Thursday, April 10, 2008

Gypsy Rose Goes to the Vet

Today the Gypster has his two cents on the blog…

Yesterday my mummy came home from work early. She acted extra friendly and then she picked me up and put me in a red bag. Gyppy does not like the red bag.

We go in the car (Gyppy does not like the car either) and end up at the vet. There are other cats there, including another orange cat that Mummy pets. I hope the orange cat doesn’t come to live with us. Gyppy likes being an only cat.

They put us in a room and I explore.

Mummy tries to entertain me, but mostly she’s just taking those dumb photos. When she gets tired of taking pictures of me, she takes pictures of the pictures on the wall. She should get a life.

So, I look out the sliding doors, trying to figure out how to escape. Gyppy cannot open the door because he has no thumbs.

The vet is very nice to Gyppy. He has big hands and snuggles with me. If he was a critter, he would either be a big setter dog or a Maine coon cat. He is very hairy, but very kind to Gyppy, even when he looks in my mouth. He says I have dental problems. Mummy takes pictures of dental things on the wall. (I did hear words called “teeth cleaning” discussed.)

He tells me I weight 14 and three-quarter pounds. I will stay on Fancy Least and diet crunchies for a very long time.

He takes me away and takes blood and gives me shots, and then gives Mummy little pills so I can ride to the lake in the car and not hurl. We leave. Mummy pays the $200 (really). Mummy does not leave with the other orange cat.

(Note from Mummy: My earlier dental appointment that day was about the same amount, but at least I had half-off insurance! And I’ll need another appointment too – for a crown. I would rather have a crown like Lisa OceanDreamer’s or some of Sandra Everston’s beautiful head wear!)


Anonymous said...

Awwww,poor Gypsy. Thanks for the reminder. I better look and see when my crew is due to return to the vets. Joy. Aren't you glad that's over? The last time I took Bella in, they gave her a shot--it's a new shot. It doesn't pierce the skin but it makes a gawd-aweful loud click. That scared her more than hurt her and now she despises the vets. Poor boo's. Yuk. A crown. Well, it's better than a root canal. I have one root canal with crown and another crown. After a root canal, I'll take a crown any old day. But yes, I love Lisa's crowns much more! Hugs to Gypsy. (Rosa) Blooger won't let me sign in, AGAIN!

Anonymous said...

of course you know i was laughing the entire time i was reading this :) i know you do know that... gypsy just made it onto my list of pets that i can talk to. i feel bad for you gypsy, and you too jeanie... zippy's last dental bill was a whopping $818 and you know how tiny those teeth must have been! i am very impressed with your nerve... the nerve to pull that camera out anywhere, the nerve to describe your vet as being quite hairy, the nerve to put gypsy in a bag. the bag looks like a neoprene laptop sleeve... kind of tight isn't it?

Mary Bee said...

Don't ya just love/hate taking them to the vet. I sent you something in the mail today. Tee hee.

I know your life is very full, but I have challenged you to do a very constructive MeMe. You can pick it up on my blog. It is the best MeMe I've ever seen. Have fun with it. Even if you don't post it, give it a try. It is great.

Jeanne said...

Love and hugs to your fur angel and to you

Beth said...

Oh sweet GYPPy,,,I am so sorry you had to go have that visit but it will keep you healthy. Your such a pretty Kitty!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeanie, I loved Gypsy's description of going to the veterinarian. The pictures are precious. I can't believe you took your camera to the vet. I can't believe that Gypsy let you take photos. What fun!! Bonnie

Anonymous said...

PS He does look a bit chubby! It's those long Michigan winters that cause everyone to gain weight. It does make him more cuddly though and provides more to love.

jet1960 said...

Love Gypsy's vet story! What a brave guy!

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