Iris picked seven blogs to highlight, including The Marmelade Gypsy, which really thrilled me!
And then yesterday, Jill (Jill’s Junk to Jewels) presented me with the same! Jill includes her beautiful art and assemblage work, along with her terrific bargain finds with moments from her life on her blog. Wow – I felt doubly blessed and so pleased to think that two blogs I visit often thought of me for this award.
My role is to “pass it on,” and encourage you to do the same. I must pick seven blogs to share this award with. That’s really hard – it’s like trying to choose between your children or pick a best friend from many! (Actually, I should probably pick 14, since I got this twice!) but maybe I’ll split the difference!)
So, I’m selecting some blogs that are relatively new on the scene or that did not already receive this award from others.
Here goes – if you “accept this award,” you may post the accompanying graphic. You need to link back to me in your post and then “pass it on” to seven other bloggers, leaving them a message on their blog! Pretty simple.
Maude and Mozart (Laura) features many of Laura’s varied interests– lately it has been old movies, beautiful art and good books. Laura likes Tab, too!
Doors are Everywhere (Beth M) finds this artist’s beautiful poetry, depicting her everyday life. Beth is an eloquent writer whose work is genuinely thought-provoking. (Her art is fun, too!)
Bird Tweets (Robin) Stop by the beautiful world of Avalon where Robin Bird and Zippy live amidst glorious flowers. (Robin cooks, too! And is a splendid photographer with a wildly imaginative humor!)
Bookstack (Becca) is for all you book lovers! Becca is truly – as her screen name says – a “Ravenous Reader” (and a darned good writer, too!) and is also the Write on Wednesday coordinator! Visit Becca for good book reviews and thoughtful “conversation” about reading and writing.
Sugar Bear Designs (Karla N.) is a colorful portal to a world of color – collage art, jewelry, and a love of things vintage! (I really love her photo of Grace Kelly on the sidebar!)
Winter Ramblings (Judy) focuses largely on children with special needs and related issues – but Judy will often surprise you with some stunning photography and issue-related discussion that is provocative and thoughtful. (She currently has photos and postings from a writer's retreat featured.)
Karen’s Muse and Musings (Karen O.) features beautiful art with new art almost everyday. Sometimes, she’ll also document her process behind the creation and at other times, simply feature her work. It doesn’t matter. It’s lovely.
Gathering Dust (Beth L.) will take you on a journey into buttons, collage art, auctions, antiquing and knitting and leave you smiling and wanting more!
Artsy 2 (Shelley) includes Shelley’s beautiful art work and photography, along with poems, quotes, video and recipes! I always get a bit of inspiration from Shelley!
Nature Girl (Anna) takes you to a world of gorgeous photography, particularly of her garden. Anna almost always has a picture perfect quote that relates to nature.
Actually, it’s terribly difficult for me not to include the entire blog list over at the right. I hope you stop by and visit them all! And often!
Thanks, Iris and Jill! Your award means a lot!
Thank you Miss Toni for this award... you silly girl !!!
I'm honored !!!!
Sometime this weekend, I'll grab that little goodie award and bring it over to my blog and bless some of my favorites with it !!!
Hi Jeanie,
Thanks so much for the award! You are too kind.
Oh, Jeanie, that's so sweet! Thank you so much! I'll display the award proudly.
Wahooo! Thank you for thinking of me!!! I am out of town this weekend, but as soon as I get back I will start spreading the award!!!
Tab Forever!
Thank you Jeanie!!! What a nice surprise. I will wear it with appreciation and pass it on. Thank you very much, my friend!!
Thank you so much! I needed that little shot in the arm today!
I hope your family is doing well - enjoy the weekend :)
Of course I thought of you. You are one of my favorite blogs.
Jeannie congratulations for the recognition twice!!
Thank you for passing it on to me!!
WOW! Big hugs to you Ms. JC for recognizing my blog, and me, with this amazing honor! (and congrats on your well-deserved recogntion x 2!) I'll get this up soon and pass it on to more deserving folks.
Kudos from you are always extra special good buddy...thank you!
Hope everyone is doing great this weekend at your house....
Love and hugs and kisses.
Congratulations on your award.
Love Jeanne ^j^
a well deserved award to you jeanie! congratulations! and thanks ever so much for honoring me with your wonderful appreciation and support of my blog :) you were one of my first 'new' friends when i began XOX
How fun and well deserving!!
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