What a magical time of year! Do you remember your visits to Santa? What a magical old fellow he was! I hope he's already checked his lists -- I'm still working on mine!

Last night we got Rick's tree -- Kevin will be there tonight to decorate, but we're going to hold out Greg's ornaments so he can put them on when he gets home on Christmas Eve. It seems like we see less and less of them, now that they're older and they split times between families.
This morning I've been wrapping presents and soon will do some deliveries! Stopped into the office to make a quick holiday greeting to you all. Then I have to regroup to find a couple more gifts and get back home. The bronchitis has set in, but I'm on the Z-pac and they say those work well. It's not too bad, but I figure I'd best do what I can while I'm up to it! I don't have time to be mellow right now!
Have a wonderful weekend!