I haven't posted anything creative for a long while -- you probably think I don't do anything!
Wrong! I've been finishing my UFOs (Unfinished objects).
This purse was one I started while Greg was in surgery. It is a felted bag and the whole texture and color blending of the yarn changed when felted. (It almost completely lost the green!)
I loved this button -- it's perfect with the colors!
I also finished some scarves. The yarn on this one is far more beautiful than the photos -- the light washed it out. Rich browns, metallic golds, dark orange and burgundy "blobs" on the yarn.
(Thanks, Suzanne -- great yarn!)
This came from yarn in the basement I got probably 20 years ago!
It'll be toasty warm! It's very heavy!
And as soon as I stitch them up, I can add another pair of hand-warmers to this list! (And there's another on the needles!)
So, back to it!
Wrong! I've been finishing my UFOs (Unfinished objects).
This purse was one I started while Greg was in surgery. It is a felted bag and the whole texture and color blending of the yarn changed when felted. (It almost completely lost the green!)

This came from yarn in the basement I got probably 20 years ago!

And as soon as I stitch them up, I can add another pair of hand-warmers to this list! (And there's another on the needles!)
So, back to it!
Did you "invent" the purses you do, I mean, make up your own pattern? They are obviously useful but also, they are art. And you're right about that button. Even though I don't know squat about knitting, I can't help but admire the yarns in the stores - it's kind of like loving paper in a way. It's so gorgeous, you just want to touch it, never mind what you can make with it.
Good for you on finishing specially crafted "wearables" - doens't it feel good?
So when are you going to open your own shop, you know, where you sell beautiful yarns AND your purses, scarves and more?
wait....is there a new look to your blog ?
and we never thought for a moment you weren't doing anything...we know you better than that ?
All of these are so pretty. And yeah, your blog does look different. Nice and mellow.
All these things look wonderful!! You write, that you haven`t posted anything creative for a long while....but that is not correct....all your posts are extremly creative!!! Not only knitting or stitching or sewing quilts is creative.....all your great and informative and interesting pictures...the way, you take them.....your writing....your great and sometimes funny stories...
No!!No!!! You are extremly creative and when I stop watching for several days, it takes me hours...*lol*....to read and watch it all!!!!You are even able to make me hungry with your lovely pictures of the food.....I was running immediately into my kitchen.....hungry looking around...no gelato....no salsa...no chicken dishes....no dips....*cry*...no chocolate...no trail mixes...no snacks...no sushi....nothing else.....*cryratherloudly*...
So, you see..you are able to put ideas across the Atlantic Ocean...
I wish you a successful surgery...I`ll think of you and keep my fingers cross for you!!!
Best wishes from Germany
Fun to see your FOs (finished objects). Isn't felting fun? You just never know exactly whats going to come out of the washing machine.
Like the new look of your blog, very pretty!
The felted purse is wonderful! Did you start out with fibers and then felt them or was it a felted sweater? I've been wanting to try felting, but haven't yet.
Love the scarves, too! I don't knit or crochet, but I sure appreciate those who do.
hello! hello! i love the color of that bag! such lovely pastels. you are wool talented. that's good since it is quite cold there and cozy FO are a necessity.
Busy girl!!! What beautiful projects. You are going to need those toasty scarves with the weather we are having. Yikes!
Jeanie, the colors of your purse are divine. I just LOVE it. The scarves are very pretty. Are they knitted or crocheted.
It's nice to see you back posting and visiting. Can I post an update on my pray list for Greg?
Wow,,I sure do love the felted purses that you make. And if you do decide to sell them I sure would like to buy one. The scarves are beautiful too.
P.S. I would probably love the new look to your blog too, but I am at work and the filters sometimes don't alway blog templetes to show up,,mine doesn't at work. So I will check it out when I get home!
These are beautiful! Absolutely beautiful! Love the color scheme.
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