Long ago I was talking with a friend about teenagers (especially those of the challenging kind!) and he sagely said, "You don't mess with Mama Bear." So true.
I remember being a kid and while my parents tried to teach me to fight my own battles, I can remember one time when my Mom had to step in. I felt safe and secure, knowing she had my back. I always knew they both had my back and that meant a great deal.
The other day I was at the Ditch, shortly after I'd been seeing a number of new babies, both ducks and goslings. I think some were still on the nest. All of a sudden there was a great commotion.
Two geese were flying and fighting with each other, chasing in mid-air, amidst a racket that would wake the dead.
There was great flapping of wings and honking. The birds would glide what seemed like many feet along the smooth water, turn around and go after each other again.
I'm not sure what might have happened but my guess is Goose A got a little too close to Goose B's nest and Papa Goose decided to take him on. It was fascinating to watch them. And eventually, Goose A backed off. Another crisis averted.
Lately I've been wondering, who has our backs? Certainly not those telling us to go back to "normal" when there is still great danger in doing so.
I believe it's the docs and nurses, healthcare workers in all fields, the scientists, the grocery people, the postal workers, the teachers, the sanitation folk, and so many more who have been there for us during this mess. And will be.
It's the parents who are doing double duty, working from home while teaching or tending their children. It's those food bank workers who are making sure those who need the services have access. It is the people who help keep us fed, healthy and safe.
Governments come and go and I hope this one goes soon. But the people who have your back -- they're golden. It's up to us to protect them, as they protect us.
Please wear your mask and keep your distance, no matter what people say about things lightening up. There is a reason that it may be (and I emphasize the "may") -- and that is because people in large part have been doing their part -- taking care.
They help us be safe.
Please don't stop.
The Gypsy Caravan 2023
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Defending Our Families, Defending Our Turf
Canada Geese,
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Thank you for sharing your thoughts, dear Jeanie. Yes, I think it's too soon to open things up, and when they do, you won't see me going to any restaurants, shops, etc. in the near future. The geese are funny and protective birds. I love them so. And their honk is definitely LOUD! What a sight that must have been for you to see them communicate that way. Your Ditch pictures are wonderful, and I have been wanting to visit nature lately. Now that I'm moved, I hope to soon.
Yes, we need to take care. Too many people are getting careless, and I am sure that this pandemic is not over by a long chalk yet. But we also need to stay positive and not just dwell on doom and gloom. I will continue watching my own back! Look after yourself! Hugs, Valerie
Great pictures! the parents are protecting their young from threats, real or imagined Protect yourself and others and stay safe my friend!
A mother's love that is probably the most powerful is not just something that is cultural or social but really, it's part of nature. You can see from these cute little critters how mothers are very protective of their young and a very good way of seeing how it loves its children just like our Moms does to us. I one saw a video this week on youtube about a Mother chicken protecting each and every chick on a cornered room away from a vicious cobra. It was an amazing video!
Happy Thursday dear Jeanie!
I so agree with you! Let's hope that this so called leadership changes and actual leaders take over. How sad that on this day when the number of dead passes 100,000, the president is fighting with social media instead acknowleging the pain and danger the country is experiencing.
What a fun saying with Mama Bear!
Oh, if humans would just be as sane as Goose A!
Schools are open again and my Brother is off double... or even triple duty. He even turned to me with homework for his Daughter. 3rd grade and here I sat, puzzled. Huh? 3rd or 12th grade? What did that teacher think to mail that homework?!
The masks. I wear them! But politicians here now start lying big, telling people the mask protects those who are wearing them. No they protect other from you!
Giving false information is horrible and I tend to believe the scientists, not the politicians.
In general I don´t like strangers to come near to me and I somehow have a slight hope "Corinna" teaches people long term about distance...
I agree with you about the Federal government having our backs; I have more faith in our governor (not the state legislature).
There are indeed many people to be thankful for. I agree that there is a real danger to opening up too soon, and I certainly have no wish to return to crowded streets and supermarkets. They can leave those restrictions in place forever as far as I am concerned. But I am also aware that I am not losing my pay cheque, I do not have a mortgage to pay, I don't have kids to feed and clothe. For many the impetus to get businesses open again must be far greater than for a couple of retirees like Miriam and me. I know well an optometrist in a small town, who ceased operations as soon as the emergency was declared, and his income has gone to zero. He has not earned a penny in over three months now, yet his expenses have barely declined. Protecting the kids by having their backs, and protecting the kids by putting food on the table for him, are doubtless two conflicting priorities. I wish for us all to be safe, and I want us to take care of each other. But there are many factors to consider - unlike the Canada Goose who just chases off any intruder who gets too close. And if they lose their home they just build another one.
