And admiring the gorgeous poinsettias in the Bellagio conservatory.

Any comments left on The Marmelade Gypsy will be entered to win a packet of prizes -- I'll post them when I decide what they are!
Comment on every post and your name will be included multiple times!
Another reminder for new readers -- my series on grieving continues on Chopsticks and String with part two, Getting Through the Holidays.
The lights are beautiful, but those flowers completely swept me away! Looking forward to your return!
Great picture of you and Rick - what fun for you, and especially this time of year!
Bet you'll glad to be home, though, too!
Sounds like it was a nice trip! Now you can get ready for all your christmas stuff!
Ohhhh wow! I need to go there soon.
Trips away are fun, but there's no place like home!
It is amazing how festive Las Vegas can be - without snow. It is dang cold here.
Happy Holidays!
I Love the flowers,,so pretty.
Hope the trip home was fast!
Those flowers are awesome!
That is a great photo of you two! Glad you had a good time. Wow, lots of flowers!
Jeanie I can't believe you have only been blogging for a year.
Flowers are gorgeous, I love poinsiettas.
I have actually missed visiting your blog and will make sure I stay up to date
Best thing is the friendship we have got out of this big hugs xxx
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