Sunday, July 14, 2013

Vacation Journal

Yes, I arrived at the lake for vacation! And yes, someone was there before me.
Rick (who had ridden his bike up north over two days) and I spent our first day and a half cleaning up squirrel poop and more.

The little rascal ate a pillow, blanket, mattress pad and every piece of kleenex in the house -- and what it didn't eat, it left behind!
Rick was very tired. But he had a sweet bed buddy to purr him to sleep for his nap!
One of our favorite moments was the arrival of Greg! It was a joy to have him around for a bit!
We truly let go while we were there. Having Greg around to watch paint (I know -- but it's fascinating) and learn about his new projects was an unexpected bonus.
At night, he and Rick explored some guitar music and Greg introduced Rick to Spotify!
He looked very dapper as he took his farewell!
Of course, Lizzie had some dislocation issues.
She was a great traveler, nary a peep from her cat carrier. But upon arrival, she was relatively anti-social.
Guess the trip wore her out, too!
For me, it was fun just to loaf!
I read three books (some of which will be reviewed here or on Chopsticks and String) and chilled out. Sometimes reading in the sun, sometimes the shade, sometimes the porch, sometimes in bed. Didn't matter -- it was nice to read and not feel guilty about doing something else.
Yes, everything tastes better on the grill -- especially when you are sharing it with your family! It was fun to have my cousins there, and with them, Herbie, dog extraordinare! He and Lizzie got on fine. It shocked us all.
It was fun sharing birthday dinner, complete with a newly painted table (accomplishment -- I've been eyeing that white metal table too long. Here it is covered up, but you can see its pretty blue legs!)
Rick did most of the cooking on this trip, but I helped!
And a trip to the farm market yielded great fruit.
We enjoyed fireworks on July 6 (go figure -- guess they were waiting for a Saturday.)
As always, they were just lovely.
There were bike rides for Rick.
Beautiful sunsets.
Pretty tables.
And bad news -- at the end of the trip we discovered how our little friend had entered the house.
We'd long had this covered by a plank with a tarp (and I do mean LONG had it covered). Now we have to figure out how to fix it.
And I was doing so well with the home equity loan payoff!


Beth said...

Oh Jeanie! I always enjoy seeing your adventures at your Cottage on the lake! And how cool your water coloring is of journalimg the fun you had! Well, the squirrel clean up didnt look too fun though, ha ha. I miss your stories and I miss blogging. I have had a busy summer helping my Mom transition into going to Assisted Living in August. And getting her house ready to list on the market. But I am hoping by next summer I can have some fun too. Your still in my thoughts and prayers for your heath to improve. Again, thanks for sharing the fun!!!

Lisa's Yarns said...

I love how your captured your vacation with artwork! You are so talented, Jeanie! It sounds and looks like a wonderful time (well, except for the squirrel clean up - what a mess!). I bet that week there was SO good for your soul. I am going to be at my parents lake home the first weekend in August and hope my weekend there is much the same - lots of reading and relaxing and good eating!!

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

Your artistic journal is wonderful, Jeanie! Despite the squirrel's intrusions, it looks and sounds like a perfect vacation!

Joanne Huffman said...

Your stay at the lake looks wonderful - except for the squirrel damage. I love your journal!

Jeanie said...

I'm glad that even cleaning up after an industrious little squirrel didn't spoil your week. I am so glad you had such a good and restful time. Your illustrations are really fabulous.

anno said...

Ugh... squirrels and humans have very different habits and very different habitats and ne'er the twain should mix! At least it was a memorable start to your vacation?

Glad to hear that you swung some long-overdue rest and relaxation as well. Your illustrations are completely charming, totally swoon-inducing, and I sure hope to see more.

Beth M. said...

I enjoyed your original watercolor segues probably as much as you enjoyed loafing in the lake-ness of your adventure. So lovely!!

Mae Travels said...

Your watercolors remind me of Maira Kalman -- if you don't know her work, please take a look. She does wonders by making a series of sketches, sometimes with photos. I love her -- and your work is really looking good too.

Nancy/BLissed-Out Grandma said...

Dratted squirrels - I know how big a mess they can make. But I love your drawings and your photos, and the spirit of rest and renewal captured in this post.

Janet said...

Other than the squirrel issue it looks like you had a fun vacation. I like your drawings and lettering on the journal pages, especially the one of you reading on the couch. So cute!

beth said...

can i just say that "dapper greg"...omg those eyes !!!!

