Monday, April 7, 2008

Book Show Finds!

I think spring may really be here! The weekend certainly was gorgeous, and fun on top of that! Apart from filling in the final forms, I finished my taxes. A refund is coming – hooray! I’ll feel less guilty if I go overboard at the Artiscape marketplace next weekend!

I enjoyed a fabulous play called “Souvenir” at the BoarsHead Theatre – it was about Florence Foster Jenkins, who thought she could sing – and couldn’t carry a tune (but became famous nonetheless!). I think of American Idol’s William Huang – but she maintained the fame!

The other highlight was going to the Antiquarian Book and Paper Show. This event takes place twice a year and is one of my favorites. I did refrain from book buying, although I had my hand on a beautiful bound copy of “Sense and Sensibility” (and greatly enjoyed the PBS series that concluded last night. However, it was pricey and I did have two other versions, so I passed.

(Speaking of Jane Austen, here is my “Jane Austen Action Figure” from the PBS conference last year – she carries a quill and a laptop! I will miss my weekly dose of Jane on PBS!)

I have to say that throughout the fair, I kept thinking of Becca at Bookstack – I love visiting her blog and learning about all the great books she’s reading. She’s a wonderful writer, too – so if books are your thing, stop by Bookstack and check out Becca’s newest discoveries!

These are my purchases – don’t you love the cat photo? And the lovely baby photo?

Most of my purchases were old recipe booklets with great graphics. Two were from the Kellogg Company (in Battle Creek, Michigan) and one promotes wheat…

The other, bran. (It's called "The Sunny Side of Life Book"!)

The pix in this are great!

A third was for Calumet baking powder and had fun recipes and great graphics!

Plus, I really loved the posters – couldn’t help but take a few pix of the bolder ones!

So, all that – followed by watching a rehearsal for a jazz program our station is taping tonight, flawless weather and good times made for a grand weekend! There is the remote possibility that one of the happiest campers was Mr. Gyps, who is starting to have plenty of critters to check out.
Life is good.


Laura said...

Love your finds at the book fair!!! That sounds like heaven to me!!! Reading is still my #1 passion!!!

I also love all those old graphics in the cookbooks! They are perfect with a capital P!

My cats are loving the windowwatching!

Linda Jo said...

I love your Jane Austen action figure!!! I'm glad you had a crush on Bobby Darin. I followed you from Laura's blog. ha You have to be my age if you had a crush on Bobby.

Becca said...

Oh I covet your Jane Austen "action figure!" What fun!

And you are right, I would have loved the book fair.

(Thanks for the nice mention, too. "Bookstack" appreciates the nod!)

beth said...

Oh my gosh....what great finds. The childrens book cover is my favorite !!

Anonymous said...

ok. Road To Regularity, Beauty Aids and the fact that you are getting a refund are what stand out most for me in this post jeanie. you certainly selected a wonderful mix of books and treasures at the fair.... old cook books are a favorite of mine. they make me remember so many childhood times in the kitchen. happy times. my daughter is a librarian and would have delighted in the Antiquarian Book Show. she is of course a lover of book of all kinds. Her action figure is a bespectacled librarian :) you do so many wonderful things! i like living through your cultured experiences even if just a little.

Sugar Bear said...

kooGotta love spring and the promises of new beginnings - esp. reflected with tax refunds!

Rosa said...

What wonderful books. I could skim through any one of them. I love the "irregularity" one. ha! xo

Pam Aries said...

Cool Books! I love them ! I gave most of my books away ..since they won;t fit in the Bus..ha! Gypsy looks like he is in Kitty heaven peering out the window! emali is pamaries52 at hotmail.

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