It was covered with ATCs from art friends and butterflies from last year's visit to North Carolina.

You could barely see it through the stuff. (actually, that photo above needs to be rotated!)

And I can tell you, it didn't get much better.
I realized (finally) my room was "backwards." The best art light was coming through the window by the computer table and vice versa. And it was pretty hard to get to the shelves which had too much stuff that really wasn't in current use. (Below -- after, with the two tables shifted.)

While Rick was away and with a load of projects staring me in the face, I realized that if I wanted a place to work productively I had to take major action.

Now, I still have lots of sorting to do, and the shelves aren't very tidy because my main goal was moving furniture, electronics, and "the big stuff," purging the sometimes-supplies, and getting in order. So my table and shelves are still needing work.

But here you go! (And it's amazing what you can find underneath that desk and art table!)

A few spots...like the cigar boxes...

The paints...(sewing machine drawer from a great antique show this summer)...

The display rack
Beth D. made me filled with work by my friends (including dolls by Joanne). I got the birdcage idea from either
Beth L. or
Karla eons ago...

Here's a better view.

The closet door makes a great storage space for knit and silk pieces. Inventory is low. Show is soon. Gotta work.

The PBS wall of fame -- aka, the "vanity" wall!

And of course, the entry!

Here's one of the "inspiration boards" with pieces from friends and swaps.

A postscript. Sunday morning -- very early. Couldn't sleep so I came in to blog and for the first time ever, I saw a sunrise from my table as I typed.

It was a beautiful quiet moment and while the photo isn't a good one (the photograph of the heart is better), it's one I'll cherish.
wow! Great job! You did all this with a broken rib!?! I am inspired by your hard work and will soon have to start organizing my studio, too.
Wonderful post
The Xmas tree is so BEAUTIFUL
and you have so many postcards ...
I thought you were supposed to be taking it easy! Your room looks great - filled with all sorts of inspiration.
Wow! I'm impressed! You are such a hard worker, girl!
I agree with everyone else....aren't you supposed to be taking it easy? Moving furniture and sorting through an art room is not resting!!
You have a great space to create in and you're surrounded by so much inspiration. I can just picture you in there making wonderful things.
I was going to fuss at you a little too but I trust you didnt over do too much. But wow, your art room looks great. Thats on my agenda when I am off at Christmas. I need to expunge a few things that I don't use any more and basically dust and clean it.
Love all the goodies that you in your room. I can picture you there just creating up a storm!
You always feel better when you've cleard the deckas and reorganised. Fab working space. I'm jealous!
Wow, Jeanie - what a lot of beauty surrounding you!
What a wonderful spot!!! So full of life and love and color and stuff!!! I absolutely LOVE it!!! Thanks for sharing!!! xo
This is why I'm never stressed when you come to visit - my place is kinda like yours!
Oh my.... BIG job there! And how cool, to watch the sunrise from your working spot! I bet you will make the effort again. That light is so beautiful.
Oh, Jeanie, you are going to enjoy this so much! I love how you surround yourself with so many beautiful possibilities -- it's all just gorgeous!
I can't tell you how much I enjoy peeks into people's creative spaces. You have made a haven for yourself. I love it! Thank you for sharing it.
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