And now, a puzzle.
How do you make food from these beautiful crystals?

One of the projects he initiated helped children "do good by doing well." He launched the Crystal Project.

His kids in the class cleaned the crystals, turning dirty little pieces into beautiful, sparkling bits of beauty.
The crystals were then sold at the holidays, ranging anywhere from a quarter or fifty cents on up to far more for larger pieces that were on a silent auction.
The proceeds from the sale the first year went to the Humane Society and another to a neighborhood Hospice. (The first year, WKAR did a video feature -- at this link, you'd click on Forest View Elementary School in the index).
(The children pick the charity they want to support.)

"But creating food?" you might ask. Well, then came the food bank.
The first year the kids donated their crystals to the food bank, they made $1,000 and found a spot on the local news. (Here's the transcript of the video segment.)
With this success, Richard managed to secure a grant from the Accident Fund of Michigan, allowing him to purchase the crystals and chemicals needed. This thousand dollar grant last year brought the Greater Lansing Food Bank about $2000 in dollars.
The Accident Fund, recognizing good value for their grant, repeated it this year. The kids have been busy at work this spring, and that will continue when school resumes in the fall.

And, while learning about where crystals come from, the kids also have the opportunity to talk with Richard while working. From him, they learn about the skills they'll need to be good participants in society -- responsibility, caring, honesty and integrity. The children in this lower-income school have parents who rely on the food bank. In giving, they are receiving.
And they'll come to Mr. Lassin to share the first books they have learned to read or something special happening that day. It's something he finds special -- and the kids do too.
Wanting to extend the crystal project beyond the Christmas holiday season, he has also placed them in several area coffee shops and physicians offices. And, they can be purchased on under the Lansing section.

As for the food bank, they benefit with a cash donation with which they can purchase the necessary items not likely to be donated in collection boxes.

In honor of Richard's efforts, I am having a crystal giveaway. Any comments on this post or others continuing through May 31 will be entered in a drawing to win one of the crystals the children have cleaned and prepared for the food bank.
You're right, this is a wonderful story. Thanks so much for sharing this one.
Thanks, too, for the news about Greg -- it's good to hear this!
Wow, great project for such a wonderful cause!
Jeanie, what a wonderful story. Your Richard is one impressive man and no doubt modest about it all too. Those kids have been blessed a thousand times over and will take this experience into their futures in a big way.
I stopped in at your blog because your title intruiged me...and I love cats. But I enjoyed your story about Richard....crystals are beautiful, and i can oly image what a row of them on a windowsill in the sun would look like!
That is a very cool story. Richard should be very proud of how far this has come. And our best to Greg.
Crystal! They are lovely and what an idea your friend has developed. HM found a crystal much like these you picture, at a flew market and keeps it close while he works. Interesting stuff.
so very very glad to hear your young man is going along well. Keep us posted; we're thinking of all of you.
Oh, and I rec'd my package from you today!!!!!! Will now send you an email.
What a beautiful (in all senses of the word) project.
What a lovely blog, so positive and outward looking. The story about your friend the knitter was marvelous and this kitty on your banner is very handsome. I do love ginger cats.
But it is the tale of your husbands crystals which touched my heart. Please don't put me in the drawing, Austalia is too far to post - but I do so love what you are doing.
Hi Jeanie!
Thanks as always for posting the old photographs. I love to see those and they remind me of my mother as well.
Two wonderful stories.
What a person Richard is.
That is a wonderful story. I bet the crystals are amazing!!!
What a wonderful way of learning about giving and receiving - such a special way to do it too.. loved reading this x
glad to hear Greg is okay x
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