Well, the
room is the same. But thanks to a new desk/art table and some time cleaning and organizing, the art room has become a little more manageable. Not too much less cluttered. But more manageable!

My friend Jan was replacing her office furniture so I was excited to buy her L-shaped desk, a new bookcase and a drawer unit from her this summer. Getting it moved was a challenge, but thanks to my friend and photographer/artist
Michael Maurer Smith (who has a truck), we got it over and into the garage -- where it sat for about six weeks.
You know the story -- too tired to do it in the evening and summer weekends on the road. And of course I had to unload the old desk (filled with things in and under) and art table (with all those baskets of must-haves) and bookcase.

Let's just say if I'd had company during that time, they would have been in my bed and I would have been down the street at Rick's or on the couch!
When finally making the change, I vowed that everything that came into the room had to have purpose -- something for an art project, a book that could be useful, art itself -- my own and other people's, or things that made me happy -- photos, collections, etc.

Which isn't to say it wouldn't be cluttered. (This corner still sort of scares me!) It would just be cluttered with things I liked or were useful.

Now, I'll be working on organizing and tossing out things for a long while. But I've made me progress.
My favorite part -- the desk! When open, a great place to work, complete with bulletin board and sorting bins.

Of course, there is room for the Executive Assistant.

When closed, a perfect art table!

I always enjoy seeing how people store their stuff. I like these small jars from Ikea, as well as old spice jars for buttons and bits.

Scissors go in Mason jars.

Markers go into one of those extra mugs we all have!

For inspiration, an inspiration board...

...and a wonderful tree made by blogger Beth long ago.

Tall wastebaskets hold tall papers.

Elsewhere, things that make me happy.

This yard sale find has storage within!

More bits, glues and Goldens go here.

I won't show you the closet door behind the desk, but it has those shuttered doors, perfect for hanging completed knitting projects.

Now, it really isn't done because I don't think it will ever be. There are corners (and closets) to clean, more to sort through. But you get the drift! And I have to say I feel much better coming in here, and that in itself is worth something!
NOTE: On Chopsticks and String, a look at the book "The Paris Wife.")
Looove it. (Imagine my voice high and warbling the love). :-)
It's delightful. I could spend hours just lookin' at all your'stuff'. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4
Jeanie, I want to come to your house and play! Wow, do you ever have a lot of fun stuff.
Love the redesigned space, Jeanie -- so much fun to see all your toys! Interesting to see how the space reflects the pieces you create: just beautiful!
What a fun place to play in! Love it.
Gosh....it SOOOOOOOOOOO resembles my space..... what are we going to do with all our stuff?!!!Love your new desk...it's perfect. And Gypsy likes it, too!!!
Jeanie - Your space is perfect - I like your collections and your methods of storing. It's a wonderful creative space.
I know what a huge deal this was for you to undertake both physically and mentally, JC. I am so proud of you for finally taking it on! The space looks great and don't you feel more creative just walking into that organized, clean-out space now with everything in its place? Yea for you!!
How fun seeing your work space and all the "tools" of what you do.
Happy creating!
Hiya Jeanie! What fun to have a mini 'tour' of your craft room! It all looks like great stash..I could have fun in there! ;)
Oh wow - that looks great! I have to be in a certain mood to organize, but when I am - watch out! I can get so much accomplished!!
I love that desk! I was just visiting a friend today who had an L desk like yours. I was quite envious. I love the options you have with the desk.
You are making progress girl. It's a good think I'm not an artist or a crafter because i could never organize my materials and stuff like you have. I'm impressed.
OOOooo... I just LOVE your studio, Jeanie! That desk is wonderful--I like the flip down top, and pesto--more work space. Must say it's a thrill to see all your supplies and art goodies... Just seeing it all has me itching to create! So glad you shared! Here we're just closing in on finishing up a BIG clean & purge around the house--long overdue. Happy Days :o) ((HUGS))
We redid the study this summer too -- just deciding to do it is such a project! Looks as if you did a great job.
I love seeing how others organize. You'll enjoy working in there. It makes such a difference when we get everything organized. What a great job.
Love the pic on your computer. Purrfect!
Love your new desk. It is such a challenge to keep the workroom in order, but still have things easy to find and use. My office looks fairly OK right now, but then I still can't find things or have easy access at times and really, really need a work table where I can leave a project out - but alas, no room.
You make me want to clean my studio/office up! Actually I've been wanting to do it for some time. I clean and organize, then it gets really messy again, I clean again, messy again - you get the idea. I don't think we ever get done with it. I've been cleaning the rest of my house and just avoiding my studio for a while now. You've inspired me.
Yeah ~ this must feel so good. I love how your inspiration board is just bursting ☀ it's like you, so full of joy, full of interesting diverse ephemera :) I'm looking forward to seeing what comes out of this new space.
(totally unrelated to this post... just sending you a msg via blog in the event that my e-mail doesn't come through)
Was up until 1 a.m., and am nowhere close enough to done to make me feel comfortable. Plenty of good shots, but the because of the location -- his office -- just tons of distracting background details that I'm going to have to cut, desaturate, blur, or somehow diminish to make them work. So, I'm afraid I have another long day ahead of me, and I don't see a drive up Lansing in the cards.
I am so glad we got to talk last night. Let's plan on an afternoon visit sometime the week of Nov. 7th or 14th. Sounds like we both might be feeling more relaxed by then.
Wonderful news about finding your art cache! Hoping your week continues to improve.
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