From a magical tree, Van Atta's Greenhouse, 2009. Please visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for all of this week's Pink Saturday participants.
Our Pink Saturday challenge this week is to share a favorite childhood memory.
It's impossible for me to think Christmas and not think childhood -- those magical times when gifts "appeared" under the tree, the house was filled with lights and Santa was "the man."
I was an only child, so my memories -- not surprisingly -- center around me!
The first Christmas I remember bits of brought me a doll house from Santa -- a low, metal ranch house. I was all of three, maybe four. It wasn't until years later that I saw the proof that Santa bore a striking resemblance to the man I knew as "Daddy."
I was "the model" for all the family cards in those years and while many of those sittings faded into a blur, I clearly remember posing with my collie, Major, sometime in the fall -- my photographer parents placed lights inside the fireplace to give it that special "glow."
But for whatever reason, a memory that sticks with me clearly is the year my cousin David and his family joined us for Christmas. We were in third grade and pretty good kids -- I think by then we knew the Santa gig was up, but we didn't actively seek our presents prior to the big day.
But it didn't stop us from finding the coveted "Lie Detector Game" hidden under mom's bed when we were looking for -- what? That I can't remember. I can assure you, nothing devious was involved. I wish I knew if we acted surprised enough when the game appeared under the tree. Having had some experience with third grade deceit in later life, I suspect they had it figured!
Happy Pink Saturday!
(Stop by Chopsticks and String -- the first post in the "Holiday Survival Guide" series is up! This one is on shopping, giving and receiving!)

I was an only child, so my memories -- not surprisingly -- center around me!
The first Christmas I remember bits of brought me a doll house from Santa -- a low, metal ranch house. I was all of three, maybe four. It wasn't until years later that I saw the proof that Santa bore a striking resemblance to the man I knew as "Daddy."

But it didn't stop us from finding the coveted "Lie Detector Game" hidden under mom's bed when we were looking for -- what? That I can't remember. I can assure you, nothing devious was involved. I wish I knew if we acted surprised enough when the game appeared under the tree. Having had some experience with third grade deceit in later life, I suspect they had it figured!
Happy Pink Saturday!
(Stop by Chopsticks and String -- the first post in the "Holiday Survival Guide" series is up! This one is on shopping, giving and receiving!)
Hi Jeanie, What a cute little girl you were... My mother fixed my hair the same way when I was little...I also had that same doll house...AND My father was an amateur photographer...He had a darm room in our home, and my mother would take his black and white photos and would paint color over them...To Cool... Do hope you have time to stop over at my place for a visit...
Merry Christmas
On this first Saturday of December ♥Jappy Pink Saturday♥. I was away for a while and sure missed running around the blogs arnd seeing all of the goodies everyone was sharing.
Thanks for the another only child, I, too, have some special memories...
It was a blessing for you to make my morning so much fun. Hoping that you and those you care about spend a wonderful weekend making memories that will last a lifetime☺
You shared a lot of nice memories with us today. I enjoyed hearing about all of them.
What beautiful pictures! I love the curls, the detail about your parents putting lights inside the fireplace to create that firelight glow -- lovely memories, thanks for posting these.
The wonderful photo of your father assembling the Christmas present reminds me of hours trying to find slot G to insert peg H in part E, when part E always seemed to be missing (because I was sitting on it).
By the way you had a radiant smile that only seems to come out on little girl's faces at Christmas time.
Look how gorgeous you are as a child! Love those curls. Look out Shirley Temple! Love your memories. Pink Blessings!
The picture of you and your dogs is simply stunning! Would make a nice Christmas card now!
The photographs are FANTASTIC. You are a CHERUB!! That gorgeous hair and face. Wow.
I had never once thought of the lie detector game until you just wrote about it!!! I LOVED it. I want to play it RIGHT NOW.
Ok, enough of exclamation points and caps. :|
What sweet memories. I was an only child, too so I can relate. And I was never one to sneak a peek at my presents. I like surprises too much!
What an adorable little girl you were. such a sweet picture of your dad putting together your doll house. I had one like that too!
Oh, I love the photos. Your Dad looks so young. It's always funny to think of how young our parents were once upon a time.
I remember looking for and finding a gift under my mother's bed. I couldn't resist.
Thanks for stirring some of my own memories and thanks for sharing yours.
What a sweet memory. I really love the picture of you with your dog. I hope you are having a great day and looking ahead to the holidays.
What a living doll! Love the pic with you looking over your shoulder!
What do you mean, the Santa gig was up? He still comes to my house.....
I think for all of us Christmas is like bringing back the childhood, even if only for a day! happy PS!
What a cutie you were. I love the Lassie dog - my husband had one when we first met - they are a beautiful dog. Yours looked like he loved you very much.
Jeanie, you're beautiful. I'm an only child, too. And, I once received a very similar dollhouse. Mine had plastic furniture. I can tell your Christmas' were filled with love.
Happy Pink Saturday.
My David would never do anything bad like that. You must be mistaken! I LOVE that picture of you and Major. And I agree - you should make it into a current christmas card.
Funny story and sweet memories. Thanks for sharing, Mollye
I had a similar dollhouse - a few years earlier than you got yours. I can see why you were the model for the Christmas cards - you were (and still are) a beauty.
Lovely memories :-)
Unique shots,
I love it its very special :-)
Have a wonderful sunday
That photo of you and Major should be your Christmas card!! You were/are such a cutie pie! xoJ
What a precious post! You were a beautiful little girl and still are!
You were soooo cute! I had hair like that, too! Mine got straighter tho! I remember that metal ranchstyle house. ahhhhh childhood...
what an absolutely delightful and precious post Jeanie!
i can see why there are sooo many comments on this wonderful post jeanie!! i adore your little girl pictures! perfectly vintage and sooo cute! your hair was so pretty! but i always love reading about your childhood. you have a way of reminiscing that captures m and calls me home to my own. i do love you so jeanie :)
OH my gosh!! That image looks like a professional photograph. I was so delighted when I read that it is you. What a perfect memory, a marvelous memento. You made me happy today with this post. Thank you.
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