The other night after music practice, Rick went into the bathroom and washed his hands. He called out "What should I dry my hands on?" To which I replied, "The towel."
He then brought up a good point. "If you're so concerned, why should I wipe my hands on the same towel you use?"
(To which I replied, "If you wash them right, it doesn't matter.")
But he's right. Not everyone will. So I trotted off and bought one of those inexpensive packets of washcloths and put them in the cute Longaberger basket Linda sent me a few years ago for Christmas.
No excuses now!
A good rest always helps when you are holed up inside...
...and if you can't sleep, howl at the moon.
(From my window on 3/10 -- I think this is the Worm Moon, which somehow seems very appropriate.)
The Gypsy Caravan 2023
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Interesting discussion. Miriam and I have always had separate towels. It's more important now than ever, but has been standard practice for us from the day we met.
We also have separate towels as well. Dear Heart uses the guest/everyone toilet anyway.
Your creativity is wonderful!
School today is in a total panic with the the NBA announcement and Trump's speech and the like. It is just crazy. I only wish I could offer the kids a clean towel (metaphorically of course) and fix this situation, but at home, I think that is a fabulous idea. Love the basket a lot. Hugs-Erika
I can just see you and Rick having this discussion. Great idea.
Love the photos
Take care,
The separate towels is a great idea and looks cute too. Hubby and I use separate towels too. Kitty looks sweet napping. Love the worm moon photo. Enjoy your day!
good idea
Jeanie, I'll be howling at the moon. LOL Some times my brain won't shut down..too many thoughts and problems. Lots of praying going on here. I use wash cloths for hand towels too. one towel with two people is not enough Each day. Even in the kitchen...we have two paper towel holders, that' a big help, thinking of installing one in the bathroom. I buy the big refills of soap and am surprised at how much we use. LOL Oh I want to be a spoiled cat in my next life. :) The napping alone would be heaven. Take care, stay healthy. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
That basket of wash-clothes-turned-towels would last me a day. Another solution that doesn't look as cute would be to have a roll of paper towel in the bathroom.
I like your basket of towels ~ great idea! Stay healthy ~
I am howling at the moon!
Ok, not really. I wash our hand towels a lot. Not just now. I switch them out often. :)
I love the moon picture.
Great solution! And good reminder, I need to put fresh towels in bathrooms! Once you start thinking about germs, it's almost overwhelming what should be done! I enjoyed the full moon so much, I wish it didn't have such and unattractive name!
I also have a couple of dozen inexpensive face cloths for individual hand drying.
We just heard the Ontario schools are going to close for three weeks. Well the kiddies are on spring break for the first week, then two week incubation ??? period after that.
I had a mini panic attack yesterday.
News, FB, MSNBC, address from the WH and I kind of fell apart.
“Mister Irish” was in Lansing for the week, maybe that added to my panic.
Who knows, it isn’t like me to become so reactionary.
But I was feeling panic . . . If you read up on anything coming out of Italy,
it tells quite a story. This truly is a full blown Pandemic, and very serious . . .
Rationing care it will be, when our hospitals, medical systems have to face, no room in the inn!”
How can we possibly deal with it all.
And 10 out of 10 people are just worried about toilet paper.
(I don’t quite GET that bit!)
I met a friend for lunch today and IT was the topic of conversation for us
as well as the others in the restaurant.
Left there, trip to Sam’s for laundry soap and yes, toilet paper.
I usually purchase my TP at Sam’s.
Not today, EVERY single shelf was empty.
And every check out was 5-10 person deep.
It is never like that except maybe during the holidays.
Great idea . . . the colorful wash cloths in the basket . . .
Each person has their own, then into the laundry.
I am much calmer today . . . but still . . .
The lawyer in NYC in ICU . . . fifty known persons were exposed.
We will have no idea if we have been exposed . . . or . . .
I did my first spring cleaning in one of the gardens.
Cut back the Spirea bushes that sit in amongst the pachysandra.
Whew . . . I feel better!
That is a great idea and looks so cute! Love it! We just use papertowels (well, I do--Mr. Front Porch uses towels)...I know, I know....not as enviromentally friendly and all---but I'M NOT GIVING UP my paper towels....ha ha LOL! We reduce, re-use, recycle so many other things and ways...nobody's perfect...ha ha!
You can't think of too many ways to be careful! The only bright spot is that it's safe to go outdoors and take a walk or look at birds or whatever. I think yesterday was the day everybody really decided to stock up on necessities and things they are afraid to run out of.
best.... mae at
Great point on the towels. That mon was awesome. I saw it in the morning. Janice
We need to be so careful now. Lizzie is adorable.
I always have small towels for my guests, this way everybod always gets a clean one. Hugs, Valerie
Oh, Gosh! I can't sleep now, should I howl through my windows? Lol
Thank you for the photos of moon. So sweet!
Love your towels and the basket!
Hi, Jeanie! GOOD idea with the basket of towels! Hubby & I have separate towels too. Miss Lizzie has the right idea too, though... just rest out this virus scare... haha! ;) If only we could to that--hibernate for a bit and it'd all be over! Thank goodness for the cheer from the MOON! Be taking good care there, my friend... may you & yours been keeping well! ((HUGS))
You had me at Longaberger basket! Pure basket envy now, you lucky lady! I am not worried about hand drying at home, but have started cutting up old tee shirts to take with me in a Ziploc bag for hand drying out and about. I have masses of face cloths {after my lovely Mum} so might put some out like you have done. Now, if only I had a lovely Longaberger!
