What? A post without Harry the Heron? Well, maybe a photo or two -- but later! But first, it's that lusty month of May -- and of course no one does lust better than rabbits!
I saw my second of the season and he was quite a handsome fellow!
There's life popping down at the Ditch, too. Check out these sweet goslings with Mother Goose and Papa too!
The Duck Lady feeds them special food regularly so they come right up to her when she calls them by name. I think the little guys are getting an education!
Don't you love that downy softness?
The two babies seem to hang together quite a bit, on land...
...and in the water, too!
In another part of the pond there's a larger family and they've been out for a swim.
It's more like a peleton!
There are loads of red winged blackbirds at the ditch too.
I wonder about these two -- they were always together.
And this lovely doe looks young herself -- at least from a distance.
The trees are getting into full flowering mode.
I especially love the redbuds.
Looking good against the water!
I am going to show you this photo of Harry because a number of you have asked how far away I was from Harry when shooting photos. So, here he is.
And here is the view from when I had the camera lens pulled back. You can see Harry as that wee white dot in the trees, right about in the middle of the photo.
If you look here note the lily pads in the background, not the ones closest to the camera.
I was standing about this far from where the lily pads begin but in a slightly different angle to get this one of Harry fishing the other day. Down the hatch!
Despite our persistently rainy and cloudy weather, there are indeed nice days, days when walking past a flowering tree, gently shedding its blooms is a bit like walking in soft, pink snow.
I leave you with a lovely tree...
...and a bit of fluff!
Time to move on!
Sharing with: Saturday's Creatures / Best of the Weekend / Pink Saturday / Let's Keep in Touch
The Gypsy Caravan 2023
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
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Hello, you have wonderful new neighbors. I love the geese and cute gosling family. The deer are sweet too. Adorable bunny. Lovely blossoms. I enjoy seeing Harry the Heron. Nice views of the pond/lake? Enjoy your day and week ahead!
Oh, Jeanie, what a lovely slice of nature. That little bunny is so cute, and I love his or her little bangs!. Duckies are so sweet and Harry is still most beautiful. What a lovely way to spend time..Thanks for your visit. Everything is wonderful in the month of May..Happy Wednesday..xxoJudy
Wonderful photos, love the little goslings, they are always so sweet, and that hare is really very handsome. Hugs, Valerie
I love your ditch and all its residents. I love your lens. Your photos are wonderful. I have great rabbits in my yard too but Levi turns them into statutes with his barking.
Oh my goodness - redbud, only now? We had them at the end of February. Where are you, above the Arctic Circle? (Only kidding - I know exactly where you are.)
Your camera's zoom is amazing, as is your steady hand.
And thanks for including the redwinged blackbirds. If they come through the Midlands of SC, it's only for lunch and then onward, northward. I miss them. I occasionally hear their distinct call, but only in early spring. They represent home (upstate NY) and the people I love there, so THANKS for these special shots.
OMG. Look at that rabbit and chicks.
Great photos, Jeanie.
Such lovely wildlife! Harry is wonderful! My sister had a wounded blue heron in her field. He had injured his leg. Thankfully the conservationists came to get him and they will rehabilitate him.
Ducklings are such a beautiful color.
Awesome pix, especially the zoom for Harry!! The goslings are adorable! Lucky you!
These photos are overloaded with cuteness! The baby geese are so sweet. Your camera lens is amazing! It looks like you are enjoying all that spring has to offer. What a beautiful time of year.
I saw my first heron of the season today, though I'm sure they've been around for at least a week or two.
"I have no idea who's been in your carrot patch. Maybe it was the deer." ~ Peter Cottontail, May 9th, 2019
Spring is a wonderful time of the year, Jeanie. It is the time of rebirth for so many species, and how could that little parade of goslings not capture the hearts of everyone? Harry is obviously finding lots of food for himself and pretty soon he may have to up his game and catch enough to feed the kids too.
The goslings are adorable. Boy that ditch is an active place and full of wildlife. ANd you get a great shot with your camera for sure. Happy mid-week. Hugs-Erika
Hehe :-) You made me go "awwww!" with the first pic :-)
And the next! And the next.... and all the rest, too, so cute!
Oh, Harry really is far away! Very good jobs!
These real live nature photoes are fabulous!
I would frame that final picture. It would be great in a nursery! That rabbit is indeed handsome, with a variety of shades happening in his (her?) fur. I think it is the shape of the goslings' eyes that make them seem so endearing. I like the goslings, not a big fan of the adults! (They sometimes have an attitude). I just love all of your nature shots, Jeanie! -Jenn
You must have been elated when you saw the goslings:) Oh my:) Fun little post with all thes animals!
Spring has sprung at the ditch for sure! Glad you were able to get out there and enjoy it.
Love your spring babies walk!
It reminded me of the sweet women who used to host local children's programs when I was a kid. They were always going outside to point out the wonders of nature.
