A little bird told me it was time to come up with another post!
I've been juggling things around the house and decided to rearrange the living room furniture. (And what a mess when moving the couch from against the wall. Lizzie has a whole new menagerie of cat toys that were underneath that sofa!) I've also been reading (up to book 24 now!) and painting, too! I need to do a wrap up one of these days!
My good friends Linda and Larry Stone were in town last weekend. Lin used to be my theatre teacher in high school and after graduation we formed a wonderful friendship of peers. Larry just received an award from Michigan State so we're attended the awards with them. (By the way, take a look at this display the caterers did with those IKEA modules. They had different snacks on each but what I liked was the baskets on the end. This would be a great idea for a craft room or art studio.)
On Friday we went to visit MSU's theatre scene shop. When both Larry and I worked on shows, he in the '60s, I in the '70s, we were dealing with a very small, tight construction area, poorly ventilated and lit. There's a new shop now and we really enjoyed seeing what these students can work with. All kinds of equipment...
...and room to paint! Some of the scene painting class projects were in progress and that was extra fun for me to see.
When I was in school, it was anything but state of the art. Now, it is that and more! For me it was extra fun to see some of the scene painting projects students are still working on. Plus, they've really emphasized the safety elements. That's our chair, Kirk Domer with me and Larry. Two of the best guys I know!
The awards, of course, were fun. They were at my old TV station and it was fun to see my colleague Ken Merley's EMMY-winning set for the station's political show, "Off the Record." Larry and all the others gave great speeches.
It was a fun event but even more fun was breakfast with Lin and Larry, their son Bob and his family, Jennifer, Kate and Ben. I love these people!
The weekend included meeting up with another blogger -- but this time it was Rick's blog friend, although I have read and admire the writing of George the Cyclist very much. George has cycled all over the world and wild-camps most of the time, carrying everything on the back of his bike. He was a real inspiration for Rick's bike hikes! He's also a serious film goer (who cycles to Cannes every year, among other festivals) so there was movie talk, too. Rick made his wonderful buccatini pasta recipe and I offered up salad and dessert. Dessert was Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches. (Cookie recipe on package made large; big scoop of French vanilla and rolled in nuts!) Super easy and really good! Rick, George, a couple other cycling friends and I saw enjoyed loads of good conversation!
The weekend brought enough rain to float an ark -- and ice too. I call weather like this "basement water watch." (No problems!) But there are signs of spring -- not many but you grab them when you can. Mini-daffodils in the yard...
...bigger ones from the market.
And frozen ones from our ice storm.
Yes, more snow and ice. To my friends in snowy and icy climes, I feel your pain.
So do the birds!
And I have to say, they've been packing away the food lately.
Although, maybe this guy is partly to blame. I heard if you mix cayenne pepper with your bird seed it will keep the squirrels from eating it and not affect the birds. Half of that premise is right -- the birds are fine. The squirrels seem to have genetically mutated to take cayenne with a grain of salt. Or pepper, as the case may be.
By the way, my blog buddy Tristan Robinson Blakeman (Enchanted Revelries) is retiring and closing out his art design business -- and while doing so selling off some fabulous mixed media supplies on his Ebay page HERE. This is a great opportunity to get a good deal on supplies -- many of which are unused and looking for a good home. I'm sorely tempted...!
I leave you with loads of thanks to those of you who went over to Modern Creative Life to check out the link I included in my last post titled Meeting My Old Self in the Photo Albums and leaving heartfelt comments there as well as on the Gypsy post. Many of us had different versions of a shared experience and the comments and some of your follow-up emails really touched me. I'm behind in replying to comments on Gypsy posts (if I have your email address) but they are so very much appreciated. And I replied at Modern Creative Life on the posts there. Thank you.
The Gypsy Caravan 2023
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Aw! Looks like good times with good friends! Love the photos (and your gorgeous paintings) and learning new things about you. Scrolled down to read your Gypsy post and loved your thoughts and sweet photos. We really are hard on ourselves, aren't we? And when we look back we can see how truly beautiful life really is. xo Karen
Those paintings are amazing, especially the storm!
Thanks for giving a helping hand to the birds. We have had truly awful weather here too - pretty much the whole weekend was an ice storm and when access to their natural food sources is inhibited they really do have a hard time.
Hi Jeanie. All your paintings look so pretty. Your poor daffodils in the ice storm. I feel foolish complaining about our weather. We have nothing like that. Nevertheless, I feel just like that sweet bunny statue. We have so many squirrels around here and I do love to watch them. I don't feed birds for that reason but we do have water out for them and they take advantage of the fountain.Your ice-cream cookie sandwiches look delicious..Happy Wednesday..xxoJudy
Oh Jeanie, what a great post. Love all the places and things you have been doing.
Sounds like you and Rick had a wonderful time with friends.
