What would you do if you had wings to fly right now?
I actually drove the other day. It was my first time behind the wheel since March 20 when I went to the doc. I had to really concentrate to keep my eyes on the road. I just wanted to look around. I suspect birds in flight don't have this problem. How do they know where to go?
Once I finished my purpose for the drive (passing by the home of someone retiring from his departmental chairman post at the U and honking) I decided to go on a bit of a joy ride. No pix from that -- I was just too happy to see something new.
Right now we're at something familiar, checking out the birds at the Ditch. I saw some familiar favorites like this handsome male cardinal...
...and this beautiful red-winged blackbird.
I'm not sure what this one is. At first I thought a nuthatch, but the head is too round.
Ideas, anyone?
I'm wondering if this is the female red-winged blackbird. David posted one on Travel with Birds and I think they look similar -- but I'm not sure.
This duck family was doing swimming lessons.
And this group was getting a big adventurous, preparing to cross the road. These ducklings look almost as big as their mom.
I herded them back somehow (they were most reluctant).
Eventually they went behind the fence, which felt safer.
It took some time before they headed further down the hill and toward the water. I suspect they'll head back up again.
I didn't see any of my gosling friends but these two seem to always spend a lot of time on this nest and I'm wondering if they just haven't hatched their brood yet.
I love the early morning walks. It's my best chance to catch the elusive deer.
On this day, there were two of them, happily munching on something on their island.
The colors of the morning are quite beautiful.
And so, too, are the colors of the sky, reflecting on one of the ponds, speckled with lily pads.
And I love seeing the trees bud.
On the way home I saw this -- and there was no color manipulation. When spring gives us a good day, we lap it up!
That's morning light hitting a red maple.
So, where would you go if you had wings?
The Gypsy Caravan 2023
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Hi Jeanie: I will probably come back and add some additional comments, but right off the mystery bird is a Grey Catbird, and the other is indeed a female Red-winged Blackbird. Congratulations for a correct ID.
love that scarlet cardinal. i remember seeing them when we lived with a friend in Philly for a while. so nice to get out and about these days after lockdown:)
Super love the birds dear Jeanie and I saw Harry on one of the photos! Love it! Those deers really amazes me because I never see them here in the Philippines. Happy June Jeanie!
Wonderful bird shots. Glad you were able to drive out. Have a wonderful day, hugs, Valerie
Wonderful sights Jeanie! I love all the birds, deer and the views of the Ditch! Your first unknown is the Gray Catbird and the second bird does look like the female Red-winged Blackbird. Great outing and photos. Have a happy day and great week ahead.
What a wonderful adventure and thanks for taking us along. As I was scrolling through your photos I thought that I haven't driven much since March either and my car probably needs a good run. Thanks for the inspiration.
I'm amazed that you haven't gone for rides outside town until now. It seems very safe to be in one's own car (now that you do have brakes). Glad to see you enjoy it.
be well ... mae at maefood.blogspot.com
I had a truly miserable childhood and more than once I would climb a tree, usually to observe the behaviour of nesting birds, and wish that I could just fly away with the birds, to anywhere, to get away from where I was. I think that feeling was especially intense in the fall when I knew that the birds were leaving for sunny, exotic places. Swallows especially seemed to engender those feelings in me. Little did I know back then, that birds would consume my whole life, but I am glad they did. And many times now I have travelled with them to their exotic destinations,
Oooo.... loved this joyride/fun stop with you, Jeanie! LOVE seeing all these birds! So many I remember there back home, and which we don't have here--so wonderful to see them! I hope your doc visit went OK. I'm sure it was surreal being in a car, going somewhere else, etc... We were at a garden center for the first time this past weekend. First time anywhere but supermarket or pharmacy since the beginning or March--it was pretty surreal! Wings to fly... If I had wings, I'd scoop TJ & I up and fly us to England to have our 20th anniversary celebration there, as we had hoped... One day w'ell get back! Thinking of you & yours, and hoping all keeps good! ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))
Great bird photos. I would fly all over the state and country to visit my family and friends.
