I had three ArtPrize favorites.

You saw a hint of this one in my last post.

"Mother Earth" is depicted -- in all her seasons -- in felt.

These dresses were gorgeous, and I'm told by one of the monitors, they were also wearable. I loved the ones with trains.

Every detail was perfect, from the seasonal coloring down to the details.

Having felted before -- and not like this -- I know how time consuming it is to do even a small piece.

This, by Rebecca Lambers, was dazzling.

It was a ceiling installation of silk flowers. The silk was hand dyed, and each flower individually made.

The artist said that if it didn't sell (oh, I hope it does!) that she would dismantle it and sell the flowers individually. I am going to watch her

Saving the most remarkable for last, the Mona Lisa series.

On a different graphic, the artist credited about 12 women -- Each one posed with the photographer (Pizzi) and then transformed their prints according to their vision and chosen discipline to interpret the most famous portrait in history.

These are the original portraits and below, some of the variations.

Mona Lisa was depicted any number of ways.

As painting.

As photography.

As sculpture.

As fiber and painted art.

Painted on glass.

And under glass.

In photography and paper.

With wire.

And so much more.

This talented group definitely found a muse.

And I was amused and enchanted.
NOTE: New book post on Chopsticks and String. If you like folk music or Christine Lavin or knitting -- you must learn about this book. (and you don't have to like all to enjoy it!)
Good morning, Jeanie. Your selections are winners. Those flowers are amazing. Wouldn't it be cool to own a little piece of it?
What a wonderful exhibit. It is all dazzling and your favorites are really wonderful. Once again, I am so impressed by those who have artistic talent.
I really liked the Mona Lisa project, too.
I can't pick a favorite. Such creativity!
wow....if i had somewhere to go, i'd totally wear one of those amazing dresses....
These truly were amazing pieces. They were all so different . The Mona Lisa project was quite interesting.
Those dresses are gorgeous! I love that they are felted wool. I have a purple flower someone made for me a few years ago and just pulled it out to start wearing it. The silk flowers are so pretty too.
Great stuff. Loved the Mona Lisa interpretations.
The felted dresses are beautiful, and I like all the Mona Lisa pieces.
Oh, Jeanie! I can see why these are your favorites. Beautiful!
absolutely love:)
thanks for the virtual tour,
The Mona Lisa Project is indeed interesting... I'd say that's one of my favorites too of all the exhibits I've seen from your posts. I'm just amazed at all the variety of art ideas and projects in this art competition. You're indeed fortunate to be in attendance. I'm sure they must have given you some ideas for your own art making.
Oh Jeannie
I am soo loving this great post. The fashion was gorgeous I love things like this. I'm with everyone else too on the Mona Lisa project -cool!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend my friend!
Oh, Jeanie... all of these are AMAZING! The season in felt and the floral installation are fabulous. And really like the different takes on portraiture. Loving all of this! :o) Happy Days ((HUGS))
Fascinating selections, Jeanie... so interesting to see the ideas & techniques these artists were experimenting with! That floral installation is making me think about something I might do with a big empty wall that I have to look at every morning. Love the mona lisa installation!
Makes me want to quit my job and try to really MAKE something. Wonderful. I'm still stuck on the felt in the beginning pictures. Wow.
Thanks Jeanie for this post! It is humbling to see such wonderful work.
What a brilliant show...how special to get to see some of it thanks to you Jeanie!
Love it all!
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