Hoping that your Spring arrives soon. I must say we did not a winter here, January was very HOT so most of the roses and flowers are really confused. I have already had my first bloom of roses when I was in the hospital, but they were hanging on till I got home to 96 degrees. They ere stunning.
Just waiting to get approval for a test to determine what type of surgery I will be having. So say a prayer that it is the easy one and not the one where they crack you open.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Hugs dear friend,
WHat a great way to pass the still-dreary days of leftover winter, Jeanie. Looks like great meetups and the meal Rick & you made sounds yummy. We had 1.5" rain I guess when you had the ice storms. Maybe spring next week....
You have been busy! I'm so glad you got together with some of your favourite people and had an awesome meal and visit. Those cookies look so delicious (drool). I'm sorry the ice storm passed through where you live. I know many travellers were delayed heading to eastern Canada due to ice storms that way. I love your cheery daffodils in the vase. Too bad the ones in the garden were destroyed.
The birds certainly need a bit of help at present. We got freezing rain here, but flowers aren't up yet, fortunately.
Lizzie must be glad to see the toys out from under the couch. Now she can start batting them under there again.
Your birds and blooms are still weathering the storms! We got more snow last night and the forecast is for another storm over 2-3 days end of week. Luckily, Bob and I leave for the beach on Monday. You sound busy with friends and creative pursuits. I wish you some spring weather!
Jeanie, I love the paintings. It is so nice to have good times with our dear friends. Makes up for nasty weather. I can see you are having the same weather we are. Blessings, think spring ! xoxo, Susie
What a lovely weekend.
Hope the ice and snow are gone and you're enjoying sunshine.
I'd kill for those ice cream sandwiches and daffodils. I'm SO sick of winter! Glad you are finding so many fun things to do.
You have been one busy woman! Loving the trip around with you and seeing all you saw and doing all you did. Loving that work space for painting....oh my to have that room.
No wonder why you haven't had time to blog. You've been having some fun. :) I know about the ice, then rain, and even a little bit of snow. No true spring for us yet...maybe next week when I am gone, and if I am lucky it will last...not just a few days. Hope the sun comes out for you and stays out too-with some warmth. ugs-Erika
Your watercolor paintings are gorgeous. Sounds like you have had lots of fun with your friends, too. How nice you got to be at the awards ceremony.
I've always wanted those IKEA cubes, but since there is no IKEA within a 1000 miles of me, I could never pay for shipping. But that new studio for the students to paint in is wonderful. It looks like there is a lot of talent there.
Yes, I bought a container of cayenne to keep the squirrels away and it did no good. But I am not sure that's a bad thing, since I like squirrels as much as I like the birds.
I went to your blog buddies Ebay page, but all the items were a bit too pricey for me. I'm the gal whose annual budget is $60.00, so I'd have to go about six years before I could buy anything else (grin).
Loved this post and really always enjoy your lovely photos.
Jeanie, what wonderful events and friendships that you enjoyed! I certainly hope spring comes to Michigan soon. Enough is enough, the pitiful frozen daffodils! The chocolate chips ice cream sandwiches look fabulous!
You evidently had lots of fun with your friends. Glad you were able to meet up and enjoy so much fun together. Those ice cream cookies look soooooo good! But I am sorry to see all the ice and frozen daffodils, so sad at this time of year. Hope it soon warms up for you. Hugs, Valerie
You have really been busy Jeanie. From where do you get your energy, please tell me the secret. It is always nice to change furniture from time to time, but as you say, one never knows what to find underneath. You have so many talents. You were also playing theatre, on top of your other artistic talents. Makes for a good life.
Busy girl! I invariably come away smiling from your posts, Jeanie - they just seem full of smiles, somehow. It must be your creative talent. You've got some great shots in there too - loved the one of the daffs on ice!
The toys from under the sofa sure made me grin big!
When I was in school I was into crafting, too. Painting, clay... Wonder if it will come back. At uni we had figure drawing and I loved it!
Sounds like you had loads of fun and, awww the daffoldils!
Your squirrels are tough - and so cute!
Hope spring is on the way to you very soon! Sunny and warm here today!
These are the things that sweet life is made of, Jeanie! I like hearing about yours. ;)
Enjoyed . . .
If you, two hours east of us, have daffies in bloom, (some frozen) . . .
you are closer to what I consider spring than we are.
Seeing your “yellow” gave me some hope.
Isn’t it wonderful to connect with friends and freshen up those memory stories
I need a painting studio . . . with a window!
I liked the IKEA piece!
Onward to sixty degrees . . . I am counting on it!
Happy Days Are Here Again . . . hopefully . . .
Good times with friends, and I see you enjoyed meeting a blogger.
I met up with Marianne and Stef in Amsterdam and Marianne mentioned she's met you, how interesting.
The mini daffodils are so sweet.
The Ikea modules reminded me of the ikea units used at my niece's wedding (that I attended 2 weeks ago) where the cheeses and desserts were displayed.
