Lizzie has been awfully sweet of late. I don't think she likes the rain storms -- I often find her huddling at my feet or even (shock and awe) jump up on the couch, curl up and sleep. I'm not complaining!
I think back to the time eight years ago this month.
My sweetest boy, The Marmelade Gypsy, had lived a long, loving life and when he moved on, I didn't think I would ever smile again.
It took a few months of coming home to a quiet house, of so many tears that came and went with remarkable unpredictability. But when a friend was fostering an abandoned mom-cat and her kittens and the kittens had found their forever-homes, the mom-cat was still at liberty. I went over and "met her" and I laughed for what seemed like the first time in ages.
She may have been a mom-cat, but she was still a kitten herself when she came my way. My vet bet she was about 10 months old when they "met" in October.
I have to say, the first months were not easy. Lizzie is nothing like Gypsy. He never met a lap he didn't like, especially mine. And it didn't matter if that lap was filled with a newspaper, book or craft project. I was his. Lizzie, on the other hand, didn't "do" lap. She didn't like to be picked up, sit close. She was her own girl.
It took more than seven years for her to fully settle. We would practice lap, thirty seconds at a time. And it's still not her favorite place. But she has turned into a loving close-sitter, a yappy girl with a tone that rivals Ethel Merman, and an animal that seems to have vocabulary comprehension of three phrases -- "Birds!", "Good Girl Treat!" and "Food!" I'm not sure she even knows her name.
She's been a good companion in these days of quarantine. The secret keeper for when my anxiety gets too high, the creature that needs me if for nothing more than two squares a day and maybe a snack before bed.
I think I'll keep her!
For the most part I have ordered groceries online through Instacart. It's a little more expensive but for now I feel more comfortable doing that. But I did my first grocery pick-up. There is a small "general store" in Lansing's Old Town that had wine and locally sourced meat. I want to see them continue to thrive when all this is over.
Easy peasy! I loved that I could pop the trunk and hands-free all the way!
I didn't order scallions because I am learning how to grow them on the window sill, thanks to an article in the New York Times. If you save the root and a bit of the onion part of the scallion, put it in water and change the water daily, new scallions will grow! So far, so good!
Meanwhile, groceries and mail still stay in quarantine, I worry about every rain storm (and kicking myself I didn't replace my basement windows in the fall instead of waiting till the spring and then Covid-19 came along.) There's a problem not with my sump pump but in its "trough" that will require repair and I'm not looking forward to welcoming a repair person to the house. He'd better be wearing a mask. (I couldn't get an appointment till June 16!)
But the lawn is green and growing...
...and the neighbor's crab apple tree was beautiful. Alas, the petals are gone now but it was good while it lasted!
No complaints.
And, if I have them, I know who to tell.
The Gypsy Caravan 2023
Saturday, May 30, 2020
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Hello, Jeanie
Adorable photos of your Lizzie. I am glad she is a great companion during these stay at home times. I never tried growing scallions, I did try growing the romaine lettuce. the mural on the general store is so pretty and colorful. Take care and stay safe! Enjoy your weekend!
Lizzie is a lot like my Levi. He is not a lap sitter either, and I gave up on making him practice. The longest I could get him to do it is five minutes but the minute I'd lift my hand off his back he'd be down on the floor. As he ages, though, he's leaning against my leg more often while I'm on the computer. It's his form of affection.
Love this post---all of yours no matter the topic.
Beautiful cats, and I sure miss mine, and my dogs. Well, we have procrastination in common. I am in desperate need of two doors to be replaced, and one window. The plan was to get all my windows and doors done this summer. I believe I can say Fat Chance?
~~~Deb in Wales
Growing scallions is an interesting idea. One bunch of them just arrived in my Whole Foods delivery: maybe I will plant one. Our recently-purchased mint plants are very productive and it's great to have a source of something green to put on food.
