Our task: to plan the shrines we would create when Jane returned from Bali and I had two arms!

Jane is delightfully eclectic -- her photography is amazing -- eloquent and filled with soul. Her portraits of people being people (doing what they do, being as they are, not studio portraits) are fabulous, with great depth and she is adept at catching every kind of image from graceful architecture to a moving scene. (Actually, her studio portraits are pretty cool, too!)
Jane came from a strong Roman Catholic background and has the best nun collection of anyone I know. Her travels and life experiences have expanded her scope and her deep sense of soul and spirit, life and whimsy, courage and grace -- and yes, color! -- always makes me smile and feel grateful I came to know her.
Her work (as seen on her
website and
blog) covers all sorts of media -- photography, mixed media, painting and assemblage. I had taken one shrine class from her before, and made this wee Stimpy from a mint tin.

Above, you see the front and one side -- the tin "sun" at the top is a tuna can, the beads are cat-oriented and the side has some of his beloved shrimp shells. The fibers are from one of the fiber-snakes he liked to play with, made from my leftover yarn. Because Stimpy lived for his Fancy Feast, a label and a photo of his bowl are mounted. The cat at the top is an repurposed button cover.

On the opposite side, his name is in wooden letters. The tin was "rusted" using an acrylic paint and dabbing technique.
But I digress. I was ready for more.
So, Jane was our leader. Kate and I came armed with our ideas and some supplies to play with.

You won't see finished work here -- that'll have to wait for another month or so.
But Jane talked about containers -- which run the gamut from mint tins to boxes to nichos to old Barbie doll cases to anything with sides that works.
And she has a good collection of things to put in these containers!

Like this sweet faced Madonna -- a doll head and body.

I have a nicho (I think that's right -- a tin shrine thing, for sure) and my theme is my dad.

I picked background papers and some of the bits for the "holes" (spaces) on the front -- a photo of dad, a bit from an old postcard my mom wrote, a stamp from India, some of his ham radio licenses, some army medals, that sort of thing.

I may use this India map as part of the background.

Kate decided to make a shrine to color.

Her structure is a small black box with compartments. She then began cutting up the pantone book in the teeniest squares. Some of these will hang, like mobile pieces.

Keep watching for our shrine adventures, part two!
I love your Stimpy shrine and I think the one to your dad is well on it's way to being fabulous. Oh, and congratulations on your well deserved award.
This is very cool! I love the Stimpy shrine and look forward to seeing your completed dad shrine.
This looks like such fun!
I'm glad to catch up on your posts and see you're on the mend.
Oh, I can't wait to see your finished shrine to your dad! I absolutely love the one you made for Stimpy. I have seen several shrines and have really thought they were awesome but have never tried one. Must put it on my list!
I love your Stimpy shrine! I love shrines.
Jeanie, this is so cool!!! I wish I was there shrining with you. I can't wait to see the new shrine (and those of your friends). What fun. I am so inspired. I have some nice old wooden cigar boxes sitting around.......
Thanks ;)
These are so cool, very inspiring! And it looks like you & Jane had a wonderful time. Hope you're planning to post pictures of your completed projects...
Love the Stimpy shrine. Way cool! I look forward to seeing the one you make honoring your Dad. I intend to do one for mine and have some objects in mind, but still trying to get my mind around what I want to do. I probably just need to get in there and get started and see what comes about.
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