Ditch visits offer so many photo opportunities. I have been outside with my camera this morning trying to get photos of this gorgeous day. Wishing you a wonderful Tuesday!
If I had wings I'd still be a home body until this virus is dead and gone. However, I was in awe of your photos. The only birds I recognized were the cardinal and the Canadian geese. Even ducks have about 50 breeds. Loved the photos, though and your words of wisdom.
I've never thought about it before, but it's amusing that the word we use to describe discipline meant for teenagers who tried to fly too fast or too far is "grounded." I think a lot of us have felt grounded during this pandemic. I am glad you finally got out for a drive. I'm surprised you've not been doing more of that, since the one thing everyone seems to agree on is that being isolated in a car is perfectly safe -- particularly if you don't have others with you. Happy flying!
Yes, I wish I had wings and could fly! The closest I've gotten is hang gliding and paragliding. We won't talk about the time I jumped from a 2nd story porch balcony to the ground when I was about 8 yrs old. Lol.
Love your morning pics! The sound of a red wing blackbird is one of my favorites!
I'm glad you enjoyed your outing. I did the same a few weeks ago, just drove around looking at the countryside. You found some lovely things to photograph. I love the ducks, and the last image is stunning. I would fly to Castle Carr in Yorkshire, take my own picnic, sit in the grounds and enjoy the scenery.
I'm not sure where I'd go if I have wings. Doesn't seem like there's anywhere to go really. After all, sooner or later I'd have to land someplace. Ah, but to enjoy that freedom while I could would be bliss.
Beautiful photos of the birds, the deer, and the foliage. Nice environment.
How wonderful that you were able to get out and about on a ride, Jeanie, even if there were no photos - better to keep eyes on the road, hands on the wheel😉 Nice to see all the birdlife in the ditch now. I would not have been able to ID that bird, but knew that David G would surely do so, and he did! The ducklings have grown up fast, and hopefully there will be more family sightings when the geese have goslings. We haven't seen much in the way of ducklings or goslings on the river now.
Wonderful birds! Some of them are so colourful :)
I guess if I had wings I'd go and visit my grandparents, but we're not allowed to travel any further than 5 miles :(
Oh I would fly into the morning sun and then rest so I could fly into the setting sun. I love to see all the colors of the sky. You sure had some wonderful pictures. Lots to see where you live. Blessings to you Jeanie. Stay safe, xoxo, Susie
Such beautiful birds and what a beautiful world we live in. Janice
More great captures Jeanie, I love love to watch birds!
Oh, a red-winged black bird. You don't see them in the South and I miss them.
Such amazing photos Jeanie. I love to watch the birds zoom across our back yard, flying through the veranda at times. Sometimes they take a ride on one of the ceiling fans. So amusing to watch. Today we washed and filled the hummingbird feeder. I've seen the little hummingbirds looking for their feeder. What a wonderful ride you had with so much of nature to enjoy.............
I am so glad you enjoyed your outing. I have been out and about a little and it does take some time to get used to driving again. The upside is that a tank of gas lasts a very long time. Your pictures are wonderful and I enjoyed seeing all the beautiful birds.
I do hope all continues to be well with you.
Lovely photos Jeanie. Glad you got out a bit.
If I had wings? Why, Paris of course.
Wow Jeanie you sure got some GOOD PICTURES THIS DAY! I sure enjoyed seeing them. I love that red wing blackbird....I've yet to see one of those here, I just think that flash of scarlet is so pretty against the black--they are striking. Also love the "mystery bird" pictures. Did you find out what it was? It's a cute bird.Getting outside and making pictures is such a relaxing activity and takes away the stress. Loved all the pictures and hope your'e doing well. We're ok here but our city had a rough weekend for sure.
Oh, this memorable trip had the opportunity to see lots of wildlife in the wild.
The swans are so cute
Oh, the red-winged blackbird is beautiful!!!
