I've been so busy writing about art, I haven't even mentioned how very lovely it is here this spring on our beautiful MSU campus.

I'm sure many of you (at least if you're in the upper midwest) have experienced the same thing -- a very early spring with a dazzling display of flowering trees.
Here's Rick's house -- that crabapple is very nearly green leaves now, but how wonderful to look out his office window and see that great tree.

The blooms just made me smile!

Closer to home, my favorite green and white tulip is starting to bloom! This is one of my favorites!

And my neighbor Rosie's lilacs are blooming!

Oh, they smell wonderful! I don't know I've ever seen lilacs in April right here!

And on MSU's campus, I enjoyed these wonderful trees everyday when I came to work, until they, too turned green!

Meanwhile, at nearby Beal Gardens, there's lots of green, and soon the plants will be rich and full.

We've all been living in fear of being blasted by a late spring storm -- even the nights are freezing, so I faithfully bring my hydrangea in, even though I have three pots of lettuce seeds planted. And at the bird feeder, seeds are attracting a different kind of nature!

But the days are warm, the sun is out and it makes us feel light and happy. When it comes to spring, I don't think it gets much better than this!
Don't forget: Diana at
Oh Books, Oh Paper, Oh, Life! has a book drawing going on through Sunday, May 9.
Visit her blog and you could win either Peter Mayle's "Hotel Pastis" or A.S. Byatt's "Posession."
Hurry! Time is running out!
It has been the most amazing spring..loved your photos :) And I can't believe the lilacs are already blooming. There's a jar on my kitchen table, perfuming the house right now, and helping to dispel some of the gloom from this rainy Friday!
Thanks for sharing these :)
Oh, It looks so lovely there right now. We are getting a slight rain chance tonite and then cooler temps this week-end. Parts of our state are pretty, the parts that didn't get flooded. But we are drying out.
I hope you have a wonderful week-end and a Great Mother's day!
Jeannie how wonderful to see the blossoms on trees and in our gardens! Such an uplifting energy!Sometimes I wish the world could stand still and allow us to really savor the sights scents and sounds of Nature in rebirth! In reality it's so short lived.
I did answer your Q. at my blog re:tulips planting.BTW I have and LOVE the green ones you show today!
answer to your Q.:
When to plant tulip bulbs:Oct.-Nov.
Blooms appear Feb.-March..mine in late April.
I have never planted bulbs other than the schedule above.I do know that all tulip bulbs bloom better if they undergo a period of chilling.If you plant yours early store in refrigerator for a month before planting..I have no idea when they would bloom if planted in summer??
Write yourself a reminder on the calender in Oct. to "plant tulips bulbs" that's what I do!
Everything looks beautiful but those green and white tulips really caught me eye....gorgeous!!
Oh, so much beauty in your post. I love that green tulip photo and the crab apple tree is absolutely wonderful.
Such pretty colors. The campus is like a garden. And you just HAVE to love a cheeky little squirrel.
It has been an outstanding spring so far.
Gorgeous photos! The close up of the lilacs is my favorite-- I can almost smell them. Aaaaah!
Your photos are beautiful, as always. Spring is just the happiest time of year, isn't it?
a lovely spring day and some sunshine do wonders for putting some pep in our steps :)
thank you for sharing your parade of colors ... I never tire of Mother Nature and her bounty!
Enjoy Enjoy!
Beautiful pictures, Jeanie! I'm glad you've caught these -- otherwise it would be hard to believe we've had so much beauty ... in April, no less.
Add in a waffle cone from Melting Moments, and I think you'd have a perfect day in E. Lansing!
Your photo's are fantastic
(as always ...hehe...)
Love the pink blossom
its here only 10grC to cold for spring :(
Have a happy weekend
Hugs for Gypsy from
Kareltje =^.^=
Hello Jeanie
I love your blog and found it via Beths.
I've only just started my blog, please drop by and have a look.
I'm a francophile and I'm guessing you could be too!
These springtime photos are lovely, especially that cheeky squirrel as we don;t have them in New Zealand.
Thank you for sharing.
These are such lovely photos - I miss Spring, it is my favourite time of year. It is cold here are the leaves are all dropping from the trees. Enjoy this beautiful time of year.
Lilacs!!!!! We don't have many of 'em here, I don't know why. But I grew up with them - I LOVE them. The pictures are luscious, and so is that green tuplip - so crisp and ripe looking.
Lovely tour.
It's so good to be out and about in the fresh air, isn't it?
Jeannie--always love your posts of your nature walks. Agree that lilac sightings are the earliest this year.
Oh, Jeannie - It's so wonderful to see such beauty, and yet so heart-breaking as the terrible oil heads west now, into the richest estuaries of the country. It's just so painful - looking at your pictures truly is bitter-sweet.
But my goodness, what a chipper squirrel! And the green tulips are just astonishing. I gave my Mom purple tulips for Mother's day this year. She thought they were ever so much better than those silly roses!
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