The title of Greg's senior art show was "Grow Faster."

It seems like he's grown up overnight.

Last Wednesday night we attended the opening of the exhibition, a collection of drawings, which were both projected on the wall in sets of contrasting yet similar themes...

And the originals seen through a giant (and I do mean giant!) View Master.

The interactive exhibit was the brainchild of Greg and his "Master" builder, Dustin.

The idea behind it was to show contrasting but related images related to children and war.

They described it this way.

Or, to interpret: As we are children, we play at all sorts of things -- perhaps shooting, or playing war is one of them.

As we grow up, those games can take on a deadly meaning, when war becomes all too real.

A march is a patriotic parade, with flags unfurled.

And yet one day that flag is folded with deliberate precision.

The images themselves -- the originals -- are so rich in lined detail. These photos are of the projections on the wall -- the detail breaks up some (and shooting in low light didn't help either!)

But you get the idea.

What amazes me most is that this complex correlation of thoughts came from the brain of a kid of six years ago thought primarily about designing cars.

The kid who read Harry Potter, played video games.

I was one proud person attending. But I can show you who was prouder -- Greg's dad!

Here's a
30 second video! Take a look!
A giant View Master -- looking at the world. What do you see?

A postscript to all this -- Greg was one of two Kendall students chosen to attend an illustration conference in L.A. this spring. I think his next assignment is business cards and building a website portfolio!