Lizzie does look like a treasure, always has.
be well... mae at
Good Morning, Jeanie. Lizzie is a good companion, I can tell. We have a similar story about cats. We had an orange one like Gypsy only he was long hair and his name was Murphy. He would sit on my lap for hours at a time, purring away. He even purred when he had a vet appt and the doc always laughed at him. It was devastating when he got hit by a car and we didn't have another cat for a long time. Then little Maggie came into our lives and she looked a lot like Lizzie only long haired. She was abandoned under the school house and Jerry brought her home, but even though she was a loving little girl she never became really socialized and would always escape under the bed whenever anything scared her, which was a lot. It's funny how there are so many personalities when you treat them just the same but you still love them all. Take care and stay well and hope the water stays away from you. We had lightening, thunder and rain all through the night..xxoJudy
Ohhh. Yes, I cried over my mouse for quite a while, a gerbil, she was so smart and lived "a long life".
7 years is a long time to get a sweety and wee, those teeth look impressive!
:-), Yes, "maybe" keep her!
You have your "sweet slaves", do you. Cute pic of Rick mowing... and the tree! Beautiful!
Awww, and that last pic! She knows it all, does she!
P.S. Valerie got the -for me - perfect solution with comments on blogger: Just go into edit-mode, click comments and you have the newest ones on top, even if a spammer ruins an old post, it shows right up on top!
Lizzie is like Twiggy and Shelley, they actually hate being picked up. Fluffy likes our company and will sit on our lap once in a while, but will preferably sit right next to us with his paws on our legs. Twiggy will get very cosy with us in bed when it's cold.
They are such great company, and even mine are 13 years old and don't jump around and play anymore they still make us smile with their personalities.
Have a lovely weekend Jeanie.
Love this!
I remember the Gypsy. Such a character, such a sweet boy.
This Lizzie is - as you said - hew own girl.
My Merino is too.
Now that she is the Only Cat in the House, she has let down her guard, if indeed that's what it was. She vocalizes but only when she has something to say to me. Fifteen years old now, and she has become an acrobat, jumping from floor to windowseat, to the other windowseat, to the bed. Yesterday, between thunderstorms, she cozied up to me on the couch, gave me her paw (!) and fell asleep.
Lizzie sounds like Bleubeard. Touch me on the top of my head and NO where else. No, I won't sit on your lap and I only sleep at your feet. And I can scream louder than that runt you brought home one day. I like everyone as long as they don't try to cuddle me under the chin. You can always pick me up because I'm so lovable (and CUTE, too).
Squiggles, on the other hand: Rub me all over, even my tummy. There's not a place you can't rub me. I want to sit on your lap, even when you're on the computer. And I want to sleep right next to your chest at night so I can feel you. My voice is subtle, but I'm learning if I want to be heard, I have to talk louder, even though I'll never be as vocal as Bleubeard. Personally, I think he resents me, although he's Mr. Social Butterfly and I refuse to meet anyone. Elizabeth is all mine and no one else's.
Wow, I'll have to try growing scallions one of these times. I'm still not venturing off my property and wear a mask and gloves when I'm outside. I tried to wear a mask when I mowed, but it was a bit hard to catch my breath. I see Rick didn't wear one when he mowed. You are SO lucky to have him.
Lots of things have changed and as things open up, I worry even further. I don't think we have that market delivery service in Wichita, but I wouldn't use it, anyway. I'm too fussy, I guess. So glad you and Lizzie are doing well, dear.
Oh the eyes,those green eyes! Your blue eyes and Lizzie's green eyes are a fscinating symphony!
Rick working in the garden is always a good picture.
Lovely photos of your cats. It always leaves a huge, empty space when they are gone, I still miss my 'partners in crime'. Glad you got your groceries delivered. I have been managing everything myself this past week as Nathalie is away, but it all went well. It's just hard schlepping the stuff home on foot. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie
Neither of my current cats love laps, but my Tanner did. He also enjoyed his monthly bath which is unusual for a cat. So glad you had love in your heart for Lizzie! Janice
Lizzie is sweet. How nice to have a companion who has no idea what is going on in the world.
