Well, Myrtle Beach was heaven. I'm not sure anything could have got us to leave except the promise of the mountains!

We took off in the morning, making an early stop!

The peaches in South Carolina are to die for. I've never had peaches sweeter and while I'm sure my Georgia friends might take exception, there is definitely some competition!

I was so impressed with all the garden stands I saw along the road. In Michigan you don't often see them like this -- perhaps a small stand where someone is unloading their overly prolific zucchini, but that's rare.
These had a vast array of jams -- a quart for $5.

And boiled peanuts -- I'm told these are boiled in a salt water solution while in the shell. They had an odd consistency, but were tasty.

Rick bought sweet potatoes, his favorite! Then it was off again, destination North Carolina.

I'm not a fan of Rick's GPS, but I have to admit it was fun watching the elevation change as we approached the mountains.

I particularly loved the rock walls -- massive amounts of rock (and mountain) had been blasted through for the roads, and the views were spectacular.

The views got better when we arrived at Rick's dad's house at the top of Sugar Mountain, near Banner Elk and not far from Boone.

If you've followed the Marmelade Gypsy for awhile, you may have noticed similar photos taken last year. Trust me, these are this year's birds!

And I was a sucker for them, waiting, using the zoom at the max! I never did nail the hummingbirds, though!

One of my favorite things to do when I'm there is go antiquing.

I loved this French booth in the Foscoe antique mall...

...and if I had more cupboard space, I would have walked away with these!

Without doubt, if there was more car space, this trolley would have come home -- can't you imagine it in the art room?

And I loved these musical instruments. I don't know much about them, but the mandolin was similar to one I have -- broken in the same places. The price was right at $350!

I so admire good antique mall styling -- I see a lot of that in Blogland. It's not easy, and when you see it done well, it's really an incentive!

Well, off to another -- I liked this big sign, but no room!

The next spot I stopped was way out of my league price wise -- but not to worry! It had a lovely garden!

And the butterflies were really out in force. I almost couldn't count them all, and they varied in color. The yellow ones were my favorite (yellow swallowtail, I think).

The darker ones had some pretty markings, too, when they caught the light just right.

Time to move on -- this time to a nursery. No purchases here, but isn't the fence fun?

Later that afternoon, Rick's stepmom and I headed to the Mast General Store -- a landmark in Valle Crucis, NC. I wrote about it here last year.

This time we also stopped at the Annex, where candy is the name of the game!

Loved the old barrels and saw lots of vintage candies -- the ones you didn't think they made anymore!

Oh -- and we made one more pick-up along the way.

Yes, Rick opted for a ride up the mountain. True, he had gone 60 miles or so. The idea of going almost straight up for about two miles of winding, highly graded road just seemed a little much -- especially since we were passing by!

Well, day one was nearing its end. But there's more to come! So for today, my bird friends and I say, "see you soon!"

(Next time -- more in the mountains!)
Your trip sounds really wonderful. It's always fun to see mountains if you live in our part of Michigan, isn't it?
I love it when you take your readers along on your trips. Beautiful photos.
OK, it would take a lot to get me away from the water, but these pictures just might do the trick! Looks wonderful... completely lovely.
It's so much fun when you take us along on your adventures. Your photos make me think I'm right there. And I think I just gained about 5 lbs in that candy store!!
you are having so much fun....i love it !
Looks like so much fun. Come to Colorado with me and go antiquing.
What a great trip you're having, Jeanie! Your pictures are so beautiful. I can just taste those peaces! Loved seeing the antiques! And the mountain scenery is spectacular. You're awakening my inner vagabond! Thanks again for a great vicarious vacation!
Beautiful pictures, Jeanie. I am always amazed when I see the roads here that have been blasted through the mountains.
The antique shops look very interesting, and of course the candy store would be great fun.
Sounds like so much fun. We've been looking at houses online in Myrtle Beach. We used to vacation there when my son was little.
You are right about the peaches. We've been buying SC peaches at our farmers' market here. My husband raves about them and he usually isn't much of a fruit eater.
Another set of photos of another beautiful area of the country that I have yet to visit. I have heard that the Boone area is just gorgeous. I would love to visit some day - and i will as I have a blog friend in Charlotte who would love to show me around Boone (she went to college there). Looks like an awesome part of the country. Love the farm stands!!
What a great trip up the mountain. The peaches and the birds are wonderful. The antiques would be so fun to stop and browse, I am not sure how you could pass up bringing a few things home. I have a green trolley like that in my kitchen. Sometimes just bringing home the pictures is part of the fun of traveling.
The Carolinas really call to me. Can't wait to visit there in the next couple of years.
Loved the butterfly with the aqua markings. I don't recall seeing those colors on a butterfly before.
I remember way back when, my mom had a cart like the one shown here. It was red and had a place to plug in small appliances too. Looking back, there are so many "old" things I would like to have. They conger up such warm memories.
When I saw "BOONE" I thought antiques!
We had a nice stop there on our Blowing Rock trip ... I got some wonderful shoe taps (the metal thingies) and turned some into altered birds...that's another story
you do get some great nature shots...zoom is our friend!
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