I spent a lot of time cooking over vacation -- my choice. I love cooking from the land, and while yes, there were trips to the grocery store, I loved the time at the farm markets.

Really, I thought I'd turn into a berry or cherry, given all in which I indulged. Most were fresh on cereal or in the palm of my hand.

Others made it into a marvelous cherry-berry crisp. Blueberries and tart cherries. Yum!

I had great fun with salads, too. Panzanella with home-prepped croutons, mozzarella, fresh farm market tomatoes and basil, cukes, and herbs. Oh, yes!

And then there was the potato salad -- fresh potatoes, more herbs than I can count, brought from home (everything is better with a cup of chopped fresh herbs in it!), and good, fresh veggies.

We did our share of cooking out, too. Pork tenderloin, burgers when Kevin and Molly came by.

Eggs with herbs were a good breakfast for our friend Richard.

And Rick made his awesome carmelized onion pasta with wine. It's truly the best -- he could open a restaurant with it. We added some other things this time and it was even better and now truly his own.

Couldn't pass up the lovely flowers at the farm market.

I bought these -- they looked great in a blue glass bottle.

And I loved this woman's arrangements. Maybe someday.

I simply can't get enough of this wonderful summer bounty. The fruit is sweet, the veggies crisp, the tomatoes coming into their own and the herbs to die for. Everything tastes better on a grill!

And I think, I'm so lucky. So lucky I get to play and cook about, succeed royally and fail without fear. And then sit down and enjoy it with a good glass of wine or a cold beer!

Yes, I'm definitely cooking with all six senses these days!
(Still on
Chopsticks and String: "The Beekeeper's Apprentice" -- with Sherlock Holmes as a main character, who could go wrong?)
Carmelized onion pasta? My mouth is watering and it isn't even 7 a.m. yet.
This was the perfect read as I sit at my morning desk BEFORE heading to work! (can't go yet; hair still wet and shoes undecided.)
But your bright photos and food combos are helping me to plan what's for dinner. There is no fresh market here in suburbia, however, we have a Whole Foods market and that just might do it.
Thanks for the inspiration and lovely start to the day. And I'm gonna right outdoors and check on my "patio" flowers!
Also, I owe you pictures of the "pages" I made over the weekend - absolutely ridiculous, not sure what they're for, but....stay tuned.
jeanie, you seriously need to include recipes for what you talk about. Caramelized onion pasta? I'd do it in a minute, if I knew how to do it? Likewise the salads - potato and otherwise. Some of us understand that there's more to life than iceberg lettuce, but we don't spend time on food - we just drool when we see something good!
I guess I need to follow your labels for food and cooking - if there are recipes out there, I intend to find them!
We're in the summer slump now - too hot for anything fresh. The gardens are gonzo. Your pics are giving me produce envy!
Well, now I'm truly hungry! And my mouth is watering over the caramelized onion pasta. That sounds delicious!
Well, I'm with everyone on that caramelized onion pasta... would love to see the recipe. And panzanella is my favorite summer salad ... can't imagine how we'd survive the heat without it. Food and flowers -- you've got all the best of summer magic here!
Also ... you and Rick should definitely start your own cafe ... sure would liven up the restaurant scene around Lansing!
Yep carmelised onion pasta sounds yumm and those berries are just lush. I can see why cooking is so much fun with those produce choices.
I agree about that carmelized pasta recipe!
Don't you think being outside a lot makes food taste better?
Don made Panzanella last night from his garden, but I didn't know it was called that. The potato salad looks brilliant. The eggs and sausages, ahhhh. Tiger lilies and a blue bottle? OH yes. And Blue Moon beer - love it.
I'm ohh so hungry now, and I have to go somewhere before going home . . . to more panzanella I'm guessing.
This post was such a feast for the eyes! And my eyes must be directly connected to my tummy 'cause now I'm hungry!
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