This month will be my first blogging anniversary -- it is December 18! So, I'll be having a celebratory drawing later in the month. (Probably December 31, but I'll let you know if it changes!

Comment on every post and your name will be included multiple times!
Maybe I'll be able to get online to add a few things about what's happening on our current trip, -- so do stop back! You can check out the day's Holiday Image AND get in another entry!
Don't forget -- my series on grieving continues on Chopsticks and String with part two, Getting Through the Holidays.
Viva Las Vegas!!! Have a fun time!!! Bet your glad you left Lansing when you did, the weather looks nasty there. We have flurries here today too.
First I hope you had a fantastic Thanks Giving celebration....I wish you wonderful days in Las Vegas and look forward to having you home again....*lol*.....
Wow - you are in a fab place at a merry time of year! Love the reindeer. Looking forward to your pictures (as always) and anecdotes. I suspect it's warm there, too? Egads, we have snow.
Have fun!
Wow- Vegas & Christmas decorations, what a combination!
Have fun!
Have a good time.
Love Jeanne
Remember, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas! (Except what you share with us!!)
Congrats on your blogging anniversary!
Hope you are having a wonderful time!
Oh! I hope you are having so much fun! I know it has to be warmer than MI or TN!
Look at all these comments! Everyone wants one of your home-made prizes!
Hope you have good weather and a successful trip.
What a great idea, to get out of state this time of year -- hope you're having a fabulous, fascinating time, storing up stories & pictures to share. Looking forward to celebrating your blogoversary!
Ah, Vegas. I love that place. Hope you win big! What the heck is the reindeer made out of?
Vegas isn't what I would think of as a place for Christmas photos, but the reindeer looks cool. Have fun!
Vegas is a special place. I've been there twice but never in winter. The Christmas decoration must be awesome.
Have a great time there!
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