Life as I know it these days is pretty darned good! And busy -- in a fun way. Last weekend we enjoyed an Italian Cork Poppers. I'll have a post on that soon with some of our favorite new tastes from Italy.
Remember the tree-removal situation a few posts back? Well, they came the other day to take some pine trees at the back of my yard. They were very tall and overshaded things -- I wasn't going to miss these guys. But I wanted to be sure they didn't overtrim the bushes or my ginko. True, the bushes in back have no leaves now, but they do provide privacy from the neighbor and that ginko is special to me!
It's pretty fascinating to watch these daredevils shimmy up these enormous trees and hang there from a rope.
That tree on the left -- they cut the top and pulled it down with ropes. When it fell, you knew!
They weren't too keen on my being out there without a hard hat but I kept my distance and used the zoom!
One guy seemed to be a little freaked and another guy went up after him. He was on the ginko which isn't exactly a tree with sturdy branches on which to get a foothold!
I will say they did a good job. I have more light in the yard which means I might even be able to grow things. And they actually were the ones that brought up replacement of my hydrangea they trampled on during their last visit and asked what I would like. So far, follow through is good. But it's still too early to plant things so I don't expect to hear from them for a bit. Still, I'm happy.
In other events, another Harry sighting. Actually, word at the Ditch is that there are two herons so I'm not sure if this is the same Harry as the last post.
Does it matter? Not to me.
I have to say, he doesn't have a friendly look, does he? I wouldn't want to mess with him in a dark alley!
This one?
The alley cat has turned into a marshmallow that purrs.
And what does all this have to do with knees? Well, I was finally moving a broken antique desk out of my garage with the intent of smashing it to pieces in the driveway to fit in my trash can. One of the legs fell off as I was carrying it (and it was solid-wood heavy!) and it went down and I went down with it. Nothing broken, though I was worried about my hand when the cut finger seemed to have affected the whole hand but all is well now.
Meanwhile, the fact that I could consider doing this outdoors is due to one big factor -- Spring is coming to our world. Slow but sure.
Just ask this one! He's been on the lookout!
The Gypsy Caravan 2023
Monday, April 23, 2018
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Holy moly, you wouldn't catch me up that tree!! That's a big job. What a difference it will make. Is that a cedar waxwing in the last picture? So pretty! -Jenn
You could be seeing the same Harry every year. I read this: "The oldest great blue heron recorded was believed to be over 23 years old." And the average life span is 15.
Long live Harry the Heron!!
best... mae at
Some very pretty fellows. Especially that marshmallow. Happy Monday Jeanie
Hello, I love Harry the heron. Great shot of the Waxwing. Spring is coming, YAY! Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week!
In terms of your herons, and in keeping with your “That’s Amore” opener, let’s hope you have a Harry and a Harriet.
The trees I know have to be cut or at least kept trimmed to keep the power on. I hope you will get enough light now since the pines were cut that you will be able to grow a few veggies or flowers. Sun makes a lot of difference. Oh I would not want to get very near Harry or his look alikes, with that wing span it would be a frightening sight! I adore your sweet marshmallow and I think you are going to be seeing more of spring everyday. Soooo glad you didn’t break anything in your fall. I’m sure that was a scary feeling until you were back up and knew you wee okay. Hope you have a wonderful week...........
So glad to hear that the tree situation is taken care of. Hopefully, it will be warm soon so that you can plant your hydrangea. Have a wonderful week, sweet Jeanie.
The guy who got freaked in the tree must be new on the job. You don't usually see a tree guy who isn't fearless to a fault.
Spring has finally come to Michigan! Still have to wear a coat in my neck of the woods but there is no longer patches of snow anywhere and the red winged blackbirds are back to raid my woodpecker cake feeder. I wish I had heron like you do!
I am completely smitten with Harry! I am so glad you didn't injure yourself too badly. You must take care! I am on Baby Cambridge watch this morning. :)
Sorry to hear about your mishap with the furniture move - don't you know that's why god invented teenager neighbor boys? :P Glad you're on the mend - infections can be scary (my dad died from one following a knee replacement - he would have been walking just swell if he had been alive).
I've done some things that some consider dare-devil-y. I've skydived (twice), flew on a zip line at Penrhyn Slate Quarry in Wales (the fastest and longest zip line ride in Europe), and bungee jumped several times off of bridges. But you wouldn't catch me climbing that Ginkgo bush in your backyard! LOL That doesn't look all that fun. I hope they get hazard pay!
I don't know if I'll ever forgive you now for putting 🎶"That's amore!"🎶 into my head. I found myself singing about pizza pies when I refilled my coffee cup.
Thanks for sharing - Oh! and you might like to read one of the comments on the blog that I left up. I didn't delete it as she didn't use a lot of foul language like the other two did. LOL
Enjoy this glorious day - at least it is here in New England!