Great photos - I particularly love the paintings (I miss our old watercolor challenges). I hope spring comes to Michigan soon.
You are one busy lady, Jeanie!! Those ice cream sandwiches look positively delish. What blogger did you meet? It looks like you shared some good times with some good friends. Enjoy your weekend.
What a lovely and nourishing circle of friends and acquaintances! Each one of them possess such an array of talent and creativity-just like you and Rick. I can just imagine the stimulating conversations and camaraderie.
Spring is on it's way to you and the scenery is always gorgeous.
(Before you put up those paints, let's get a couple more of my craft photos finished...I got so side-tracked)
How nice all these reunions and new meetings..art..and yours:) Looks like everything is off to a nice start for when Spring really arrives:)
Hello, Spring is slow to arrive. I love your daffies and all the birds. You are keeping busy! Meeting up with good friends is always a fun time. I would like the IkEA modules in my closet. The ice cream sandwiches look delicious, YUM! Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and weekend!
Sounds like you had a lovely time visiting with friends. Sorry the ice storm killed some of the flowers. That's happening a lot to people this year. Glad the rain stayed out of your basement so far though.
Jeanie, you’ve been one busy gal lately. We’ve been doing some of the same, purging and organizing. Looks like fun meeting up with old friends and your dinner you and Rick prepared sounds delicious. Love those cookie sandwiches, I need to make a note about them to make for my grandson. Love your sweet daffodils, always first here but mine came in February and are long gone. We have had our share of rain too, glad your basement was okay. Hope you enjoy a great weekend........
You have such a full life. It makes me smile to see you out with friends and enjoying life! I think family time for me is the best and I am going to make time for some friends as I miss them. It's hard when I'm a full time caretaker for my Mom, but I need some time for me as my kids keep reminding me. I did some watercolor painting with Scout who just turned 3 and it was fun.
Well I just can't get past your artwork -- that little dog . . . is that yours?? Looks like a Cocker Spaniel?? You are so talented!! And YOUR spring certainly looks like OUR spring haha!
Love your paintings - so full of love for life.
Well, maybe the squirrels are just too hungry to worry about a little spice in their life! But I'm glad you're helping the birds, and the squirrels, too. I've heard amazing ice and snow stories from up that way, including some real horror stories about people who couldn't go anywhere because of solid ice all over their cars, the streets, and so on. Enough! I say. You people deserve some spring!
And by the way -- you thought you could slip those paintings past me, did you? Me and Miss Dixie both think they're wonderful!
What a good job you have been busy as nature continues with her petulant winter, those little birds would be chuffed to find the feeders still full, with or without cayenne pepper. Loved the comment about the squirrels, I couldn't help but think bless them!
Here's to you coming off basement flood watch, daffs in the sunshine, lots more fun visits with friends - it was great to take the trip down memory lane with you at MSU.
Wren x
You've been really busy and obviously had a great time. It's been such a long winter for you. Finally some signs of spring. I hope you'll get some warmer temperatures soon.
I've never had an ice cream sandwich. Looks yummy!
Have a lovely weekend, Jeanie!
Yes, good friends are the very best. So happy you had time to spend with some in the past days. Oh, the mini-daffodils are the first and soon you will see more. Hoping the ice and cold goes away and spring officially arrives. The toll house cookie sandwiches look so tempting and I am trying so hard not to bake. Have a great weekend.
Dearest Jeanie, good morning! I'm a bit late here, but delighted to see you! Like you, we've had to endure so much snow and cold weather, but it looks as if spring is warming up for a command performance, soon. Those critters, I tell ya, they are itching to get started! There is a robin who has been coming to sit on one of the branches of our tree and sings every morning, and it's as if she's saying, "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE! I have eggs to lay, but nowhere to build a nest!" And those squirrels....nothing stops them! And the rabbits. Bless their little hungry hearts, but they have eating every arbor vitae tree at its base!
Glad to see you are on a mission to start off spring with a spring in your step!
Having fun with old friends is one of the greatest joys of life. Love the heron, art, and even frozen daffodils. Have a great weekend.
We’ve had horrible weather lately, too. Things changed this week and it’s been beautiful and sunny. We still have quite a bit of snow in our backyard as it’s shaded back there but hopefully it’s gone soon.
The meal you guys made for Rick’s blog friend sounded so good. Those cookie sandwiches look especially good!!
I love how much time you spend with friends, and how many old friends you seem to have. You come across as a very happy, positive person; maybe your friendships contribute to that. Anyway, I just love reading about your adventures with friends and how you've kept in touch with so many people over the years.
Daffodils are such tough little flowers. Ours survived the crazy up and down temperatures. I hope yours did too.
Jeanie those last few photos are gorgeous. The squirrel and the ice on that whatever it was... ahhh... truly magical.
This is a test! From me!
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