Hello, Jeanie
I enjoyed your commentary on the geese, they can be so fussy and loud.
The goslings and ducklings are so cute. I am thankful for all those risking their lives taking care of us. I hope this administration is voted out, I agree 100% with you. Take care and stay safe. Wishing you a happy day!
Loved the Ditch Pics.
Young, soft, yellow along with moms, dads and teasers too.
I haven’t changed my mask wearing, part of my dress.
I must admit though I am not having much luck with a good fit.
The elastic knocks my hearing aids off and then I get a bit anxious,
worried that I might lose one. The tied masks seem to work a bit better for me.
I feel concerned with seeing more people out and about.
We often take a ride in the evening and are seeing more people everywhere.
Our view is from inside the car. And so far, I think that is the view-for many.
I do wonder as things are lifted how many will continue to follow guidelines.
The virus is still there.
Be safe is still my mantra . . .
Fabulous photos Jeanie. Isn't it strange how people so often see nature as this calm place and to think about the constant struggle each little thing needs to go through to survive. Good for Daddy goose to teach his little ones he is there for them, just as our parents were for us. Happy Thursday. Hugs-Erika
Wonderful photos, and some great reflections, too.
Not all of the people in the "hero" groups have our backs:
May 18, 2020:
Connecticut State Police Officer (Trooper) barred from public interaction after profanity-filled traffic stop
I once liked someone very much..I once like more than one person very much..the moment someone was said ..about someone I loved..in a derogatory fashion.
I stopped liking.
Extremely defensive.:)
Lovely series..
Love your post today. A perfect blend of nature, human nature and gratitude to those who have our backs. We need to honor their hard work by doing our part to stay the course that is fattening our curve. Masks, social distancing, hand washing and staying at home as much as possible.
You combined this great sequence of naturalist photos with your observations of society into a little masterpiece! Thanks for the great post.
be well... mae at maefood.blogspot.com
you captured the birds so beautifully
I so appreciate all of the steps I see people taking to serve and protect.
Seeing so many acts of un-care make it especially moving to see those smiling eyes behind masks. I'm especially grateful for smiling eyes:)
It's a beautiful thing to defend life.
Thanks for this loveliness,
What an inspiring piece! I actually had to read this post aloud to my Mom. I!ist admit I choked up a little....however, I will only admit to having allergies. Keep up the great posts!
As always, marvelous pix ~ especially the last one!
And your words are beautiful, too ~
Hugs ~
I love the goose diary. On a walk recently I saw some geese with babies making a lot of noise which I thought was me being too close to the water's edge, then I saw another little family a few metres away, they were also honking. Both parents kept it up until one family moved away.
Wonderful post, Jeanie. All I can say is amen and beautifully said.
Some many heroes out there today. It's humbling.
We definitely know who doesn't have our backs.
Did you see where Johnny Cash's granddaughter was heckled for wearing a mask and called a liberal bleep word?
We have to watch our own backs. Looks like quite the commotion at the ditch. Glad is well now. Janice
The captures of the geese are truly amazing! Jennie, your photography skills are awesome. It is always fun to see what you will find at the ditch.
I, too, hope this administration is gone after this year. I can’t handle 4 more years of this. Now is when we really need leadership and it’s sorely lacking. We are definitely trying to do our part, especially now that Paul is back in daycare and we don’t know what Paul is exposed to. So we need to be extra careful!!
Beautiful pictures!!
Thanks so much for always stopping by!! I have been very busy planting flowers and working in the garden!!
Stay safe, healthy and happy!!
85% of Ontario's cases are in long term care. And in the cities at that. We are still wearing masks as many businesses require them.
Goose parents can be VICIOUS!
Dear Jeanie: There is always such beauty at your Ditch. Those beautiful birds are what life should be all about. They have one thought in mind and that is to protect those who are important to them and it is so refreshing that title, politics and money have nothing to do with it. Our government is in such a state and it starts from the top. We have no leaders except a few governors that try to do the right thing and then they get slapped in the face from someone who has no merit at all. He is a fake performer who never has done a hard days work in his life, had everything handed to him on a silver platter, and who has taken advantage of all around him his whole life, including his family, and they have learned well from him. Anyone who says this is all about feeding your family is very mistaken. It is about another 4 years of a loser in the White House and I am sick of pretending it isn't..Take care and stay well..xxoJudy
What a good post. First we must have our own backs and then find those mentioned to back us up too. So thankful for those that do have our backs. Today I finally got a haircut and felt like the hair dresser did her very best to protect me.
