With the unseasonably awesome weather over Thanksgiving weekend, I put up my wee outdoor tree near the front door.

You could say this is an arrangement for all seasons -- springtime thyme, summer's geraniums, autumn's pumpkin and the holiday tree.

What's up with the weather? (The way it's turning, I suspect the geraniums will be bloomless by the time this posts!)
Last year, our December looked like this!

Michigan. Gotta love it. Totally unpredictable. No earthquakes. Hurricanes. Minimum wildfires. Marginal flooding. Not too many tornadoes. Not so cold as Minnesota.
But really unpredictable!
LOL seems the weather in lots of locations is becoming more unpredictable! It's been wet wet wet here and now it's chilly in ole Virginny too :)
OH forgot to tell you it's snowing too ;) on my Wordpress blog ... I'm always sad when they turn it off!
Hi Jeanie, I love your seasonal background on your blog. Gypsy blends right in. :-)
Sweet little tree. Don is full force into decorating. I never know what I am going to come home to.
That is, indeed, SO Michigan!
I love your display by the door. Kind of a combo of seasons. I am loving the lack of snow.
I think the snow is supposed to come today - I haven't been missing it.
They are calling for snow in Louisanna and and lower Alabama tomorrow night, so it will probably be knocking at your door soon. Love the outside deco!
So pretty! Think we have your weather today. Well, kinda. It's colder than usual. In the 40s! lol Burr doggy for a Southerner!
What a fun plan - xmas photo in every post. I'll be back every day for sure. I too love your seasonal background. It is perfectly you!!
Your snowman wreath makes me very happy. And inspired.
Did you make it? I wonder where I could get a snowman head? Hmmmmm....
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