Sunday, April 13, 2014

Harry's Back!

It appears that spring has come -- bit by bit -- to our part of the world. 
I don't have photos of the daffs that are beginning to bloom, 
but I've enjoyed my share of neighborhood walks. 
And on occasion, someone is watching!

Even without the leaves that will be here soon enough, the Ditch is still lovely,
 especially on a sunny day.


Harry is back. My first sighting was in mid-March when there was 
still ice on part of the pond. Then he went to ground for a bit.
 But he's back!

He seems to pose. I wish he'd pose a bit closer to my max zoom length!


And, it would appear that there is a Mrs. Harry, too. 
At least there is another heron -- and she seems to be nesting!

The people are out -- families walking the ditch...

...and couples, taking a break, enjoying the ducks.

The ducks, I fear, are a bit camera shy this year!

It doesn't matter. I'll keep enjoying those walks.

And the companions I encounter along the way!


anno said...

So good to see Harry! And good to see other people out enjoying this weather, too -- might as well enjoy it while it lasts, eh? Beautiful pictures! Hope you've had a lovely weekend!

anno said...
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Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

HARRY DARLIN'! NIce to have ya back! teehee...we have one too that shows up just about this time! Jeanie dear, enjoy your walks! We too are just barely getting the green grass back, but we have such a long way to go to see any color. But we will both get there! Happy day, Anita

Tracy said...

Spring... everything/everyone comes back in spring! It's so good to see familiar faces after the winter, especially from nature. :o9 Happy Week, Jeanie ((HUGS))

must love junk said...

OH, Harry and his mate are beautiful! Love the kitty, too :)

I need orange said...

It was a great weekend to be out for a walk, wasn't it? :-)

The French Hutch said...

How nice there is a Mrs. Harry this spring. You may see baby herons soon. What a wonderful place for taking walks and enjoying the beginning of new life. I love this time of year, watching for new buds on trees and sprouts of new blooms coming out. Glorious!
Great photos Jeanie...............Enjoy your walks.


Jeanie said...

It is very good to see you and your companions out enjoying the return of spring to your area. Our return to spring got dampened by about 5 inches of snow yesterday but the sun is shining today so I am ever hopeful.

Joanne Huffman said...

Someday, I'd like to bring my camera and walk the ditch with you.

Anonymous said...

You seem to find beauty no matter where you go. Great!

Arti said...

Your placid pond looks lovely, no wonder Harry and co. come back year after year. Great shots of the heron. Is this place close to your home? I can see similarity with my woods. Glad we're sharing the spring despite hundreds of miles apart.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

You have beautiful companions on your walks! Wonder what the kitty is thinking? And Harry is lovely. I don't think I've ever seen a heron in "real life." Would love to.

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

What a lovely walk Jeanie... And a Mrs. for Harry.
Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos.

Annie Jeffries said...

I would LOVE to see some baby Harrys. We should be so lucky.

Bella Rum said...

Oh, Harry! Welcome back. I wonder if he's the father. I think so. I'm so glad spring is here. What a winter.

PeterParis said...

Spring is later over there and later than usuaul I imagine. Here it's the contrary. Much better weather than when you visited Paris last!

Jennifer Richardson said...

so glad you're no longer in the freeze:)
seems like once the big bloom
starts, the changes each day
are enormous.
keep walking and enjoying and taking it all in
-somehow it seems to rush through
the sweet parts and get right into the humidity and swelter of
summer around here.
wishing you big joy,

Barb said...

Harry has a Missus! I'm liking that your water doesn't have ice and some green is showing - surely it must be spring! (Not here though - another 15" overnight.) I love the new Header.

Marilyn Miller said...

Welcome back Mr. Harry, congratulations on adding a Mrs. Harry. Now we will be waiting for little ones.
Oh I do love seeing your walking companions.

shoreacres said...

When you walk, look up for Harry & Mrs. Harry's nest. They often build loose nests of sticks up in the trees. It would be wonderful to catch them at it. I've never found a nest, worse luck. Oh, well. There's always hope in this new season!

Mae Travels said...

I hope winter doesn't come back for quite a while!

Sally Wessely said...

This so perfectly captures the beginning days of spring. So Henry may be a father soon? That will be exciting. I loved seeing all those out enjoying the sunshine, the wildlife, and the beginnings of spring. It is a time to rejoice.

Lisa's Yarns said...

Yea! I am glad that Harry is back and how fun that he has a companion this time around! I am glad that spring has sprung in your neck of the woods as I know it's been a long and bitter winter!

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