In today’s Write on Wednesday post, our muse Becca tells about NaNoWriMo – or National Novel Writing Month, an internet-based writing venture whose participants pledge to write 50,000 words (1 175-page novel) between November 1 and midnight, November 30.

Becca has done two of these, and you can find more about it at her post. Today she asks the WOW group if we’ve done this, what the experience was like and if we haven’t done it, do we think we could. “Do you have a novel residing in you somewhere, waiting to get out?”
The easy part of this answer is “No, I haven’t done it, so I don’t have an experience to share.”
The harder part is “Do you have a novel residing in you somewhere, waiting to get out?”
Since plotting (or rather, getting out of them) is my weak point, I can say I have a novel in me – in my brain, I’ve started two!
They both have intricate plots, because I like mysteries. So darned intricate, that without doing a ton of research (oh, that pesky research!), I sure don’t know how to solve them! And frankly, if I could that easily, I’m not sure it would be a very good book!
So, I don’t think I’ll be doing the novel-in-a-month challenge this year. Or probably not next.
But I do love the idea of the freedom of it all. Permission to make mistakes is not a bad thing to grant oneself!
So, maybe I’ll do something risky today – and who knows? When I screw up, I won’t be so hard on myself. (Well, actually, I’ve already done that today, and now excuse me, but I have to go wriggle out of a bit of a mess!)
The thought of writing a novel is completely overwhelming to me. I don't know how people do it.
I'm envious of those who can write. Not a skill I was granted with. Neither am I artistic, or musical. But I absolutely enjoy reading, watching, listening to, etc., the works of others.
I think the idea of a novel in a month is astounding.
Hmmmm... given how much you like to have a variety of creative projects to work on at any moment, perhaps you should try to write BOTH novels during NaNo. That way, if you get stuck on one, you could work on the other. Might be an easier way to get the 50,000 words...
Love your meow!
You have more than one novel in you - and there's probably a great short story in you wriggling out of your mess.
I'm making a stab at NaNoWriMo for the first time this year. I may have bitten off more than I can chew!
I'm psyched and ready to take on the challenge
I know you could do this. It would be overwhelming to me. I love to read, but know that I couldn't write, well, a book anyway, maybe and article, lol! I want to read your book when you write it.
Lol, didn't proofread before I sent that. Should read an article.
You never know if you could do it until you try. Give Nano a try, what do you have to lose?
No need to do a novel 'til it grabs you by the hand and makes you write it. But look at what you do create - photos, crafts, painting - you've quite a long list of things. Pretty much a different way to "write" a novel, because, after all, your stuff does tell stories, just using a different craft.
I long to write but have no real feeling that I could do anything that amazing! To write a novel...wow! I love the idea of a novel a month!
I never thought of myself as a writer, but I had a friend tell me she likes my "style". I thought "What style!?" So I went over my blog and realized this style was talking about seems to be my personality. Anyway! I am trying to write more and I am starting to really enjoy it but a novel in a month? I don’t think so. I should probably start with short stories.
i bet you thought i 'fell in' didn't you? oh i'm here and forgive me for being away so long. that's the first thing i want to say.
the next thing is more of a curiosity. i never thought about the idea that writing a mystery might involve not knowing how to solve it.. that sounds like a real life. maybe that is an automystography or something unique to jeanie. i am intrigued by the fact you have two novels residing within you. do they itch to get out?
and the last thing. you are probably familiar with Natalie Goldberg and her Wild Mind writing techniques. this NaNoWriMo sounds like it is something like that only the time is extended. not 30 minutes of wild mind writing but 30 days!
i had a women's group for almost a year and we used Wild Mind almost every session. it was the most freeing experieince i ever tried for accessing my creativity self. and more importantly i got to know myself in ways i never had before!
ok. ok. i will try to refrain from writing the all american novel in your comment box :)
i hope you are feeling 100% again my dear.
p.s. if you knew how the mystery could be solved would you be willing to write your book?
I ind I can write poetry like crazy but novel! I think I am lazy!
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