What a wonderful, wonderful post! And the pictures are just breath-taking! We are still wearing our masks, trying to be vigilant with handwashing, and mostly staying in. It's hard but necessary for now. It's our responsibility to care for each other, especially during such a difficult time. Sure am praying for it to all be over sooner than later.
Dear Jeanie,
What a beautiful sight! The geese, goslings, and oh the baby ducks are so sweet..
Thank you so much for your visit and kind words. Yes, the lavender stems still have a scent, for how long I do not know.
Stay safe, dear friend. All is well here.
My thoughts exactly. You must have read my mind, but your beautiful photos are so much nicer than mine, dear friend.
What a very sweet and wonderful post Jeanie...
What a nice connection you made, Jeanie...We very imperfect humans have a long way to go. Agree with you on all of it...
If we all could follow the rules regarding social distancing and washing our hands, then things could go back a sort of a normal with minimal risks. High unemployment has its own drawbacks and people suffer, including from lack of access to healthcare. But that is not a reason not to take care of ourselves and others. It seems like the moral responsibility we have towards each other lacks a bit these days.
Stay safe. xx
Jeanie, your pictures are simply grand. They always are. But, as much as I enjoy your pictures, I always seem to enjoy more what you have to say. And, today is no different. I agree with your every word and would shout it from the rooftops if I could. Our state has had new cases every day since they 'opened up.' I really do not understand people at all and I also sooooo agree with your thoughts about this government. They can't go too soon.
Thanks, Jeanie for your photos and your thoughts. Have a great weekend!
Lovely bird photos Jeanie. I also hope the gov. changes soon.
What great photos! it's nice you could watch the birds for so long. I find that we haven't changed a lot of things even though the restrictions are being relaxed here. I'm still shopping online when I can, even for groceries and we only leave the house to drop the kids off at school. Even then other parents can get so close, not everyone social distances which is frustrating. That's why we are staying away from crowds as much as possible. Even with the low rates of community transmission here, it's not impossible, so it's important to take precautions.
Hope you have a nice weekend ahead of you :)
Away From Blue
You're a great story teller, and i love stories from your ditch.. my heart goes out to you and your country.. leadership has the power to protect or..... not... here in Aus, our state and federal leaders have been working together for good (on the most part) and with only 1 case in my states ICU beds, I'm ok with what they're doing. Me, im working from home because no one is expecting us to catch public transport if we dont want to. And taking time in my garden.
Animals are just so amazing, always protecting their young from danger.
I have to agree with you on certain world leaders not doing their best in these times of stress and despair. Luckily in Australia I think we've had good leadership and good decisions taken, both from the State and from the Federal government.
Keep well Jeanie.
The birds are enjoying warm sunshine.
We shall keep going together though there is distancing.
Hello, Jeanie
These parents are taking good care of their babies. I love all the geese and ducks. The babies are adorable.. Hubby and I will continue to keep our distance until we feel safe. I have never been one who liked crowded places anyway. Take care! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend! PS, thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog.
We are continuing to take all the precautions and wear our masks on the few occasions we go out. It just makes sense...something easy and EFFECTIVE that we can all do! Love these babies. It's amazing to witness things like this in nature! Happy weekend!
Have a great weekend.
Hello. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Lovely photos. Take care.
Amazing capture Jeanie! There are so many heroes working right now. I am happy to see all the same delivery drivers through this as they are all managing to stay safe. I wish is was a federal mandate that everyone has to wear a mask when out and about. It is scary seeing photos of large, close gatherings right now. We are all vulnerable to falling ill or spreading this virus.
This is such a good post, Jeanie. I agree with every word. And your photographs are wonderful, as ever.
Lovely photographs in this post.
I still think we need to take care, unfortunately it seems that too many people are not … social distancing seems to be ignored by many!
Through all of this I have tried to stay positive and take something good from each and every day.
My good wishes.
All the best Jan
Those babies are so cute.
Hello Jeanie,
I just wanted to stop back and say thank you for linking up your ditch visit post. The birds are all wonderful, love the cute babies. Great collection of photos. Thanks gain, enjoy your day. Happy weekend!
PS, thanks for leaving me comment.
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