(Note: On Chopsticks and String, learn about "American Eve," the story of the Evelyn Nesbit/Stanford White/Harry K. Thaw triangle and the Crime of the Century.)
When working for Be a Tourist in Your Own Town at the
MSU Museum, one of my favorite exhibits was "Dear Mr. Mandela, Dear Mrs. Parks."

If focused on the contributions of Nelson Mandela and Rosa Parks and the letters written to them by young and old over time.

It also encouraged people to write letters to those they cared about and share them with the museum.

They're posted on a line in the exhibit and some are quite touching.

I particularly loved this one from a man to his father. I hope if you click on it, you'll be able to read it.

Also posted were comments from both Parks...

...and Mandela.

They are words worth remembering.

And as always, thank you for your comments!
I'm proud to have this in our museum. This is an excellent way for anyone, kid or adult, to interact with what these two, and so many others, accomplished, for all of us. To really stop and think about what we are grateful to them for.
What a wretched thing that Mr. Mandela lost his great granddaughter just before the start of the World Cup. So much joy and sense of accomplishment in his country, suddenly transformed.
Such a great post.
What a wonderful exhibition in your museum, and marvellous for you to be part of it.
I read all the letters and YES the boys one to his father was particularly poignant.
Jeanie, it sounds like an amazing and inspiring exhibit. I love these stories you write to pctures -- what a great post!
That sounds like a very inspired idea, featuring children's reactions to a push for equality. My grandchildren were at an exhibit in Maryland today about a particular action: a sit-in to integrate an amusement park, that took place 50 years ago this weekend. They expressed surprise to see white people protesting with the blacks. It's hard to convey the full story of these things to children, isn't it.
What a wonderful and inspiring exhibit. And how nice that you're able to be a part of it. Both of these individuals made a huge impact on the lives of all of us. I'm glad they're being recognized in such a beautiful way.
I love how the museum has displayed the letters, pinned to a string. Perfect. A lovely tribute, and reminder, this is.
I love how the museum has displayed the letters, pinned to a string. Perfect. A lovely tribute, and reminder, this is.
It's so easy to forget how important letters have be and still are.
Very moving post and exhibit ... the letters clipped to the line make a powerful display ... I can only imagine when reading them too!
I wish I could see that exibit in real life it would be so thought provoking. You're right that letter is so touching. Loving the visits.
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