Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Gloomy Day, Need Some Color!

It's a rainy, gloomy day here in Michigan -- they tell us the first of a series that will take us through the weekend. Since the station is hosting a digital television booth at the art fair both days, I'm not looking forward to this. A tad grumpy (this will pass) -- probably from too restless a sleep and knowing I had to take Rick to the airport at 6:15 this morning!

So, I leave you with something pretty -- some hydrangeas, from my farm market visit on Saturday!


Anonymous said...

what a riot of pastel colors! it has a little of everything, pink, blue, lavender and that lovely light green. it is rainy here too jeanie although we are supposed to be shocked out of our weather related grumpiness by 90+ degree temperatures on friday and saturday.
hope you feel cheered soon. and where is Rick off to?

Beth said...

I hear you on the grumpiness. I have felt like that all week espiecally since I have a raging case of poison ivy rash. Its a rainy gloomy day here too and tomorrow but suppose to be pretty by the week-end. Love the hydrangeas. Hope some sundhine appears for you soon!

Sugar Bear said...

Such lovely flowers! Sounds like we are both grumpy and at this moment overworked!

Shelley said...

How lovely. I wish I could have some success growing hydrangea's here.

Janet said...

Those hydrangeas are gorgeous!! I think they always look so lush.

Our weekend weather is supposed to be HOT! Should reach near 100º!!

JessInFocus said...

The hydrangeas are gorgeous and just what I needed! We had had so much rain the past few months I have to keep reminding myself about how dry and terrible last year was. Plus the less rain we get makes for higher hay and water bills. I've started chanting "Rain is good!"

Laura said...

Absolutely gorgeous!!!!!! Talk about eye candy!!!!

Great pix!!!!!

KRCampbellArt said...

Beautiful! I love the color. I have to admit I love rainy, gray days. I wonder if it is an ancestral thing? Nice UK weather. My friends always email me on such days with comments like, I suppose you are happy. Good to know someone is.

Pam Aries said...

Hi Jeannie! I am on a MINI vacation, ha. Still delayed on my plans .but javing fun being a tourist in my own town! Hellooo Gypsy!~

Karen Owen said...

Thanks for sharing the beautiful hydrangeas. Their colors are inspiring! I hope you are your happy self soon.

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