Lizzy is adorable and I enjoyed reading her story. ANd the Marmalade Gypsey reminded me of my cat Leo. It is hard to lose a family member, isn't it? But the new ones always fill us up in their own way. Don't they? And I have been supporting small local businesses too. I hate to see them go belly up with this, because then it seems like all that will be left are the big chains. Big chains have a place but they don't take the void of the little local stores. Hope you're having a great weekend Jeanie. Hugs-Erika
Jeanie, thanks so much for dropping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment. Your cat photos are so pretty. Cats always seem like they would be great fun but I am extremely allergic to them so NO CATS for me! I did have one when I was little (before the dr. told my mother I was allergic). I will never forget one day she went missing and we looked and looked for her. Finally, after a very long search, we found her in our dog's doghouse...with new kittens!!!! Like you, I have been staying in mostly and wearing a mask the very few times I've had to go out. I've used grocery pickup or either my husband runs to get a couple items. I have asthma so trying to be very careful. Won't we be sooooo happy and thankful when this mess is over!!!
Oh Lizzie is adorable! I've always had cats, my first one I got when I was in the 5th grade. My parents were going through a divorce and my mom probably thought I needed a companion. Our last cat died of old age about 10 years ago and we didn't get another one. I miss the friendship and those furry faces and hearing them purr but I don't miss cleaning up after them and the late night runs to the store for food... Maybe I'll get another one some day. Your Lizzy makes me miss my Tigger!
Thanks for the background story on Lizzie and glad she is such a comfort during these times of staying at home, Jeanie. Cats often get a bad rap compared to dogs as companions. My cat, Sambuca, was not a real people person, but the most loving cat to me and I miss her but we remain petless living in an apt now.
You both look very sweet there.
Love Cath
I can see that your cats have become surrogate children, Jeanie! And they are probably a whole lot less trouble - certainly less expensive.
Lovely to have a treasured cherished pet..or two or three:)
I tried the romaine not worth it..hope your scallions reward you more.
Hi Lizzie.
Dixie never was a lap cat, either, but she certainly did enjoy staying close. After a bit of time, I began to understand that summer had arrived when she started curling up in my large china wash basin. She liked the coolness of the porcelain!
I know how much you must miss Gypsy, but I'm glad you have Lizzie... Especially right now, since I know how much a non-human ear helps right now.
I'm glad the grocery pick-up went well. If you continue to do it that way, I hope that keeps being the case.
Good luck with the repair guy.
Love the photos of Lizzie. She's quite photogenic. I have done some grocery shopping during senior hours (everyone had masks and kept 6 feet apart) and I have had a few take-out meals (There's a really cool FB group called Kalamazoo Menu, which posts about local restaurants, trying to keep them in business; it's been very successful).I'm trying to learn how to handle things sensibly when the quarantine ends.
My two cats, Dirk and Mary, have been great companions during our stay at home. Both are rescues with different stories. Also, as a girl from Michigan (Detroit area), I’ve had To have 2 repairmen come since March. During the second week of our Stay at Home order in March, my cable went out. We tried to fix over the phone but nothing worked. He came at 8 am the next day. He was in living room (with mask and gloves on) and I stayed in dining room (with mask on). Something that should have been a 5 minute job ended up being an hour. Last week had a repairman our to fix garbage disposal. Wasn’t going to have anything done (no big deal-went out the first week of quarantine) until it started backing up into my dishwasher. We both wore our masks and he wouldn’t touch my credit card. Read all the information to him.
Such a sweet tribute to Lizzie. Pets are amazing in how they reduce anxiety and make us laugh. I have had both male and female cats in my lifetime and noticed a big difference in personalities. Maybe it is just a coincidence. The males were always so much more loving. I like the challenge of females cats trying to win their love which takes time. That is awesome that you are supporting a small local grocery Jeanie! How convenient that they sell wine too.
furry family - I still miss my dog from childhood and my only adopted cat from the 1970's
I think Lizzie is moving on over to the
“Love and Cuddle page.”
Having always been a bit leery of cats,
I think I could pat my hand on my lap and say,
“come on over Lizzie!”
She has a sweet face when she isn’t showing her teeth!
