Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Write on Wednesday: Write What You Know

"If there’s a book that you really want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.” Toni Morrison

This is the quote with which Becca begins her Write on Wednesday post this week. She discusses the idea of whether it’s possible to know “too” much about a subject and if that affects the excitement of discovery in the written work.

After her very thoughtful discussion of this quote she asks:

How about you? Is there a book you’d love to read that hasn’t been written? What do you love reading about, and how could you write about it? What fascinates you that could become the subject for your next story, essay, poem, or blog post?

What DO I love reading about?

I love reading anything related to England. England in World War II. England period – King Arthur, Elizabethan times, Jane Austen, Victorian period, Edwardians, right up to the present. Biographies, mysteries, novels, history, monarchy… I love it all.

And that extends a bit to European topics as well. Stories about World War II and the Holocaust fascinate me.

But then there are biographies in general. I do like a good biography, which contemporary or not, is a bit of history. (This spring/summer, I’ve read about the Mitfords, Groucho Marx, Pattie Boyd, Diana, and Bob Newhart – eclectic? Yes!) And now and then a contemporary novel really gets me.

How could I write that book? More research, I suppose. More commitment, too. But I’m not so interested in doing that. I guess I figure there is enough that I haven’t tapped that I don’t need to add to the words out there. I suppose if there was a biographical subject that just inspired me, I’d consider it. But there isn’t, really.

So, what COULD become the subject for my next story, essay, poem or blog post? I never seem to run out of ideas. My life is too rich and full of remarkable people and interesting situations, so full of the beauty of everyday existence, that I have a little list! My next blog post after this will be on the joys of friendship and the energy that when combined with others might make anything possible.

What about you?


Anonymous said...

I too like to read history. Of the world.

Depth of hell pours forth tirade of words

BK said...

My first career centered around European history. I wanted to go all the way and teach college but there were very few jobs to justify the years of PHD work.
Instead I turned to the high school and never looked back. I moved to English for a job, nothing much then in Social Studies and again, English was great fun.
So I am with you on a history passion but I love to write about my own history more than European, but that's a connection that I didn't think about.
It's a great topic.

Joanne Huffman said...

I, also, am an Anglophile.


Beth said...

Another great "Write on Wednesday" post!

beth said...

I don't enjoy history reading at all....but I so enjoy you !!!

thanks for all the great comments regarding my trip....

can you come along next year and play ???

anno said...

I love English History, too! Have you read any of Alison Weir?

Becca said...

I love the way you view the "world as your oyster," and can find inspiration in so many things. It always makes for interesting reading never knows what will be on the table!

(And I love the new header :)

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