I've been thinking lately about the blog and the good support from my cyber-friends. As I was going through photos I'd taken a few weeks ago, I couldn't help but relate the blogosphere to my quilts.
I collect quilts. Mostly antique or at least "collectible," whatever that means these days. I actually use most of them, because isn't that the point? Wasn't that what someone made them for? Around the time I was taking off the heavier winter quilt and auditioning summer replacements, I shot these photos.

(The Marmelade Gypsy had to audition all quilts before we decided on one.)
I collect quilts. Mostly antique or at least "collectible," whatever that means these days. I actually use most of them, because isn't that the point? Wasn't that what someone made them for? Around the time I was taking off the heavier winter quilt and auditioning summer replacements, I shot these photos.

(The Marmelade Gypsy had to audition all quilts before we decided on one.)

Some, I'm not sure where they came from, but I make up wonderful stories about the people who made them. And some, I have a bit of a provenance for.

The one under my tree (can you see it under Stimpy? It's mostly covered by presents!) was one my grandmother made. If you put it atop you, you wouldn't be able to turn over, it's so heavy! This is one of my favorite photos of all time because that was Stimpy's favorite spot.

I look at my blog friends and their blogs as quilts in themselves. Lots of patches of wonderful colors. Some are crazy quilts, all jumbled together with fascinating shapes and interesting stitches. Others are far more organized! Everything is neat and tidy, yet elegant and beautiful.

I love this patchwork called "the blog." Everyday, something new. Someone special.
You certainly have some lovely quilts. I love quilts too! No other blanket or throw is quite as comfortable a quilt. My grandmother quilted, and I have some of hers, as well as some I made myself. Since I started on this crazy art trip, I haven't quilted, but who knows? Maybe I'll get back to it someday.
Hi Jeanie,
please look in my blog, there is a surprise for you.
I love this post, Jeanie, because I love quilts too. My aunt had a quilting group all the time I was growing up, and my great grandmother made a quilt for each of us...mine's a star pattern, made from scraps of all my little dresses. I also have a cross stitch my aunt embroidered and quilted entirely by hand. You can imagine how much I treasure that!
I helped out a few times with quilting, but I'm not at all good with stitchery. My fingers work much better on keyboards (piano and computer!) So I enjoy thinking of my blog(s) as my creative patchwork of thoughts and ideas. Very nice metaphor :)
I'm glad your son is feeling better, and I hope his recovery continues to go smoothly. I know you all must be exhausted - take care!
Hi Jeanie, absolutely love the quilts..and your fur babies too.
Awwww, sweet Stimpy! And WTG Richard---my kind of guy. And you know how I feel about the Marmelade Gypsy! And you and your quilts. You make blogging extra special.
Hi Jeanie...what a lovely thought you had on blogs being like quilts..I LOVE ThAT! I love your pictures of your orange kitties too! Isn't just amazing when you are in the midst of a project and they think they have to be in the middle of whatever you are doing! I have the same problem..but love the intrusion. Punkin says HELLO, in is teeny tiny kitty voice that doesn't fit his big stature.
Have a blessed day! Lorena
what a beautiful analogy. the quilts you have gathered over the years and share with the people and pets you love, and all of us that gather here in your blogging nest offering up our own color, comfort and coziness. such a rich and contemplative post, stitching all the aspects of your life together :)
xoxoxoxoxoxox to you dear jeanie
Hi Jeanie,
I love your quilts and the reference to blogging. Definitely true. Well, which quilt did the Marmelade Gypsy pick? Thanks so much for offering to send some of your Egyptian wrapping paper. I know I have your e-mail address but I can't find it!
Very lovely writing! I love hand done linens, too. Not so much quilts, but, mostly I collect doilies, hand towels, etc. It's hard to pass them by when you stop and consider how much time and care someone took to make them. Love the kitty pics, too!
I spent my whole childhood watching my grandma make quilts by hand....every design and style...every color under the sun, always with the tiny little flowers printed on the fabric.... and I was always amazed by what her hands could do. Now I'm amazed that that's one of my childhood memories that I always go back to !!!
I spent my whole childhood watching my grandma make quilts by hand....every design and style...every color under the sun, always with the tiny little flowers printed on the fabric.... and I was always amazed by what her hands could do. Now I'm amazed that that's one of my childhood memories that I always go back to !!!
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