The Gypsy Caravan 2023
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Countdown to Thanksgiving -- Bring Up the China!
I have posted part two of my series on grieving on Chopsticks and String. This one is about getting through the holidays and includes timely suggestions for coping with the holidays while grieving a loved one -- or helping others in your circle do the same.
It's funny -- I don't have lots of Thanksgiving memories from childhood. I remember watching the parades, but I really don't remember anything else -- no dinner, where we ate. Probably with my grandparents...
It wasn't till Mom died, and her sister seven months later, that Dad and I started celebrating Thanksgiving with the Cleveland cousins. That stopped after Dad started having travel challenges.
But I've really enjoyed the holiday in the past decade or so, enjoying it as an adult and with Rick and on occasion the kids. Sometimes friends join us -- like my friend Richard. It's a good food holiday.
This year no kids -- maybe for dessert or later. So, again we'll grill a turkey breast and eat at Rick's.
Do you watch "Barefoot Contessa"? Ina Garten has a friend, Miguel, whom she often asks to decorate her table. So lately, I've been "Miguel," bringing my turkey china to his house, along with the centerpiece and other table things! (Two versions of Thanksgiving at Rick's below!)
(I also bring stuffing, dessert and wine -- this year it's that Gewurztraminer I wrote about a couple of weeks ago! Highly recommended; $12.99)
So, I've been bringing up my Johnson Brothers turkey china from the basement. I remember driving to Canada with Mom and Dad to get this when I was maybe eight or so.
Continuing my gratitude attitude, I have to say I am so grateful to have Rick and the kids in my life -- the past 13 years have been ever so much richer for their part in it. They are my joy and happiness.
And I'm grateful for my sweet little Gypsy Rose, ace cat, blog inspiration and play pal. His purr, his playfulness, and his loving personality is truly a gift.
And, I'm grateful to my blog pals who visit, comment and offer support and inspiration. I'm coming up on my blogaversary next month (watch The Gypsy for a giveaway in December!). I'm especially grateful to Beth, Shelley and Rosemary whose blogs I visited long before I had my own and encouraged me to take that leap and fly.
I've made new friends from around the world -- and some just across the state! One day I hope to meet my blog pals in person. Till then, I remain grateful and happy that you are part of my life.
So, one more day! What's on your menu?
Monday, November 24, 2008
Countdown to Thanksgiving -- And a Meme

Today I am grateful that I have the resources to be able to have a lovely Thanksgiving dinner (and dinner everyday) and some special treasures from my mom to make the holiday more festive, while remembering her.
But first, a meme. I saw this on Qugrainne's blog. No tagging here, but if you decide to do it too, do leave me a comment so I can visit!
Seven Things I Did Before...
Go to England
Do lots of acting
Did lots of singing
Adopt Stray Cats
Participate in road rallies
Protest Vietnam
Volunteer at a Grief Center
Seven Things I Do Now
Work for a public TV station
Have a wonderful relationship
Do art/collage
Own a house
Cook Like a Crazy Lady
Go Crazy at Christmas
Seven Things I Want to Do
Go to Paris
Retire while I'm young enough to enjoy it
Get healthy
Lose more weight
Paint my living room
Write a family cookbook with stories
Meet some of the bloggers I've met online
Seven Things that Attract Me in Others
Sense of humor
Generosity of spirit and self
Sense of joy
Good listener
Seven Favorite Foods
Peppermint Stick Ice Cream
Italian anything
Christmas cookies
Bread -- especially home baked or artisanal
Seven Things I Say Most Often
Gyppy, Mummy's Home
What's Up?
Sure -- when do you need it?
OK, let's think about this.
Yeah, I can do that.
Thanksgiving Countdown! Only a Few Days!

And, I am grateful that Kevin (the younger) is home for the Thanksgiving holiday! Everyday more grown up, more articulate and more welcome!
I want to remind you that if you -- or others you know -- are grieving or anticipating loss over this holiday season, that part one of "Good (?) Grief" -- a series of four articles I'm doing about grieving and getting through the holidays -- is on Chopsticks and String, my other blog.
I hope to post the next installment later this week.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Pink Saturday: JFK

Friday, November 21, 2008
It's Coming!

So, between now and Thanksgiving, I'm sharing a few "gratitudes."
Today I am grateful that Kevin is home from school for break. You don't realize how much you miss them till they're gone!
And, I'm grateful for all fans of my pumpkin rolls -- thanks to you, I'll have a bit more to stimulate the economy with!
(Which I did today, coming home from a DTV workshop presentation in a town called Chesaning, about 50 miles from here. A wee bit of damage, with a postcard, bottlebrush tree, and Christmas wreath!)
And finally, today I am grateful it is the weekend! 'Nuf said!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Only Five Dollars!

Oh, you notice the not-so-well-painted parts? A victim of cold weather (I don't have adequate ventilation for indoor painting) and running out of paint.
Good enough for now. Next summer, a second coat of paint!
I love it because it gives me another spot to keep the people I love around me when I'm being creative! (Not to mention memories from my past -- who IS that little girl?)

So, all in all, a good five dollars spent! (Oh, and that little cupboard is a great spot for holding lots of things!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Write on Wednesday: Life In General

So tell me, what are the areas closest to your heart?What aspects of your life in general do you find yourself sharing in writing? Do you enjoy reading/writing personal essays? Who are some of your favorite essayists?
I doubt it comes as a surprise to anyone who reads the Marmelade Gypsy that the area closest to my heart is my family (my three guys below, as well as my relatives!) and friends.

And all the things related to it -- like farm markets...

I like recounting stories of my youth...

I enjoy reading essayists. (And I don't know if this category covers humorists or personal short story writers) Anne Lamott comes to mind as one whose work I genuinely love. Calvin Trillin is a favorite. Anna Quindlen. I know there are more!
Becca also offered us an extra credit. I won't bore you with my list -- once I make it. But perhaps you would like to try this one yourself. Couldn't we all use the boost of confidence?
Extra Credit (from The Right to Write): In your journal, list 50 things you’re proud of about yourself…what does this list tell you about the things you value most?
Bits of Art!

So, I thought I'd post a few pieces I've just finished. All are cards -- these are full-sized, blank 5x7s.

Monday, November 17, 2008
A Glorious Evening and a Snowy Morn!

What a glorious walk! Big flakes of snow on the holly bush in Rick's yard...
The pines in my back yard -- tall, stately, and tipped with white...
Oak leaves, with big polka dots of snow.
Even the last of the outdoor plants had a bit of white on them.
And the bird house was tipped with white.
It has been a lovely weekend. Last night, my friend Holly welcomed us to her home for dinner (pictured here with Judy's husband, Dick.)
She and her husband, Tony (here with Judy and Rick) hosted a lovely dinner prepared by a culinary student at our community college.
Chicken curry, pork tenderloin, a couple of other lovely dishes... all wonderful.
Best of all, we celebrated good friends, good company, and good times before the hectic holiday season takes us in different directions.
It was simply divine.
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