Good on you to stop them cross a road!
Beautiful pics!
Where would I go? Well, I might land in front of your door to say hi for real and get a slice of fresh, homemade bread with cheese :-)
Cardinals are one of my favorite birds as well as the blackbird. Ducks are always fun to watch. I really went somewhere a couple of weeks ago when I went to the chiropractor after 2 months w/o - the feeling of freedom is really unbelievable. Have a beautiful day!
You know in another life I think I was a bird watcher...I love to watch them fly and feed. I keep two feeders full, for Lily to watch of course and a hummingbird feeder. I have about the same type of birds here at moms that I had at the other house except here I have these red headed finch. I love them. Love the pics. I need to get out and start getting more nature shots like I used to. House closes Friday, one major purchase after that is of course to pay my brothers their half of moms house and to buy a new camera. I have used my Nikon D40 for 12 yrs now. I also have two more. I think they have seen better days and I think I deserve a new KICKING camera!!! Nature shots here I come.
That black bird with the red and yellow wings is so beautiful. And the red maple just glorious :) Great photos Jeanie
I'm so glad you've got out and seen some new places, Jeanie! I was thinking of how much you appreciated meeting with Greg and Kate, that kind of thing is such a lift to the spirits - a feeling of connecting again to the world. I hope you'll be taking more little rides in the car, specially since everything where you are looks so very beautiful now! Your spring is later than ours. We're definitely into summer now, which I also love but ... oh.... Spring! Your nature pictures are always beautiful. They give a real feeling of the lives of the little creatures of the ditch - I'm not being facetious in saying I'm almost starting to feel as if I know some of them. One of the plus things about lockdown has surely been that we become familiar with and appreciate what is around us so much more than when we are rushing here and there.
'Oh, to have Wings' is a title just right for this post, Jeanie. It was a joy to see all the wonderful birds in your area, especially that Red Cardinal. The red-winged blackbird is lovely as ever, and the Geese are one of my favorites. The red maple is beautiful, and it looks like a tree of Autumn around here. The birds surely bring us their wonderful song each day, and I find peace in just listening to them and being around them for awhile.
Beautiful bird and nature photos! I'd fly to a park, I think. Car-less right now, I'm feeling just a bit confined ;)
Hi Jeanie. Beautiful shots and scenery. I don't know where I would go if I had wings, but that is a very wonderful idea. I probably would take to the sky, (probably not too high), circle around, and land right back where I started. With all of my rants and ravings lately, there really is no place like home. Stay well my friend..xxoJudy
Oh this is a wonderful post, I so enjoyed seeing all of your birds, the ducks, the wonderful colour trees … pictures like this lift the spirit
Enjoy the rest of your week.
All the best Jan
Such a lovely and refreshing post, like taking a little holiday from , well, you know...The red wing black bird is stunning!
Your post title most likely had all of us thinking: hmmmmmmm, where would I go? (hahaha). We all need a break and a looooong vacation! Thank you for your beautiful nature captures! I love how all of my friends in Michigan help this city girl with the names of the birds that visit my feeder. And I actually saw my first Eagle a few days ago. He was trying to land on a power line along a highway and the power line wasn't having any of it!!
Sending love and good wishes, Jeannie!
You live in a wildlife sanctuary!
Wildlife and nature - love your photos!
I’m envious that you saw baby ducks and geese this spring. We did not see either unfortunately and I think the window to see them has passed. They must have nested somewhere else!
I used to hate driving and now I don’t mind having to drive places. The change of scenery is nice when I so rarely leave the house! But if I could truly fly somewhere with no risk of getting/giving COVID, I would go to my parents lake home!!
Hello, Jeanie
These are all wonderful nature and wildlife photos. I love the deer and all the birds. Pretty shot of the Redwing Blackbird, cute closeups of the ducks and geese. I miss seeing the herons here, they are gone now. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog.
The Blackbird is looking in very good shape.
Hello. Great serie of birds. The red-winged blackbird is beautiful.
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