Oh, no, just two lines and - bang - I have an earworm :-)
Fond memories of Tuscany over here!
Wow, that´s a tough job I wouldn´t dare to do!
And now I picture that situation.... Harry, dark alley.... not a good idea, I agree!
Cats I like much better.
Wee, same here, I fell and thought, oh, my, I could´ve broken a foot - luckily hurts only a bit.
I love watching tree trimmers, glad you were satisfied with their work. Your cat is a real beauty. Glad Harry or his clone is back, I saw some herons yesterday, too. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie
Your watercolor is great. I love the colors and you did a great job. I love following you on all you stay busy doing.
Ouch on the fall!
The kitty marshmallow is adorable.
My Heron is much more shyer than your Harry. Can't get too close. But hey, I'm just glad to see him from afar. The Pond is melting, and I'm pleased to have many avian visitors stopping by. :)
Tree trimming is a precarious job! We had a few trimmed here and I was also amazed by the acrobatics of the trimmers. It is definitely a young man's work. Nice to see that egret and kitty. Glad you did not hurt yourself more severely moving that piece of furniture. i always warn my husband not to hurt his back by lifting heavy objects--we sometimes overestimate our strength.
Be careful moving stuff! Glad the trees are trimmed and the hydrangeas will be replaced. Love your cupcake.
I bet you cannot wait for the hot summer sun to pour though and let things grow! But I am loving the privacy you have with those shrubs too. Can't wait to see them green up. Glad to hear your fall wasn't too bad and that your hand is ok.
This Harry doesn't look like yours.. Too scraggly! I am so glad spring is finally arriving in Michigan. Weather can't decide whether to be warm or cold around here! Love to you both.
No fun falling down. What pretty bird in the last picture. Love the Harry sightings. And oh that sweet marshmallow kitty. Love the cupcake painting. What an adventure with the trees. Enjoy the light!!!
I didn't even fall yesterday, but I did something to my foot. I suspect I pulled a muscle or tendon. It's better, and I'm glad your hand is, too. The powers of recovery the body has are amazing -- if we give it a little extra rest, especially.
I'm delighted to see Harry again, but that sleeping kitty? Oh, my. There's nothing in the world better than a happy, secure pet, dreaming away. I love that description: a marshmallow that purrs. Perfect!
I HAVE one of those marshmallow purring fluffballs! My Rescue cat from the streets of Portland. Even has those little poofy little belly puffs. So sorry to hear about your fall! Hope you're all better now. I am laid low with an injury and spring has finally arrived! Hope you're out there enjoying! Xoxo
Great photos, water color too . . .
Liking Heron one. . . . and two?
Cedar Wax Wing pic is wonderful . . ,
Fluff Ball Marshmellow would turn me to mush!
Spring Thing these past few days. . . . wonderful, isn’t it!
So glad that you got your trees taken care of.
Harry or ? sure is beautiful, but I wouldn't want to get into a fight with him.
Kitty is sure pretty and looks so comfortable.
Enjoy your Spring days.
My friend Scott is that fearless, too. Height doesn't bother him, but I get nauseous if I climb more than two steps on a step stool. I enjoy watching them, too. SO glad they followed through.
Your marshmallow that purrs. LOVE the description. Lizzie is such a doll and a joy.
Harry or his clone doesn't look friendly OR happy. I don't think that's Harry.
I'm glad things are so far going smoothly as regards the tree guys and your bush replacement. Hope that continues to be the case. Did you offer to wear a hard hat if they got you one? That's what I'd have told them, "Get me one, and I'll wear it."
Ouch! Sorry to hear you got hurt... Sounds like it was painful. Glad you weren't seriously hurt though... Hope you're all healed from it soon.
I admire those people who wash windows on skyscrapers or climb trees to cut them...very scary!
Hope all is well with you after your fall Jeanie.
Uh-Oh!!--sorry to hear that you had an "oooooops" trying to move the desk! Hope you're ok by now, you hurt a hand? Love the pictures of the birds and you're right, the one doesn't look too happy does he? Maybe he's mad that spring is taking so long to arrive? LOL I dont' see how those men climb up trees like that!!??
Sweet Sppring is gently treading into our area too..I don't mind when those trees go..I am happy you will have more light.It's great for the soul:)Have a good week!Cute HB cupcake!
They have super tall pine trees at my daughter's house and they have had many taken down with more to go. They are so dangerous in high winds. Love the cat photos!! Annie is a purring marshmallow also!
I hope you get to plant things soon. I love the Lizzie pictures! She's so adorable!
I'm glad you weren't heard moving the desk!
Glad to hear you're okay after moving the furniture. I always get someone to help me because I know I'll get myself into a mess otherwise. That kitty is adorable.
I’m glad the tree trimming went well and that it seems like they will follow through on replacing what they damaged. More light will be great for growing things!
Love the Lizzie photos!!
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