What to do on a summer weekend? A lot!
Claudine Hellmuth's online collage composition class. Here's my first piece -- asymetrical composition. Enjoying the class but running in place to catch up!

Enjoying dinner with friends Mark and Jan and watching their big boy P.T. watch the birds!

We saw an interesting play that I didn't particularly like or understand at our Summer Circle theatre festival. (The set was nice.) It was called "Boom."

Rick said, "Didn't you do things like that when you were in college?" To which I replied, "Yes, but we picked interesting and not totally weird plays when we were going for a general audience." (Am I getting old?)
Afro-Cuban music at the East Lansing Jazz Fest. Love this stuff!

A Father's Day walk with Rick at Lake Lansing park, Rick and me -- This is what our walks look like -- Rick is way ahead.

I pick my way over the roots. A woman with lung problems, a week ankle and torn up knee shouldn't be dahsing through the woods.

But, it was a perfect day!

More Father's Day, with Greg's arrival.

It was good to see him again, just back from a trip out west. And of course, Rick was in seventh heaven.

Here's to dad's everywhere -- and missing mine.
If you haven't stopped by
Chopsticks and String to check out "Home is Where the Wine Is" (which is less about wine and more about life), give it a look! The book is delightfully funny!
Hi Jeanie,
Long time, I know. But I am back and trying to blog again. Wow,,your taking a Claudine Hellmuth class? I have several of her books,,she is great.
Look's like you had a really busy week-end. You just never slow down do you? :-)
You look great and your having so much fun! I have missed you a lot. I thought about you this week-end when I was watching the new version of Upstairs, Downstairs on PBS. They were doing their pledge drive.
I am going to try to do more blogging as I have missed it and my friends. Stop by,,
Wow, you really did pack a lot into 1 weekend. Sorry about the play, I hate wasting time on things I do not like. I attended a play recently and wanted so badly to just get up and go home. I kept thinking of the stuff I could be at home making, LOL!
Hope you have a quieter week.
you packed a lot in ... glad it was such a special time Jeanie!
wonderful trail you have for walking too
meant to ask about the background paper on your lovely collage...is that beeswax?
I have a very similar photo of H walking ahead of me when we visited the flume in New Hampshire. LOL I couldn't or wouldn't keep up.
So glad Rick had a nice Father's Day.
What a fun and busy weekend. Your pics are great....I especially like the one of Rick and Greg.
That looks like a perfect weekend.
Looks like a fabulous weekend! I'll be posting pictures of mine tomomrrow!
I feel the same way about weird plays - so it's not just you!!
Rick's son is so handsome!
That is a big white cat – I hope he does not catch too many birds. I enjoyed your post on Chicago with your blogging friends. It looked like you all had a great day. It’s funny how one feels that you know blogging friends so much better than some regular friends. I have always enjoyed meeting blogging friends and hope I can meet some more. By the way I love Afro-Cuban music and have several CDs that I listen to very often.
Charming, these little "bits" ... and of course especially trhe happy faces! :-)
Sometimes I wish we lived closer to town so we could take advantage of stuff like circle theater (when it's good ;) more easily.
That path in the woods is pretty, but rooty. Where is it?
LOVE your collage, Jeanie! Sounds like a great class... Looks like a great weekend... so happy for you. :o) ((HUGS))
What a marvelous summer you have been enjoying. Of course, you have a gift for that - enjoying life, I mean.
love the look of your blog jeanie! all spiced up and spilling flowers! greg looks like his dad :) you always do the most interesting things. plays not much liked, tasty dinners with friends, walking the perfect path in the perfect woods, creating in so many mediums.
XO life is full and good :)
I like posts like this. It's almost as if we sat down and had a little chat and caught up with one another. Great photos, as always.
Love your collage! What is the background? It has such an interesting texture, and I love the seaming.
Jeanie, it all sounds fabulous! I love, just LOVE the collage you made, especially the way the stitching breaks up the space and somehow adds movement to the piece. Looks like a gorgeous walk, a wonderful father's day ... even the "interesting" play. Been to a few of those myself, and even if I don't like them, the change in perspective is somehow refreshing.
'round here it was father's day & M's birthday, mixed in with visitors from out of town and a few events for m. Good stuff, but has me ready for a little down time. Thanks for the update -- take care,
The collage class looks interesting! I haven't tried anything like this...I think it's fear:). It sounds like your weekend was fabulous...as each day should be. Enjoy!
I like your asymetrical collage - good texture and flow. I understand about feeling old when you see a weird play. Love the walking photos, especially the one of you (new haircut?).
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