I have this "dish" thing. I think it's genetic. My mom collected china patterns like they were postage stamps. When she died, I inherited all the collector plates, Christmas china, Thanksgiving china, autumn china and pretty little teacups.
Well, the apple didn't fall far from the tree.
I think in the last post, I showed you the Fiesta that my friend Nancy's mom was so gracious to share with me.
Isn't it pretty on a table (with my quarter-a-piece drinking glasses and a vintage tablecloth I got for a steal at a shop closing for the summer a couple of years ago)?

And I may have posted this photo that shows the additional pieces I have for both my Hall Tulip and Crocus dishes -- I also have plates, bowls, dessert dishes, and even cooking bowls for both of these patterns.
While I was up at the lake, I did an archaeological dig in my garage (if you saw my garage, you'd know I don't exaggerate) and found my grandmother's old china.
I can only have three people to dinner and dessert (but have tons of saucers, bread plates). Only one cup, though. Isn't the pattern pretty?
But then the other night when my friend Jane came to visit (pictured with her friend Kevin and Rick below, she brought me a grand surprise!
Her neighbor had these gorgeous dishes and wanted someone who would give them a good home! They are by Taylor ---(I'll update this after checking the back)---- and have a different tulip pattern from my other.
It's very similar to the crocus pattern I have, but also very unique. There is great detail with the pattern flowers inside the cup and on the edges.
There were even serving bowls!
Well, dishes make me happy!
Oh -- and just what did I serve for dinner?
Jeanie Crostini
Sauteed sweet potatoes with red onion, fennel and herbs...
And steamed salmon with spicy peach/corn/onion and avacado relish.
And blueberry crumble pie!
Here's how my friend Kate told me to prepare the salmon so that it comes out perfectly -- and it's an ideal meal for guests or a busy day, because you just pop it in and let it go:
Kate's Salmon
Spread out your salmon on a rack over a baking sheet or pan.
Salt, pepper (or whatever other seasoning you like -- I like lemon pepper and sometimes Cajun spices)
Bake at 200 (not a typo) for an hour.
(If it's extra thick -- or thin -- you might need a little more or less time).
I had dinner the night before with friends and our food came with little orchids. Might I add my thanks to my dinner companions for giving me their orchids after dinner to dress up my food!
Well, thanks for walking through my kitchen with me! Enjoy!

I think in the last post, I showed you the Fiesta that my friend Nancy's mom was so gracious to share with me.

I can only have three people to dinner and dessert (but have tons of saucers, bread plates). Only one cup, though. Isn't the pattern pretty?

Oh -- and just what did I serve for dinner?
Jeanie Crostini

Here's how my friend Kate told me to prepare the salmon so that it comes out perfectly -- and it's an ideal meal for guests or a busy day, because you just pop it in and let it go:
Kate's Salmon
Spread out your salmon on a rack over a baking sheet or pan.
Salt, pepper (or whatever other seasoning you like -- I like lemon pepper and sometimes Cajun spices)
Bake at 200 (not a typo) for an hour.
(If it's extra thick -- or thin -- you might need a little more or less time).
I had dinner the night before with friends and our food came with little orchids. Might I add my thanks to my dinner companions for giving me their orchids after dinner to dress up my food!
Well, thanks for walking through my kitchen with me! Enjoy!
How lovely! I guess we must be related because I LOVE CHINA..dishes, etc. You set a pretty table. And..the internet is wonderful, if you can find the pattern name on your grandmother's china...you can get some more pieces and have one more person to supper. The food looks fabulous!
My mom loves and collects dishes as well. I love the Fiesta ware!
A girl after me own heart! I collect any kind of tea cup, and Haviland of any era. Moving is a bear!!! Next time I move, my girls are getting an early inheritance, as I slowly simplify my life.
Your table looks just beautiful. Don't you just love rummaging and finding that fabulous bargain. I once found a HUGE Haviland platter in perfect condition for 50 cents. Treasure!
My Mom and I used to call it the "dish gene", too. She has many full sets of dishes- I have many mixed pieces here and there.
Your Hall Crocus look so impressive when they're in a group like that. I think your new dishes are Taylor Smith Taylor- they have the same shape as Lu-Ray.
Next time you make Jeannie Crostini and Panezenella- invite me! They look delish
First I want to say thank you very much for your lovely comment in my blog....I am very happy about it.
The wedding was great....it was really a wonderful celebration and we all were very happy. We will never forget it.
I was a bit ill last week...had terrible pain in my left shoulder, but I went to the doctor and he gave me an injection and Ibuprofen...do you know it...that is a very good medicament against inflammations and pain.
And now I am fit again and admire your lovely pictures of the dishes...Great collection !!!
Since yesterday we heat again...summer has definitely gone.
Best wishes,
Hi Jeanie, just wanted to pop on over...I realized on saturday that I hadn't got in touch with the creator's of my Birds and Bonnets swap panels.I don't remember if you uploaded to the Flickr site or not, so i don't know if all of yours were the same...the one I got has a brass dragonfly, a coin, home-made flower and other bits paper, birds and leaves(I just found a bag of 138 brand new satin leaves for 2.99 at Value-Village) I still find it amazing how we can take the same products and come up with different things. Thank you for participating in the swap. Your Grandma's china puts me in mind of the rare redwork stitching, I wonder which came first? And a big WOW on those tulips... they put me in mind of Art Deco. Now I gotta go buy some sweet po's too! Went over to the September 10th Write on Wednesday post by Becca and now I have 16 lines left of my journal pages, off to fold and paste some more for my daily journal. Happy happies to you. Joyce. It's not allowing me to post my comment so I'll try the anonymous button and see if it takes...
I love Fiestaware. That is all we use in my house. I never picked a china pattern (other than Christmas china) as we don't have the space to store lots of dishes.
Silly me. I had a comment for this and it ended up on your mail call post. Ah me . . . **sigh**
Thanks to your Fiesta rave, I finally indulged in four orange bowls I've had my eye on this summer- My first! I love them. They make me smile at dinner.
The dishes and the food looks wonderful!
can i be one of the three guests for for dinner and eat on those lovely pink place settings? i''l eat extra bread and won't ask for tea. you are a girl after my own heart! i have a terribly small house though so my dishes are mostly in the attic or basement in boxes. i would love a house filled with depression glass, flowery china and colorful serving dishes.
your dinner is amazing!! i mean really fantastic sounding! you had every detail thought out and presented an exquisite table. very festive! very colorful! i've never eaten Panzanella....
it is nice to be the one that people think of when they are looking for one person who will really appreciate their dishes.
I love dishes, too. Actually I collect all kinds of things, too many things. I'm trying to get the girls to take some stuff along here and there.
You do set a lovely table and your recipes sound and look yummy!
My grandmother had a tea cup collection. Sadly, I never knew that some day I would love to have them, so my mom sold them to an antique dealer.
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