~*~Patty S said...

that rascal really had a romping good time before you returned...sorry you had to deal with all of that!

looks like such a lovely and relaxing place...the vase of Sweetpeas is so very beautiful Jeanie!

Hope you get to read lots more books and play with your paints and enjoy lots of things that delight you and feed your spirit!

Happy July!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an almost perfect vacation. Except, of course, for the brat that decided to winter in your home rather than his. Talk about lazy!!! To prevent his returning, at least by the same spot I have heard that stuffing the hole with steel wool will prevent his re-entry. I am looking forward to seeing you soon. Love you, Kitty

skiourophile said...

Wow, I didn't realise squirrels could do that - what an irritating start to your holiday - but it looked like it quickly got a lot better!

Tracy said...

LOVE these scenes from your vacation time, Jeanie--both in photo and in paint! (I like the idea of painted vacation journal--that inspires!) Oh, but so sorry your woodland friend created so much damage... Hope it won't be too much trouble to fix. So lovely Greg was with you some of the time, and friends too. Such happy days. :o) ((HUGS)) P.S. We couldn't live without Spotify now... We do almost all our music listening via the service now!

Cottage and Broome said...

Hey Jeanie, Those little red squirrels can be evil! That also happened to someone we knew and they nested in the mattress over the winter!!! Glad we had such great weather while you were up it really has been nice since May with little rain. Love the watercolors in your post just wonderful!!! And yes I do love Johnson Brothers dishes, always a favorite. Have a great week, Laura

My Grama's Soul said...

Oh Jeanie....looks like everyone had a GREAT TIME......including the "little critter" what had a banquet all by himself!!! LOL



Marilyn Miller said...

Greg is quite handsome for sure.
And your little Cosette getting along with a dog, how special. Fun to see her tunneled under the covers.
Most of all enjoyed that you had a laid back time and got to play with watercolors and read.

Linda Jo said...

What fun! I do hope you get that squirrel entrance closed!!! How dreadful! Can't believe you read 3 books!!!! Good for you! I never read anymore!

Joanna Jenkins said...

Stopping by from Bet's/Be Yourself Everyone Else is Taken and I'm so glad I did. What a beautiful blog you have. I'm enjoying looking around and will definitely be back.

I need orange said...

Sounds like a perfect time at the lake. Well, aside from the squirrel..... :-)

Thank you for sharing it with us.

The Artful Diva said...

That squirrel is a real stinker!

Jenny Woolf said...

Ah, sounds as if you had a really fine chill out time, Jeanie. Idyllic with loved ones and great food and by the looks of it, good weather. I think just what you needed! Except for your "little friend." What a monster! I hope you find an inexpensive solution!

O-town Ramblings said...

I love your water color journal! What a great way to capture the memories.

You and I enjoy similar "chilling out" styles. Reading all day in relaxing surroundings is heaven to me. It's been too long since I've had vacation time in a house by a lake. My ex-husband's family had a nice vactation home on the shore of Bear Lake, Idaho. It's one of the very few things I miss from that marriage. :0

I'm glad you had a nice, relaxing time. You definitely deserve it.

Arti said...

Oh the hazards of lakeside living and being close to nature. You've chronicled your experience in an artistic and delightful style. Love those artsy narratives and captions. I'm always amazed how you can take photos of the fireworks. How did you do it?

shoreacres said...

Are you absolutely certain a squirrel did that damage? It looks to me more like a raccoon might have been the initial culprit, and then the squirrel took advantage of the open door. In my experience, squirrels tend to chew to get in, while raccoons tear things to pieces. But of course - it was a yankee squirrel, so they may behave differently!

Love the artwork, love the cornbread, love all the smiles. I'm so glad it was such a wonderful time.

Sally Wessely said...

Oh how I wish I had those gifts that you have to be able to create such beautiful journal memories. This was truly priceless.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

What a delightful time at the lake! Your watercolors take on the calm air of relaxation and are a delightful way to document your time away. Pretty tables, gorgeous sunsets, and one very naughty guest!!


Annie Jeffries said...

From Paris to the cottage on the lake. Oh how I have traveled this morning and loving every moment of it.

And yeah, I was wondering about that squirrel and how he/she got in. Bad news at the end but at least you know. I vote for putting up flashing around the corner of the house and throwing a layer of paint over it until you can do a proper fix. At least it will keep the little rascal(s) out.

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