Have you thought about a curve in your professional life?!
Those downy goslings are adorable! We have not seen any babies on our walks along the creek but I keep looking for them! Mostly we see ducks and I always point them out to Paul. The weather was beautiful last week but this week is a different story. :( I'm back to wearing my winter hat as it's cold and damp and only in the 40s. Burr. We got a lot of rain yesterday. Our creek path was already flooded in parts so this is not going to help the situation! I was hoping to plant my garden this weekend but it looks like it will be wet and soggy so that will have to wait.
Beautiful pictures! Your zoom is impressive!!
Wow - such gorgeous photography. You must have a fabulous zoom lens for the Harry shot and I guess the others too!
Well you have a very long lens! I wondered because I know wildlife won't let you get that close without running off! That rabbit was a cutie. Those little goslings are adorable and I love seeing them floating with their parents on the water. Those red winged black birds are pretty if you get to see them fly over and their red wings show off!
Jeanie, you know I love your ditch visits and photography! Such beautiful shots, I especially love seeing rabbits and the redbud tree is so gorgeous!
So much cuteness, love the bunny, the little ducklings and the deer.
The Spring flowers are fabulous Jeanie.
Ahhhh! Springtime at the ditch is just lovely, lovely, lovely! From the fluff of yellow, a sweet rabbit, a young doe, and of course Harry sightings. Thanks for sharing your ditch with us.
so much wildlife! How wonderful! I'm enjoying all the new (to me) bird varieties that visit our lawn every day. :)
I always enjoy your nature posts Jeanie. The rabbits are very handsome and oh my, those little fluffy peeps. We have ponds here and I love going there but the peeps always try to follow so we have to be so careful. Your camera does a really great zoom, I know you enjoy zooming in on the striking Harry. Hope you have a great weekend with those little grands!
Looking at those birds Jeanie made me think of the birds that have built a nest in my exhaust fan hole outside my kitchen. I had to remove the broken fan and they took the opportunity to move in. Now I wake up to the sound of tweeting every morning.
Spring is looking lovely in your area! You have some great wildlife.
What a lot of lovely pictures. Gorgeous images of spring. Quite delightful. I’d be out looking and exploring every day if I had all this on my doorstep already.
Love the bunny pics . . .
Truth be known, I love each/all of your critter pics.
Finally . . . I think spring is happening.
Even a lightening, thunder booming storm last night!
I apologize for being so late getting here. It's been a busy time at my place. Your nature inspired post is wonderful and I have to admit, your camera is WOW!!!! Love the bunny, Harry, and the two black and red birds. I see far too many of those geese in my neighborhood to be wowed by them, though (grin).
I like the photos of your fluffy, feathered, and furry friends, Jeanie. Looks like spring is finally getting a foothold. Glad Rick could make Kevin’s graduation ceremony. You all look very happy!
We are having a very bunnyful year. So interesting how the population of different critters goes up and down. It's hard for me to imagine that predators make much of a difference for our suburban rabbits, but maybe there are more predators than I am aware of....
I kept saying, "Wow!" as I scrolled through your posts. Wow! That rabbit guy with the nose, unbelievably adorable! And of course the babies, how marvelous that you get to watch them. It seems to me that in city or country, in US or abroad, you observe wonders of the world...and thanks for sharing them with us!
Hello Jeanie, I am happy you joined in with this critter post. The bunny and goslings are adorable! I always enjoy the Herons too. Neat sighting of the deer. The blooms are beautiful, great photos. Thanks for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend. PS, thank also for leaving me a comment.
What wonderful neighbours! :)
I love these photos of nature - right down my alley as you can imagine. I have found that the Great Blues are quite shy and really don't like people too close, so it's good that you have such a great zoom lens.
I love baby critters and there's nothing sweeter than baby ducks! Just precious...such soft yellow color! Fun to see Harry fishing too! Enjoy your weekend sweet friend!
Lovely looking Blackbird and some very cute goslings.
Enjoyed meeting your neighbors, Jeanie, especially the youngest ones!
How adorable!
Isn't nature and spring wonderful.
Lovely seeing all of your photographs, those goslings are just so sweet.
All the best Jan
Oh! These goslings are so adorable!! Their feathers look like a fur, haha!
All these blooming flowers look amazing. I totally love a springtime! It's the same here - everywhere are colorful flowers and trees, and all these smells <3
your photos and scenery are amazing! love seeing all the trees and critters abounding!
Ahhh, a breath of walking around your pond, Jeanie!!! Love your fuzzy friends and Harry is pretty cool! Funny, my mother called my dad Harry and she was Agatha. Not sure why but was their private way to sign cards to each other. :)
Fun to see all the wildlife in your neck of the woods! Come share at Share Your Style this week (Wed.'s 6:00pm CST)!!!
Barb :)
Fabulous. So glad it's spring.
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