(See a link to a great book giveaway below!)
A gorgeous Friday night -- and what to do? We got take out pizza and took a walk down Lover's Lane!

Actually, it's not
really lover's lane. This was a lovely park near Lansing that neither Rick nor I had explored. And it was terrific.

You have to understand that going on a walk with Rick -- when I have my camera -- isn't always a side-by-side, hand-in-hand experience.

More often than not, he's yards ahead of me, generally because I stop and take pictures!

And this time, he was most preoccupied by his new GPS.

And I
do mean preoccupied!

In other words, we were both doing what we loved to do, and every now and then, we caught up to one another!

Didn't matter! We both enjoyed the enormous quantities of trillium...

... including the pale pink ones...

....a tunnel of trees...

... interesting spots in the woods where some had built teepee-like structures from fallen limbs...

... remarkable views of the Red Cedar River...

...beautiful views...

... violets and other wildflowers in abundance...

...and yes, even signs of previous lovers walking down Lover's Lane.

This one was particularly artistic!

We'll remember this walk a long, long while -- and will probably return to watch it through the seasons!
Now -- a giveaway! Diana at
Oh Books, Oh Paper, Oh, Life! has a book drawing going on through Sunday, May 9.
Visit her blog and you could win either Peter Mayle's "Hotel Pastis" or A.S. Byatt's "Posession."
Hurry! Time is running out!
So lovely, Jeane. I definitely suffer for a lack of parkland where I live. Very sad.
I was delighted to read of your adventuring together apart from each other. Don and I do the same thing, weaving around each other, absorbed in our pursuits and then sharing the fun of it later, together.
Lovers Lane and pizza - sounds perfect to me.
beautiful pictures, Jeanie, from a beautiful walk. I especially liked the blanket of trillium and the tunnel of trees ... looks like a great way to unwind from a busy week!
Spring in Michigan is really so special. Beautiful photos -- but you didn't include one of your pizza.
ooo what a perfectly lovely walk Jeanie, thanks for sharing!
I am wondering why one would need a GPS in the forest? but I am not a techno kind of gal ... so there you go :)
What a lovely walk, and how nice that you are together and yet give each other the space to do your own thing. Beautiful!
What a beautiful place to walk. You both look so cute together. I hope you go back during the coming seasons and share the changes with us.
you two are lovers of love and techy devices....that's just the way it should be :)
I thought they only had lovers lanes on TV movies and in books!
What a cute picture of the two of you!
What beautiful photos! That must have been such an enjoyable walk through the woods. And Rick's GPS looks exactly like the one we gave my son for Christmas!
What a delightful walk! Thanks for taking us along.
What a wonderful walk....My husband and me wqe walk every day...okay, nearly every day nearly one hour through our woods and it is always marvellous to watch the change of the nature through the year...
I love your pictures very much!
Pizza? Yum. It must be lunchtime. Beautiful photos and so calming. Have you been to see the guilds show at Grove Gallery? I haven't seen it yet but I've heard great things!
What a beautiful walk. Soooo pretty and springy!! xo
I giggled at Rick being miles ahead with his new toy. Photos are stunning and I can see why you'll be back.
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