Lizzie is pretty similar to my relationship to Oscar. She will sit on my lap in the winter when I have a heating blanket on my lap. But that’s about it. She is a Velcro kitty for Phil though and follows him from room to room and sleeps with him. So she’s kind of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde with us. She’s been out at my MIL’s for over 3 months now and I don’t really know when she will come home as we know Joan needs the company. We thought she might come home in late May but Joan really relies on her company during this time of isolation. She was always pretty cold with Joan but she has warmed up after staying there for so long! She’ll let Joan pet her, most of the time, and has been sleeping close to her. Cats are such a comfort!!
I'm so glad you shared Lizzie's story. They are so special in their own way aren't they. Though a small handful dig deeper into your heart than the rest. I miss Belle.
My Emmy girl is very much like your kitty in personality.She spent the first few years of her life in a cat hoard so she isn't very trusting. If I lay down for my afternoon nap she very much wants to be in the bed with me. That's the only time she will let me touch her, so she rolls around for belly rubs while purring her head off. Our other cat, Miss Kitty, does not like me ONE BIT.
I'm so glad you're going to keep Lizzie :-) x
PS I forgot to say that last image is beautiful x
Dear Jeanie,
Lizzie must bring you such joy and comfort. I had no idea you could grow scallions on the window sill! I must try it.
Bless you, and stay well.
Jeanie can you please give a hug to Lizzie for me! She is so adorbs! I am a dog person but you guys posting your cats made me love them more now! Love your photo with your cute little kitty cat and Rick's mowing the lawn gives me a good sense of old-normal-ness under these new normal times here in the Philippines. Sending you hugs dear Jeanie!
I remember Gyspy. We always miss our fur babies, doesn't matter how much time has gone by. I think Miss Lizzie is a sweetheart and she is so photogenic. I'm sure you didn't have to think twice today about whether you'd keep her:)
Cats definitely have their own personalities! So glad that Lizzie has been a comfort these past months... The general store looks like such a cute place!
We tried to instacart a lot in the beginning but getting a time slot made it almost impossible.. I only succeeded once or twice.
Hi Jeanie. I enjoyed hearing about Lizzie. It has been my experience that the girls are not as affectionate as the boys. I, too, had a yellow tabby that was a real love - his name was Sydney. And, his only fault was he would get mad if he had to get down from your lap until he was ready and he would either slap you or nip at you and with his ears pinned back. Never hard, just enough to let you know he wasn't happy.
I was interested in your green onions, I just might give that a try. I learned last summer that you can root basil the same way.
Stay well, Jeanie and I will pray you don't receive much rain until the folks arrive to fix your basement.
Lovely photographs of Lizzie, so pleased to read she has been a great companion for you, especially during the difficult Covid 19 times.
Your home grown scallions look to be doing well … enjoy them.
All the best Jan
Oh Lizzie, she is a sweet one. I am glad she has adjusted to at least being nearby. I keep telling myself to do the scallions, but then I forget. Thanks for the reminder. Glad you were able to support your local small market with a pick up. Just those little things help everyone. Stay safe and hope you can get your basement repair work done this summer.
i love the moustache (?) on your cat. looks so cute. animals certainly have their own personality and they know exactly what they do and do not want! keep well
How very SWEET was this, Jeanie!! Gypsy... what a sweetheart! And Miss Lizzie is a sweetheart too! Loved hearing hers & your story all over again! I just love her moustache--I laugh every time I see it! 10 monts old and already a mom, that seems like a lot for a kitty, huh? Good thing she found a forever home with you! Glad all is well there and "truckin' along" as the say goes... FUN with the spring onions!! We tried celery like that last summer, but it burnt up in the heat! Will try garlic... Be keeping well and safe, my friend ((LOVE & HUGS))
Jeanie, such sweet photos of your Lizzie! I still miss my Oreo, he had the best personality for a cat. We have been doing Instacart, but we have supported locals with curbside. Stay well my friend!
It sounds like you enjoy your relaxing days with Lizzie very much, Jeanie. These are some great photos of your cat, and she is a photogenic one. I love that picture of her with the blue ball. She looks curious as ever, and it's such a cool photo. And one to be framed. : )
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