As many of you know, I'm having shoulder surgery -- in fact, today as you read this, I'm either in process or in a sling!
Thanks to the best friends anyone could ever have, I was surprised at what was
supposed to be tea with Judy with a lovely gathering of dear friends at dinner. You got me, Judy! And it was lovely! That happened Monday and tonight I'm wrapping things up!
First, I do want to remind you that I am continuing to post while I'm out, thanks to that lovely pre-posting blogger feature! So check back. As I'm able to type a bit, I'll update! But there are a couple of fun things scheduled!
And, I want to make extra big thanks to many of my blogger buddies who have been so very kind and supportive in many ways. You guys are all great!
Now, about that rotator cuff...

Some of you have said, "I'm having shoulder issues, too!" So, I thought I'd post a couple of images from the poster at the PT unit with some shoulder info.

This is what it looks like... weird, huh. Those brown things are the tendons and the white things are the bones.

My issue is a tear.

But there are other things, too -- and most of the other things don't require surgery. Maybe physical therapy, though.

If your shoulder issues aren't shaping up on their own, I'd recommend checking it out. PT may help, and MRI can tell your problem in more detail. I can't say I like this or am looking forward to it, but more than one doc and the physical therapists have assured me that if left untreated it could be quite serious in the future. That sort of scared me into submission.

So, I will be keyboard-challenged for a few weeks. Not that that'll stop me. I might be slower and you may enjoy mercifully shorter posts!But I'll try to post once I can.
Check back and visit -- as I said, as I'm better able to type, I want to post and of course visit your blogs. I may have trouble commenting, but I'll do my best!
Hope you are doing well right this minute!!! and over the days to come. As soon as you can, eat some ice cream! Watch a good movie! Read a good book! Pad yourself with lots of blankies and kiss the cat!
Hey Jeanie,
I don't comment a lot (I know...bad lurker...bad!) but I'll be thinking about you, and I'm willing to help you with stuff if you need a hand with Gyppy care or anything else. My grandma had rotator surgery a few years ago and she did fine, it just took time. Take care of yourself, and holler if you need help.
Thinking about you today and sending up a prayer for you and your surgical team. Wish I was close by so I could help you out. Take care!
you know I'm thinking about you girlfriend...and I know you'll come through all this better than new !!!
Ouch for sure! Hope you get well soon! Enjoy Gyp's care. :)
Feel better soon
Oh Jeanie. How long will you be in your cast??? At least you can get a little R&R in? I hope you get a little R&R IN!!! Try and relax and enjoy your immobility. I know you have great nurses (hub and gyp) who will take great care of you. Love you!
David said you called - glad you're doing well! And Joe read your facebook comments and was asking about your surgery - he was wondering why you were getting movies and soup. When we told him about the surgery, he still wondered about the soup ' "popcorn goes with movies, not soup."
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