Deb in Wales
I think I´m handling the subject in a way too naive. Thank you for making me rethink!
Great moon (and Lizzie).
That's so posh, I love it, like in a 5* hotel or restaurant. It makes sense though. I will do this too if the need arises.
Great point.
I keep a tray of rolled hand towels..use once..then in the wicker be washed..honestly I saw that in a restaurant 25 yrs ago and followed suit for the powder room..I have 4 little boys here:)Jacques and I have always had sep towels too..just a 47 yr old habit I guess:)
Must admit..concern elevating here..Our prime minister's wife has it..schools are closed..M.Macron has shut down all schools and universities..and Costcos are bare.First time in my life seeing this.
A good discussion Jeanie and we all need to really think about what suits us best. For now I've decided disposable paper cloths works best for my peace of mind. That said, using a freshly laundered cloth for each washing also works. Pretty cloths in a basket always a good idea. Love your sweet napping friend.......
What a wonderful idea! The next time I'm out I'll follow your example. I don't know anybody who even knows anybody who knows they've been exposed, but the numbers in our county and state have doubled in the past few days. I think if people could get tested it'd ease much of the fear.
Jeanie, good idea for the basket of little towels. We may all be howling at the moon before this dreadful virus is over. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all feel as safe and happy as Miss Lizzie? Stay well, my friend.
Some good points here, Jeanie. We also use separate towels, washcloths too. And I use the hand towel in the guest bathroom as that's where my dental care things are kept by the sink. The cat has the right idea too.
If children see your basket filled with washcloths, they will voluntarily wash their hands.
Now your bathroom is like a spa or like a bathroom of a fancy restaurant! I do like it when places provide little towels for drying your hands. I feel like it's probably better for the environment than paper towels!
I hadn't thought of separate towels for drying our hands... I will have to do that.
I have been thinking of you this week as the virus spreads. I am working from home at least through 4/12. On Thursday my company asked all 'high risk' employees to work from home, and I fall under that category. So yesterday was my first day at home. But then yesterday they announced that pretty much all employees will be working from home. I am glad they are being extra cautious. They had already closed our NYC offices as there was a case in a building and they wanted to reduce the usage of public transit in the area to help flatten the curve. I'm just hoping Paul's daycare remains open. They are asking us to take temps every day starting monday and the following Monday they will be taking the temp of every person that comes in - kids, staff, and parents at drop off. They are starting that in a week because they need time to train staff/get more thermometers, etc. I feel good about the plans they have in place, though!
Hi Jeanie. Wow, we are all going through something. No doubt. If we listen to the right people and follow instructions that might help us not to panic, but it is scary. I think we should use our own heads and take precautions even if we are not in a high risk group. Your idea of the separate towels is a really good one. We are mostly only the two of us in the house so I don't even think of that, but we do have to go out for groceries, so a good precaution. I cancelled my monthly lunch with friends for Monday. So far there haven't been any cases (reported) in our county but there has been one death in the next county over. They are closing all our schools starting Monday regardless but I am in the highest risk area because of age! No symptoms and no underlaying illnesses, but trying to do the right thing..Stay well..xxoJudy
Hi Jeanie. I typed this whole message already but don't think I sent it. If I did, just disregard or read because I probably can't remember what I said before! We sure are going through something, aren't we? This is so scary but if we listen to the right people and use common sense, hopefully that will be enough to get through it without panic. Your idea of separate towels is brilliant. With mostly just the two of us in the house, I didn't even think of that. But, we do go grocery shopping so you can't be too careful. I cancelled my monthly lunch with my friends for Monday. There hasn't been any word that there is a problem in our town or county yet, however a person has died in the next county over. I am not symptomatic and do not have any underlying problems, BUT because of my age, I am in the highest risk group, so better safe than sorry..Stay healthy..xxoJudy
Lizzie has the right idea.
We have always used separate towels …
I do like your moon picture.
All the best Jan
Well, didn't it tickle me to see that basket put to a very practical and fun use! But that's you, all over: practical and fun, both. As for Lizzie? That's just the way Dixie used to nap, and I have some photos of it. It's such a kitty-like thing to do.
Here's a question to ponder. Do you think anyone will get confused and howl at the towels?!
aaahhh, look at how your cat is positioned on your bed. What a cutie. That moon picture is very cool. I just saw the moon out recently and had to take a picture as well. Something so mysterious about it. I noticed you have bits of red in your home. I really like that splash of color, and used to have it in my kitchen. I miss it sometimes. Your basket with wash cloths looks very nice, Jeanie, and a good idea.
Not sure why I like this post so well, but some of my same thoughts. I keep a Longaberger basket on my bathroom counter with washcloths from Costo and an extra trash can to toss them into for washing. Rest and moon watching are all good things.
Good idea! It also looks super cute in the basket like that. :)
xo, Sarah
Great idea. Hubby and I use separate towels. I'm a germaphobe so don't like using a towel someone else is using.
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