno, I'd have added them.

Juice of one lime and 1/4 of a leftover lemon
At least 1/4 t. or more of: cumin, red cayenne pepper, chimayo, chipotle and red pepper flakes and salt to taste.

Mix together and serve over salmon. Or do like I did and just eat it by the spoonful!


Joanne Huffman said...

One of my favorite quotes is from Dorothy Parker (challenged to use the word horituclute in a sentence, she said, "you can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think.").


Sugar Bear said...

Ooo - great finds. That compote for fifty cents?! Definitely a great buy.

julochka said...

wandered over here from beth's blog. i too went junking on the weekend. i dind't find any dorothy parker, tho'. that looks way cool!

Shelley said...

You did good!! Junkin' is stupendous. I missed it last week. I'll make up for it next weekend. Great finds. I want to see a picture of you wearing the hat.


Roses and Lilacs said...

Good morning. I saw your comment on another blog and was intrigued by the kitty photo.

Your blog is very interesting. I'm a big fan of Dorothy Parker's too.

I copied your salsa recipe. Sounds wonderful.

Jeanne said...

Fabulous my lovely friend
I will have to try this.
Thanks for your visit and kind words.
Love Jeanne

JessInFocus said...

The salsa looks great. As always I am amazed by your great finds.

Don't feel so sorry for my little Saber. Check out my new post when you get a chance. :)
It talks about Saber's new hobby.


Janet said...

You certainly did find some great items! Those little books are wonderful. I'm always intrigued by small books....don't know why. I had a good laugh over the first comment and the quote from Dorothy Parker. I must remember that one!

Becca said...

Great book finds...and I love the compote too.

I've not read too much Dorothy Parker, but I love this quote...

"What fresh hell is this?" I can just see her smoking her long cigarette and drinking a gin and tonic :) said...

I am now going to have to be looking for one of those to make a crown!

Anonymous said...

he he hee...the crown is quite lovely although i agree a bit small. perhaps if you decorated it grandly enough it could expand in size to meet your head circumference needs. the compote a treasure the books divine. i love dorothy parker! at least i thin i do... i forget sometimes who i have read and who i haven't...maybe i am mixing her up with lillian helman,,,were they contemporaries you think? you are a good treasure hunter!
xoxoxoxoxoox to you and your family dear friend.

jet1960 said...

Great finds! You did good! It sounds like we think alike when we look at "stuff"!

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